Too many variables and too much desired control on your part there. Not realistic. Myriad reasons why a player might not be playing a game. I can barely get through a game a month on my schedule, but that doesn't mean I don't want to play the games I've won (and many others in my backlog).
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Yep, exactly.
And as far as my giveaways go, all I do is check to ensure the game has been added to their library...after that, I never check to see if they've played it or not. None of my business, frankly.
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I don't mind too much myself, as I know I'm not perfect at that myself, for several reasons.
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Yeah, my previous PC couldn't even run the bundle games that were my first win.
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+1 Sometimes I really want to play the game but my computer just can't handle it :(
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"The game isn't as interesting as I had hoped (which can happen no matter how much research you do)"
Playing the game and finishing the game are two separate things, I don't think he's asking people to finish them necessarily. I personally think that if you give it an honest try and dislike it, never having the intentions of finishing it is totally acceptable
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You pretty much covered it all!
While I've only played less than half of my 30 wins, I only entered (and won) stuff that I genuinely want to play. I was unable to play much lately due to exams, but now that those are behind I'm trying to clear my backlog. My problem now is that I'm on a laptop, so most non-indie stuff doesn't play well. This issue is also about to be solved as I'm getting my old desktop PC back.
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So people need to play the games they won immediately after they won it? Not even all people play the games they bought immediately.
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I own a lot of games, and a lot of them I haven't yet played. I play games one at a time for the most part, and a single game can take quite some time to play through.
I'll be the first to admit that I haven't played many of the game I've won, but I'll get around to them all eventually. That's why I like SteamGifts, I can enter giveaways for games I'm interested in, but not enough so that I "must" get it. Whenever I win a game I think to myself "Cool, I'll play that some time" and I make enough giveaways myself that I think me not playing my games immediately can be at least somewhat forgiven.
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you are not doing anything wrong by not playing it right away. It's your game once it's received and activated. As long as you followed all the rules then it's nobody's business when you do or don't play and or what your reason is. Any gifter assuming they have the right to decide when their gifted game is played is naive or wrongly assumes they still have a say in what happens with the game after it's given. :)
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Not cool HellHole. That might give you bad luck in those 20 I put up earlier.
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So you are ahead based on your own donations, and pretty much matching your current Estimated Wins.
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I grew up with classic first person RPGs (Might and Magic, Wizardry, Eye of the Beholder, etc), but this one just didn't do anything for me and I can't really place my finger on it.
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It's interesting, I had a similar feeling. Played so much Wizardry on Apple II, thought this game would be heaven. But somehow it just didn't click with me. :(
Here's an idea: it's not the game, it's us... The person who loved those old first-person dungeony things 30 years ago isn't the same person who bought this game today. I bet we'd have the same problem trying to replay the old stuff. Just like remembering that you knew a language years ago isn't the same as actually remembering the language. Oh well... :)
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I won 3 games in the last 2 weeks but I have exams until the end of July so I won't play them for about another month.
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Why don't you use the search function and find some for me? I've found one or two threads from almost a year ago, but I'm not having too much luck finding anything recent.
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Honestly, I've never checked if the winners played the games I gave away or not. If they end up on my friend's list, I might remember they won the game from me if I see them playing it, but I never thought to check.
As for why I might not play a game I win right away,
...ooh, I think I see something shiny.
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i answered above, but i'll repeat.
i managed to run bioshock infinite on intel hd graphics 1000, i3 2.53 ghz and 4 gb of ram. i know, it wasn't maxed, lowest settings, but the resolution was pretty acceptable to me, 1280x600. that game has great optimisation, i gotta say.
i'm pretty crafty with tweaks for weaker machines, feel free to message me if you need help running some games.
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You aren't great until you are running a game on a system with a lower clock speed and half the RAM listed in the required specs.
Sure, it meant playing Half-Life and Unreal in 320*240, but I could play them :D
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Read below. My laptop isn't high-grade anyways, but I can't even know if I can run AAA's, since my laptop will overheat beforehand. My cooling sink broke about 3 weeks ago, so now I can't play any games AT ALL. It sucks, badly. But like I said above, I'll wait even 5-10 years to get a comp that can play it
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That doesn't say everything. I am running a system with 7900 GS card (the old nvidia one), 2GB ram, AMD Athlon 64 4400+ or something with win xp. Untill I upgrade it and put a newer OS on it, pretty many games I either cannot play (requires newer OS or hardware), or don't want to (to not ruin the experience by playing a low res slideshow).
Compared to that, the 'low spec' system you mentioned is way more powerful.
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Just to let you know also shitty laptop that can't run most of recent games.
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same here, horrible laptop that only lasted one year and already suffers from overheating problems.
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try underclocking, it's what I did, at least it should last until having to do it again months later
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Did you try cleaning the fan by disassembling your laptop? I do this every now and then and my laptop still runs games fine, and it's about 5 years old by now. But please don't use a vacuum cleaner or compressed air
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Did you try cleaning the fan by disassembling your laptop? I do this every now and then and my laptop still runs games fine, and it's about 5 years old by now. But please don't use a vacuum cleaner or compressed air
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Not everyone has the time to play games. Some people have only their weekends of free time, and it's hard to actually remember playing some game you won at a giveaway you already forgot about.
Also, what if the game doesn't even run on their computer?
I don't think you should bash people for this.
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Most people have plans to upgrade. Furthermore, you can never be certain. I've run games on lower than the Required specs in the past, and I have other games (Doom 3 BFG) that just won't run.
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"It's not devs fault"
It still is, tho not entirely. After all, he chose to use flash, didn't he?
Also, he should update the minimum requirements then. It's not acceptable to beat the minimum requirements by far and still to be unable to play the game.
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my pc should be able to run any game period and it can't. Not because of the specs but because of bad game optimization, bugs, etc...
i7 3960X 6 core
GTX 690 dual core
32gb 1600mz Quad Channel Ram
Win 7 Ult.
SS drive 256gb +2tb drive+1tb drive
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I tend to be slow about getting to games, but if I like a game I tend to play it on and off for as long as it will play on hardware I own, rather than powering thru it in a weekend and uninstalling it like a lot of folks seem to do. Doubly so for anything that has co-op play...hubby and I tend to co-op games and still play things as old as Doom and Quake together.
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If it makes you feel better I can compile a list of reasons why I entered for certain games and why I stopped playing them. But I am sure you don't care lol.
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I think giving them an honest shot is good, even if you never finish them there is nothing wrong with it, part of the reason people like to contribute is so other people can try out games they may not have tried before, the winner may like it or they may not
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-Entered because it reminded me of a game I played when i was a kid. Love this game, have not played it as much as I should. Love the concept, and respect the devs so much with their work.
-Lol Fortix.
King Aurthur
-I wanted the game for awhile, watched gameplay vids and everything. Played it and it was not what i expected, it was slow and boring.
Hamilton's Great
-I like simple games like these. However I couldn't get into it for some reason, and it was a BTA for Groupees and I didn't have $5 at the time.
-Fucking shit I love this game. I wanted it, I won it, I played it. It died in a goddamn week and I am pissed. That game was amazing.
Nuclear Dawn
-Always wanted to play it. Never bought it. Won it, tried it. I got flammed for sucking by some high level players when I was asking for help. Quit instantly.
Darksiders II - Shadow of Death
-DLC for a series I love.
-I love this style of games. Sadly I keep forgetting about it, I still have it installed but right now I am playing Path of Exile.
-Always loved the idea of a mmo style PvP game without needing to balance for PVE. It was great for the short amount of time I played but the game rarely has people on it.
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Well since you took the time to post these...
Haven't played this myself, but I have it though, seems interesting.
It seemed a bit slow to me at first but it actually got better, but I can definitely see how it's not for everyone, Fortix 2 has a much better presentation (graphics, etc.) although the mechanics are essentially the same.
I find grand war strategy games like this hard to get into at first, I also won it and it's one of my least played wins so far. I do need to give it more of a shot and try to get into it myself
I agree games like that do look fun, I bought it for the same reason but I still haven't played it, backlog, ho!
You liked it? Interesting, I haven't tried it, how does it play? I really like StarCraft and I'm just now starting the Dawn of War Franchise (also might try the Tryst campaign out). What really put me off about Starvoid was that it was purely multiplayer, at least according to the store page, would be nice if there was a campaign mode or even if there were bot matches you could play too. I get kind of anxious playing 1v1 multiplayer without having an avenue for practice
Looks fun and I've heard good things, just I haven't gotten around to it, think I got this in the first Indie Royale I ever bought (the original one it was in)
I beat the game but haven't even looked at the DLC :x I actually won the base game on this site :D
It's actually quite good (IMO), it got bad reviews at launch but I feel like they fixed quite a few things up, adding more content and last I checked they were working on co-op. Some of the complaints about the game were somewhat justified, like lack of enemy diversity, but the game was overall much better than what the reviews made it out to be.
I'm like the opposite, MP only games disinterest me, I didn't mind playing PvP for funsies in WoW, but I would never have played the game if it was PvP only, if they had thrown in a small campaign or something in Forge I would be much more interested in it
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I actually 100%ed Fortix. I thought it was SteamGifts rules :O! Also Starvoid is dead, so yea. :(
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Eh it doesn't really bother me, I recognize that a lot of people have large backlogs (like myself) and will get around to the game eventually. Part of the reason I haven't got to play some of the games I have won recently is the fact that my GPU died on me so until I can get together some cash I am stuck playing less graphically intense games. For those reasons it doesn't bother me too much, as long as the person gets around to the game eventually, even if it is several years down the road.
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There are better ways of making this site better, than getting all creepy into peoples playtimes.
Things such as,
Marking titles you think may be crap to never show up on your list..or if you have the same game under a different name, (GOTY versions, etc)...or if you own the game, but say on a console or just not on steam...and maybe having the option to only show games you have the points to enter the raffle in..etc
All of these would be better.
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The SteamGifts Plus add-on can help you with that.
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Actually, I played the crap out of Fortix when I won it until I got all the achievements. Some of the games I really liked and played like crazy until I was done and others I didn't really care for once I started playing them. I have at least given a decent percentage a try now.
And then one like Penny Arcade 3, I do want to get the first two before playing that and haven't been able to afford them. I'm hoping they'll have a decent sale on them during the summer sale so I can grab those and the fourth one as well.
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I really OCD when it comes to playing games in order, doesn't matter too much for reboots or games with big gaps between the stories, I had to install Darksiders and play through that after I won Darksiders II, I'm just glad I had it already
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379 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by RosimInc
Anybody else get kind of annoyed to see the winners of your giveaway not actually play the game they won? Of all the winners of my 52 giveaways, I think I've seen maybe three people actually play the game.
Would it make more sense to only allow one entry at a time? You would still keep the point system to limit people from just entering every giveaway about to close. I think this would make people choose their entries wisely. There's no way 830 people want to play Fortix and only entered because it cost 1p. Someone might really want to play that game, but chances are it'll never be played by the winner.
Edit: I'm not asking people to finish the game. I'm not even asking for the winner to play more than an hour of the game. I'm just wondering if it bothered anyone that the winners don't even try the game. I'd much rather the game go to someone who really wants to play it instead of someone who adds it to their backlog that's 150 games deep.
And how is it stalking someone when the library page on Steam tells you which of your friends has played the game? When you send a gift through Steam, it automatically adds them to your friends list.
I know you guys can't believe I have the audacity to wonder if the games I bought with real money are going to those that actually want to play them and not pad someones collection.
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