You can play a game that is glitchy, terribly designed and full of bad design choices, yet still enjoy it on a kind of comedy/parody level. For example, the movie "Foodfight!" is a fine example of "So bad that it's good"
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I disagree I guess, but if I enjoy something it is good to me, might not be good to normal standards but fuck that noise anyways.
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It was made that way to be fun, its not a bad game because of that, sorry I still don't get it....I mean if its fun its good in my mind at least.
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No. Saints Row 3 was not terrible, it was a letdown compared to 2 but it was still a very good game actually...
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Postal 2 is loads better without the horrible stuff Postal 3 brought in, actually the devs of Postal 2 don't even consider it a Postal game, to the point of refusing any part in it, even monetary.
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It's a videogame. There's nothing wrong with "killing" "innocent" "people" and "animals". Also leave the demagogery at home.
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Well I'm not exactly sure if they were involved. But if someone took a series I've been involved into and created something as bad as Postal 3 I wouldn't want to have anything to do with it either.
Also, demagoguery. Forgot an u when writing it.
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But well...I suppose whoever did Portal 3 had the rights to make it. A game is a Postal game when it has the name Postal 3. Also Postal 3 is 1/3 of what defines "Postal". Postal and Postal 2 are 2/3 of what defines "Postal".
Oh ok, I suppose I can understand what it means from the context.
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No you say the Running with scissors' caring more about a terribly made game ruining the image of their franchise than "killing innocent people and animals" is misplaced priorities. I say, why does it matter? Yes, the games let you kill anything in sight, which I find to be a great stress reliever and plenty entertaining. So why should they care more about that than having their reputation marred by a title that the company that they let develop apparently didn't care enough to finish and refine? You said the priorities were off. I said, who cares? I don't care about their priorities, but it actually sounded like you did yourself.
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You're right. But I believe quite alot of people care. That doesn't mean that they should or should not care. For example if person is more concerned about their eraser being in the wrong place in their desk than about the person next door having a seizure, most people would think that this person doesn't have their priorities right. I think that this person has a priority which is neither right or wrong. Sometimes I need to be reminded of this though, like you just did.
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you don't have to kill inocent people or animals on postal 2... you can, yes, but you don't have to...
you can go peacefull through the town ,without shooting or peeing anybody if you want...
maybe when you played it, you WANTED to kill innocent people and animals...
also... videogames are not real.
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Nope, actually this game gave so much freedom that you could go through it without killing a single person or animal. You get a Pacifist rank named Jesus. Really its a well designed game even though people will say its not.
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Infestation or whatever it's called now. (WarZ)
When you are drunk and try to play it, with friends around, it causes so many laughs because of how awful everything about it is.
My friend has this game and we tried to play it at a party and we were timing how long anyone could go on without getting sniped by a hacker. It was hysterical.
*edit for bad typing.
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Ride to Hell:Retribution looks like it may fit the bill The reviews are terrible, and the gameplay footage I've watched is shockingly bad. If nothing else, people should at least watch Yahtzee's review of the game.
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If you wat examples of "it's so bad that it's good" look at movies by Ed Wood or Troma.
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Be warned, however... Avoid any Uwe Boll films. These are unrelentingly bad with no redeeming features, no matter what anyone might tell you...
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I'm not an avid watcher of his films, but google says "Rampage". It actually got a 6.2 rating on IMDB, although I'd suggest that this simply confirms what atheists have known all along.
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WOT? It was a super fun game doing parkours and super abilities. Saints Row IV might've copied a little bit off of them
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I enjoyed Walking Dead Survival Instinct but a lot of people didn't :P
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Final Fantasy 13. As much hate as it gets for being different from previous Final Fantasy games, its incredibly fun. Its combat is challenging until you learn strategies to engage most enemies. The characters were great, the game was beautiful, the music was quite enjoyable, and you could challenge yourself even after you beat the final boss.
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I think I have had more entertainment standing in some hallways than the hallway simulator as I felt FF13 was. Soo linear it is akin to a specific something going through a goose.
Could not stand the game due to it, and the battle-system was also crappy in all truth. A better battle-system than 12s but that is not saying much... as it was not much better really. Since in both systems you can if you wanted go into a sort of auto-pilot mode. More so in 12 than 13, but still.
Sorry for the little rant there.. its just one of those odd things that when I see people defend that pile, I have to say something.
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I think he meant God Mode. It's a pretty bad game, but if you're into horde mode, you'd find a lot of enjoyment out of it.
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God Hand would kind of apply. If you're not into that kind of game I can see how people would find it teethgratingly irritating and perhaps poorly designed (if they weren't used to that kind of twitch game).
Speaking of God Mode, that's my opening giveaway. :s
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Afterfall Insanity. Some really well crafted playtime is often marred by some of the most hilarious cutscenes and fights. It's both terrifying and hilarious. Nothing like it.
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Will Rock, it's a dumb Serious Sam knockoff that failed to capture the nuances of what made the level design of Serious Sam so good, but it's still a lot of fun!
Dredd vs Death, it's a short game that screams budget cuts, but it is surprisingly fun if you're looking for a shooter where you play as a cop and arrest baddies.
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I actually enjoyed playing Crash Twinsanity. The environments were quite detailed, and the platforming was solid. It's a shame that Vivendi's corporate meddling made the game a shell of what the devs originally intended.
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Look at what deadly premonition is.
Buggy, broken, horrible voice acting and character models, schizophrenic tone and frankly insane story, everything about that game is horrible.
yet the game is somehow fun, thats what I was asking about, games like that. So bad they are good.
Think like Troll 2 (as seen in "Best Worst Movie") or Plan 9 From Outer Space but for video games.
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Started campaign 3 times, couldn't play for more than the first mission cause it bored me to death. Metascore doesn't make a game good, just look at CoD.
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Aliens: Colonial Marines, don't know why people calling it a garbage, but it's pretty fun for me, I enjoyed it in coop or bug hunt with friends.
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right. We have all heard of Deadly Premonition. The game that is so bad it circles back around to being fun somehow, and its coming to steam apparently which is kind of cool.
So Im curious. what other games out there are generally terrible but surprisingly fun?
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