Off-topic: Wow, how lucky can one user be to win two big giveaways by you ...
Thanks again for your generosity :)
On-topic: No idea, sorry.
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Only when registering and once a week for sync purposes
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Does my Steam profile need to be public to use the site?
You'll need to switch to a public profile when registering, so we can confirm you have a legitimate Steam account that meets our minimum requirements. From that point on, you can use the site with a private profile, however, if you wish to enter giveaways, the site will ask you to switch to a public Steam profile once a week to bring your account up-to-date.
I don't think it's your job to enforce this or any other site rules, since you're just a user.
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mhh,but who is responsible ? The SG Support's is now already overloaded ^^
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I second this, the games he gave away are not your everyday SG inventory filler trash.
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Honestly I think everyone here should have a public profile in order to track that =/
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Well,it's not a rule or must have to join the fun here :)
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It does not, if your profile is private the tool will show any win as not activated.
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Indeed it does. I had a similar issue myself not too long ago and had to learn the same thing the hard way and made an apology post about it.
What frustrated me was when the support person who handled my ticket said this which added to my confusion even more:
We can check users even if they have a private profile.
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I'm the person MilleW tested with actually! That's all I meant by that post.
All except that one DLC, it showed as not activated, but it was... stupid DLC bug ruining a perfect looking record!
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No, it makes it look like they didn't activate a single of their games. What you need to do is either a) Add the winner and tell them to make their profile public so you can verify if they got the game or not. Or b) click on 'request a new winner' where you will be asking the support/mods if they can check if the winner got the game or not (and perhaps even if they redeemed their previous won games).
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So,i think help from the Support Team is my best option here.
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It might be faster to add the winner, because support won't be able to check before the winner's profile is synced, which could take up to a week
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Does the tool work on a private profile?
I thought it just asks for a list of library games, which it can not do if the profile is private.
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The tool works fine imho, could it be you made a typo or something?
It shows sometimes false positives, e.g. Arma 2 in your case. One has to look at your list of games on Steam, to see it.
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Yes, create a ticket for requesting a new winner and ask them to check for activation of their wins, they will either reroll or tell you that it's ok to send the game
EDIT. : ha, I thought you hadn't sent the game yet and wanted to check previous wins
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Well,they have done so far so nothing wrong.I would just like to know if they really have activated the GA's after 7 Days on their Steam Accounts.
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I guess you could create a ticket to ask them to check for activation of your gift, just wait 7 days to do it.
For what it's worth, that guy's previous win was from me and I asked support to check their previous wins before sending the game and everything was ok, so it's unlikely that they would not activate your gift
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The Winners deleted me from their friends list short after they received their GA's.
That does seem a bit shady (at least from where I stand). I don't know if steam support would be willing to help you with that just for checking purposes, really. There's no actual reason for them to do that (and you know how Valve can be, sometimes they couldn't care less).
Have you tried contacting the winner him/herself? Perhaps you should kindly ask him/her if you could be sure they activated the game. I think that, right now, your best option is to get permission from the winner him/herself. If that fails, we wonder about next steps.
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That does seem a bit shady
Why? I always remove them from my friends list afterwards. I really appreciate them gifting me a game but I don't need them in my friends list if I'm not gonna talk to them again. I don't see anything shady about it, especially if a profile private in the first place, because then it's usually just for real friends or something like that.
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I'm new here, I'm sorry if I said something wrong.
I think it's shady because the one who made giveaway wasn't able to check first. I'm not saying people should stay friends, just that checking is due (:
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well, if you are really curious you could ask them to leave you in their friend list for like 10 mins to check if they activated all the games.
of course they will probably delete and block you instantly, specially if they have non-activated gifts. :3
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No, it's nothing wrong, I just felt like sharing my view on this :)
Ah, well, I get your point, yes. I always activate my wins right away, so people don't have to wait for me to activate it (also my profile isn't private :D), so I just assumed that they did so as well but apparently the winner did not, otherwise OP could have checked.
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I'm new here, I'm sorry if I said something wrong.
I think it's shady because the one who made giveaway wasn't able to check first. I'm not saying people should stay friends, just that checking is due (:
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I guess just leave it to the creator of the next giveaway they win to check.
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There is a bit tricky solution for your case, but it requires you add the winner as friend on Steam. This is how to do: wait the 7 days, then add your winner as friend, if they have set their profile private but visible for friendly only, then, once they accepted your friend request, you will see their game library. If they have a totally private profile, you can still check whether they own the game or not by adding the game in the cart and then try to gift it, Steam will warn you if they already own it.
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I entered all that cool giveaways with no luck.
Agree SG users need to have public profile to prevent abuse.
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I think you were checking the wrong winner, it's for the Far Cry pack GA
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Case closed.The winners have the games activated on their Steam accounts.Checked after they have add me on their friendslist again.
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i guess it's my Job to check if a Winner has activated his GA.So far, my GA winners always had a public profile but this time it's different.The Winners deleted me from their friends list short after they received their GA's.They marked the GA's as received so everything is ok so far.
But as a normal Steamgift User i can't see their games library (private Profile).Should I ask the support team for assistance ? Every SG User should Sync his account at least once a week so maybe the SG Support Members have access to the games list of each SG Member ?
I just want make sure the Winners really activate the GA's on their Steam Account and don't use it for their own profit (trade or sell the GA for example)
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