Well, the title says it all. I have mixed feelings because on one side it gives you more time to think the perfect move to do, or to manage your characters but on the other side it feels anticlimactic in the middle of the fight have the opponents face each other like inanimate objects for an indeterminate time. In most JRPG's it looks kinda dumb but in other games like XCOM it doesn't bother me at all. What are your thoughts?

6 years ago

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Yay or Nay?

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I enjoy the ability to walk away from the game for an hour or so, right in the middle of combat.

6 years ago

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My first and only turn based game is the Civilization series, I got the 6 floppy disk set as a gift and it was amazing how much I learned from micro managing pixels. From the pros / cons of each government to how to the tech-tree paths. Played 2, 3 and 4. Still upset that I didn't get the entire collection from last years HB Civ bundle

6 years ago

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I love them, because I can go take a piss whenever I want. -_-
(Crude but true)

6 years ago

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I like turn-based games (kind of wishing that FF7 Remake will still use turn-based system), but I think turn-based games is really slow (if not) evolving. I haven't play many turn-based games today, but if I have to choose a game with the best turn-based system both visual and gameplay I choose Grandia 3. In my opinion Grandia 3 is going the right direction evolving turn-based game. But many turn-based games stay with traditional enemy row vs heroes row even to this day kind of make me sad.
My top 3 favorite turn-based games, The Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy Tactics and Grandia 3. Oh when I talk about turn-based games I mean JRPG turn-based games. I haven't play any civ games or much of card-based turn-based games.

6 years ago

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I loved them years ago. Only like them now. :)

6 years ago

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Never really liked any turn-based games. I grew up with point-and-click adventure games but never got into turn based. Fallout never interested me, even when I would sit and watch my friend play endlessly for hours. Always ignored them in steam.

Now, I won SteamWorld Heist here because I grew up and SteamWorld Dig was exceptionally fun. The whole turn based game play changed my perception and I really enjoyed how it played out. Now, I'm going back 20 years to play the original Fallout.

Bottom line, I used to hate turn based, but now I have repented my ways and can now hopefully enjoy them without being so ignorant!

6 years ago

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I like 'em. Played things like Battle Isle and History Line back in the day. Great games! Since those usually cost a lot of time I don't play them too often anymore, though. As an example, I bought Battletech and still didn't come around to trying it out. :/

6 years ago

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Turns in a JRPG are only REPRESENTING the actual fight.
Of course, they're not stupidly waiting in line their turn to strike.

6 years ago

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I grew up with games like XCOM , Fallout, Master of Magic and whatnot, for me turn-based games are simply relaxing and a good way to take the edge of the day, so I'm very fond of them... doesn't mean though I don't enjoy fast paced games like Quake or even Battlefield (once in a while ;>) - everything has its place and its time. For some reason, I never really got into JRPG's, last game with that style of combat I've played was Earthlock, which I enjoyed for what it is - a nice, chill story with relaxing gameplay... I don't know, tbh it's either I like the game or not, I don't have any particular preference to any genre whatsoever.

6 years ago

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