Yay or Nay?
unfortunately, never had the chance to play it (and played wow instead) =\ 'cos they like opened english and italian servers after many years if I remember well..
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I'm mixed as well. I think it depends how well the game gives you freedom and keeps the engagement up -- JRPGs can get mindlessly grindy fast, but I had heaps'a fun with Persona and Fire Emblem. At the same time, I can't get into a Pokemon game for the life of me. Doesn't help that I'm impatient XD
If it's turn-based where you can actually move your character (strategic positioning, cover and terrain etc.), I'm far more likely to enjoy it, I think.
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It depends on the game and how the turns system is integrated into the gameplay, Frozen Synapse Prime from my experience is really enjoyable especially in multiplayer, and it runs a real time replay at the end to show how the turns all added up.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is also a good example of a game with really good turn based combat.
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Depends on the game I guess. They aren’t really my cup of tea, but I was definitely obsessed with Pokémon as a kid and enjoyed the heck out of the original Fallout games too if those count :P
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Strategy hybrids like the Total War series which mix real-time with turn-based, are truly the best of both worlds. That being said, I'm a fan of "purebreeds" as well. It's not like I'd ever shy away from an RTS or TBS, since these are the genres which define PC gaming.
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Really depends on the game. There are great turn based strategy and RPG games, though it is rare that these games manage to make turn based a rich and deep experience, which can compensate for the repetitive and time consuming nature of turn based games.
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it depends on the game. There are very well-implemented turn-based games, and very badly implemented turn-based games. There are very well-implemented real-time games, and badly implemented real-time games.
May as well ask mouse & keyboard versus controller. It really depends on the game, and the player
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Tactical, turn-based strategy RPG - that's my definition of a perfect game!
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I'm fine with both. Depends on how "deep" the strategy is I guess. So far while playing Dragon Age and Pillars of Eternity games I enjoyed the option of pausing to position everything and then letting it play out, maybe fixing a thing or two by pausing again later. It saves me a bunch of time when I know I can trust the AI. But sometime it's also satisfying knowing you've won just because of the good strategy choices you've made yourself.
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I come from a background of early video gaming like the C64 and the NES and pen and paper roleplaying games, so for me it's natural to feel the excitement of battle even if a single action takes forever to actually decide on and set up. I can still feel the rush of a close miss or that magic hit that moves you from a loss to a probable win.
Also I have some attention problems so it's real nice if I can get distracted making comments on Steamgifts in the middle of a game and not be total meatpaste when I tab back to the game because I didn't remember to pause.
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Well, the nice thing about turn-based games is that I can take my time deciding what I think about them.
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I like both turn-based and real time. But I think I prefer turn-base a bit more, so I can take all the time I want to sip my beverage and think my strategy.
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I prefer turn-based games, because they give me the much needed time to think about the next move instead of just having to react.
There's also the "Active Time Battle" system from Final Fantasy 7, which tried to combine both systems.
The battles may be turn-based in theory, but you don't have unlimited time to react and if you take too long, things will happen.
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Love 'em!
Real time strategy isn't my cup of tea but turn based so much more.
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For m, it depends on the mood. But for tactics/strategy I tend to prefer turn-based over real-time.
For RPGs, well, either they should have a relatively deep combat system (like Shadowrun Returns and it's sequels) or you should be able to move through the turns relatively quick.
Otherwise I preter realtime combat in my RPGs.
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Both have their merits, but I am generally a real time type of person. While I did love XCOM: Enemy Unknown, I hated the slow pace of Space Hulk: Ascension, among other things. I really liked Warlock - Master of the Arcane, however I've only played 1 mission. The problem was that mission has lasted over 24 hours! I just spent so much time thinking and over analyzing that it just take away from the game sometimes. I grew up on Warcraft, StarCraft and the like and that is what I am used to and enjoy. Also love a good FPS-RPG like System Shock 2.
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To me, turnbased can be a bit hit or miss. Generally, I find that turnbased games where you've got a lot of units that you have detailed control over each tend to end up a bit tedious. Turnbased games with lengthy animations can also very easily get annoying/tedious. But few units that you've got a lot of control over (think Jagged Alliance 2), or where you've got fast animations (Panzer Corps) are usually my cup of tea.
Real time tends to be a bit more consistent for me.
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For me, turn based combat isn't in and of itself bad, but my experience with JRPGs has found that they're either too easy or more reliant on luck (e.g. sudden reinforcements, percent chances, or which attack an enemy randomly decides to use) as opposed to tactics. If Advance Wars didn't have fog of war missions, it might just be my gold standard for doing turn-based combat well (though I admit I haven't played that game in a while).
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As a senseless buttonsmasher, my instinct is to say nay. We go into battle with the tactic of beating the enemy harder than they can beat us, we do not bother with such things as "strategy" or "intelligence."
Though admittedly there have been some instances where turn-based games have been enjoyable, just would make me think twice before touching a game that is one.
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Why not both? Like Jagged Alliance 2 - Gold Pack: https://store.steampowered.com/app/12370/
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Well, the title says it all. I have mixed feelings because on one side it gives you more time to think the perfect move to do, or to manage your characters but on the other side it feels anticlimactic in the middle of the fight have the opponents face each other like inanimate objects for an indeterminate time. In most JRPG's it looks kinda dumb but in other games like XCOM it doesn't bother me at all. What are your thoughts?
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