Do you still use flash?
Flash isn't going away for a long time. Adobe will still provide Flash long after they stop supporting it because the business world would explode if they didn't. America has ~10 million college students taking online classes this year and a large percentage of colleges rely on Pearson to provide those online services. Pearson relies heavily on Flash and considering they still don't hash student passwords in their database in an era of massive data breaches, they're not in any rush to upgrade their courses to HTML5. Heck, one of my colleges requires students to install the outdated JRE 6 because the enhanced security of 7 and 8 breaks their online courses which they refuse to update. Even if the major browsers block Flash in the future, I wouldn't doubt that schools would require a previous version to bypass that decision as well.
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I thought the same damn thing,glad i am not alone..
I was even going to say you could still watch the show on Netflix...
Damn click bait
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The bad habit of dying multiple times seems to be very common amongst superheroes.
That said, Adobe Flash had been declared dead several times in the past as well, which means that... Adobe Flash is a superhero!
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As Kletar says: I use it because I'm told I need to by certain programs. I've a pos laptop that is basically just a Steam machine so I've not really seriously considered it, though I am set to get a legit PC within the week, so really need to learn how to computer. Could a layman utilize HTML5 effectively? What of th'other programs that (will continue to) insist on our use of Flash? Would there be workarounds, or would just need to not mess with them?
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They have an HTML5 version, it just doesn't work 100% yet. It goes to the HTML5 version on my iphone.
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Yeah bit there is no point because you don't get the code for the GA
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Oh, that sucks. Good thing I haven't completed one like that yet. I thought it worked because I did a couple on my phone and got the codes, but I must of used the Puffin browser which supports flash.
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Not by default. You still have to write the URL for the HMTL5 player yourself, no?
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The time i lost playing flash games years ago when high speed was still trying to become mainstream...
Also loved the flash mini clips and sites like Zthing ....for you young folk this was even before Steam was a digital platform for selling games and hell any digital games for that matter when Steam was just a update platform for there games,The PS2 had not even launched but there was a thing called the Dreamcast.Even before Youtube and the Ipod.
Back when highspeed was pretty much pointless for the most part unless you where file sharing or need to download large files from say work or what not.I did enjoy fast loading webpages though and what little streaming there was back then.
Flash back then i suppose was a bit safer but only by default that a lot still used dial up and there was not much to be had back then even if you wanted to exploit it,not like there is now with everything we do on the net compared to then.
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Holly shit, I totally forgot about that thing. Thanks to your link, I'm now living a totally new experience, with the original one in another tab echoing the html5 one. Weirdest online thing since goatse :-D
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"1.300.000.000 computers using flash.
Out of those, only 400.000.000 update their flash regulary. Meaning over 600.000.000 computers that are vulnerable to attacks for many weeks."
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This is actually old news, to a degree:
Adobe actually first announced this back when HTML5 was first promoted, saying that they were backing HTML5 [and thus planning on slowly dropping support for Flash].
I recall, because I made as big a note about it then, as you did now. ;)
( And with much the same listing of negative assessments. :P )
In any case, perhaps this means they're still on track with those plans.
Going to be interesting seeing what happens to active [namely MMO] games that are built on flash, though. :/
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Oh worry not, i dont see it as criticism,. just agreeing with you.
Plenty who think adobe flash is the greatest thing in the world will want it to live forever and keep using it regardless of the evidence to the contrary.
It's important to open a few eyes along the way so and then,. eventually there's no way around it anymore.
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The end of Flash, after 20 years, is finally coming
Good riddance, if you ask me!
If I had a cent for every time I heard Flash player was gonna die, I would be a billionaire by now!
But seeing that this time Adobe itself sentenced it to death, maybe this time it's for real...
R.I.P. Flash player, we won't miss you
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Adobe flash, the most dangerous plug-in on the internet...
And, after 20 years of it's existence, Is finally expected to die within the next 2 years.
Adobe recommends you get rid of it.
Html 5 is a great alternative that even youtube has jumped into.
But, it requires lots and lots of code rewriting,. something most sites don't see a "need for" because flash "just works"
Why is flash bad?
The number of "critical vulnerabilities" has grown at an alarming rate over the years. See that number there at 2015? That's right, 315 different vulnerabilities which would allow a person to indirectly gain access to your computer or files.
The year 2016 so far is on 80, and the year isn't over yet.
Sites using flash have been dying out at a steady rate. This does not mean the sites are going away, but that they've moved to html5, unity, or other languages to provide you with the same or similar content.
In the last year alone, the number of websites using flash has dropped from 25% to 17%. If this trend continues, flash should be dead in 2 years.
1.300.000.000 computers using flash.
Out of those, only 400.000.000 update their flash regulary. Meaning over 600.000.000 computers that are vulnerable to attacks for many weeks.
Adobe is reducing the number of updates, the amount of bugs fixed, and even planning to stop support for the software entirely.
Do you really want something with these kind of alarming vulnerabilities to be on your PC?
So the question is,. why DO people still use flash?
And, what do YOU use it for?
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