
I have a leftover Gog.com key for Megarace (First and Second Part). I already have the game on Gog.com, so I have no use for it. I played the first one A LOT when I was a kid, it is such a great game! But even though I have the game on Gog.com I never played it nowadays. I'm afraid that I might be disappointed and I don't want to destroy my good childhood memories ;)

So if you are interested in this game, just write a comment why. I will not give the game to the first one to comment, but will just arbitrary pick one of you later. To be true, I'm not even sure if there is anybody (besides me) interested in this game, so lets see ;)


10 years ago*

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I'd like it please. I remember playing this a lot when I was younger. Spent hours on my pc having fun with it. Drove my parents nuts with the squeling tires! :)

10 years ago

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Never played this game before, I'd love to give it a try.

10 years ago

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Just looked into this game. Seems interesting. I'll take it if possible

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

10 years ago

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Im still have the original CD from MEGARACE, the dude that made comment (that whit fck crazy look) was the best part of the game, i think was the first game in CD i play in my Pentium 66 with a Sound Blaster 16. The game become some monotonous cos many circuits start to repeat at the final but with harder the oponents.
The use of acting scenes with real human actor was awesome in is time.
About MEGARECE 2 never play it but i know that they use the same actor for the scenes between races.

10 years ago

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I have it so I'm not joining the giveaway (thanks by the way). Just saying that it's a game that aged badly, so you can only enjoy it if you've played it during your youth. You will definitely enjoy the nostalgia! Others will find it ugly, too difficult, with an unforgiving gameplay. Well, I'm just saying but that's what I feel about it ;)

10 years ago

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Thanks for your insight. That's what I actually expected (game aged badly). But because of your comment I just watched a short youtube gameplay video and that made me actually interested in playing it again. I also just remembered that I played this game with a joystick. Oh man, these were the times ^^

10 years ago

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Ha ha I was using arrows and numpad on the keyboard lol, maybe that's why I did find it so difficult! Too bad there isn't any split-screen multiplayer :P

10 years ago

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Can i have it? :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I was actually planing on getting this game from that groupees bundle, but forgot to buy it after GOG keys where confirmed. So I missed it. I never played it before and was mostly interested in the live action part of the game. Would be nice to get a key for it, thanks for the chance.

10 years ago

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I'm interested


10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

10 years ago

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Played Megarace 2 a lot and really love the way Lance Boyle is moderating. Never came to get the first part, though I'd surely like to play it.

10 years ago

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I made a shortlist by my own arbitrary criteria and then just used random.org to roll a winner. And funnily enough it actually was the first one that commented on the thread - oh the irony ^^
All the others thanks for trying. I was actually surprised there were some people interested in the game and even some people that played the game ;)

10 years ago

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Thanks to you for the chance.
And congrats to the winner.

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Kedyn.