Go with 16 GBs if it's the same price and doesn't sacrifice in other areas. In the next 5-10 years more than 8 GBs might be needed to run the latest games on Ultra, plus even if you never use them you can take out a 8GB and put it in a different PC or laptop.
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Thanks for those who commented .
Also can some one explain how eggpoints work on newegg? it says i can get up to 11,500 and from what i understand each 100 is $1 so that would make it around $115. so does that mean i can use it to get something free or do i have to pay a certain amount like half of what the item is worth and then use the points cover the other half? thanks for the help
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seems like 100points = 1$ so i would assume that it would give you 115$ for whatever. If not already would get nice accessories for it if nothing else
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yea thanks if it turn out i can use it to get free things ill just use it to buy a mouse and mouse pad and a laptop sleeve for the laptop
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um will the original price is 1299.99 but they have a sale going on for 11.54% off so it like 1149.99 but there is a coupon for $50 off so it the same price as the 8gb ram which is 1099.99
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i was eh because i been waiting on the laptop for a while looking for cheaper deals but saw this had a 16 gb version for the same price as the 8gb and was try to decided if it was the best price i could get
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it comes pre installed with windows 8.1 64-bit... i thought it was a windows 7 thing
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You will always need more ram in the future, so if the price difference is negligible, get more.
I remember saying "holy shit, 8MB of RAM? When would you ever need that much? How could you possibly fill up a 170MB hard drive??"
See also: Moore's Law
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As I recall, his statement was taken out of context. They were working on the specs for DOS and had to figure out what the base memory (for apps) was going to be. They decided to cap it at 640KB because at the time most entry PCs had like 256KB-512KB of ram anyway and there was an addressing limit on the 16-bit x86 architecture that they had to stay within. So to keep it simple Bill said that "640KB should be enough for them" meaning the app coders. He didn't mean forever, he meant for DOS 1.0. What they didn't take into account was that all programs would be written into that memory footprint and that every DOS version after that would also need to follow the same memory layout so as to be compatible with older DOS programs. So they inadvertently constrained themselves and had to come up with all sorts of other tricks (EMS/XMS/loading drivers above 640MB) to keep DOS viable long enough until they had something better.
He said that years later he did regret those decisions, both the 640KB limit and making the statement that was so often misinterpreted.
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Yep, and it was a time when memory wasn't cheap. I paid around $2000 for a 25mhz '386 with 4 MB RAM and a whopping 120 mb hard drive back then. Upgraded it 2 years later with my student loans, and invested $3000 to get a new mobo, a 33Mhz '486 cpu, 8mb RAM and an incredibly large 320mb hard drive and a hd controller with i mb of RAM on it to drive that monster disk)
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My first pc, a 386-16sx, had 2MB and a 40MB drive which was perfectly fine at the time. I could play Ultima VII and Star Control and that's all I cared about. I remember years later when I helped spec a 486 for my friend he wanted 16MB (this was still in the DOS era) and I told him that there was no game that needed that much extra EMS/XMS memory. He wanted it anyway.
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unless your going to video edit or photo shop then 16gb is not need
on the other hand if it is not that much more get it
the only reason some games are asking for 8gb because it is ported from console and it is easier to just make it work with 8gb then to make it work with less
and ram by brand is not that big a deal anymore as most ram comes from a couple places and i have used cheap ram and expensive ram and did not notice any difference when it came to the ram working other then the obvious which is the more expensive ram has heat spreaders and is built for over clocking
anyhow in short if it really is not much more go for it if not then skip it
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it for the same price so i might get the 16 gb of ram
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I don't do any photo or video editing, and my memory usage hovers around 10 Gb most of the time, more when I start a game. If you're using your PC a lot, you can fill up that RAM pretty quickly. to me, 8gb is considered a bare-bone basic PC. The kind I set up for my wife or kids.
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eh yea i had the same thing happen to my pc but i did a clean install and that seem to fix it
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My memory usage is quite low until I start up my applications. 30 open tabs in Chrome, Email software, Steam and a few other programs will chew through your memory like candy.
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I just counted my tabs. I have 94 Chrome tabs open over 11 concurrent Chrome instances. I am a serious tab hoarder. My physical memory is sitting at 54% used out of a total of 32GB. The only other thing I have running is Steam and a remote desktop window.
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what do you mean im not so sure as to what a ram disks does
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You create a virtual hard drive in memory. It used to be very practical because it was much faster that floppy disks and would allow to unpack files from boot disks.
Not much use nowadays.
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you sure i did a quick google and it is apparently "faster"(?) than a ssd but eh
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Yeah, it looks like it still has it's uses. It's faster than any media but it's also volatile. Since it's in RAM, everything is loss if there's no power.
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8GB is entirely enough for gaming. If you're planning on doing something a little bigger (3D modelling/animating), I'd say to go with 16 just to be sure.
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What are they clocked at? The be used rarely or never, so if the 8gb is clocked at higher speed, for it. If they are clocked at the same speed, the 16 gb is the bast value
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Get the one with 16 gb of ram. I know that "more is better" sounds stupid, but in this case it will be helpful in the future since you won't have to add some more ram. Also, 16 gb is enough for photo editing and light video editing. It will run Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere just fine.
Oh, and with those points may be you could buy a cooling pad for that laptop. Those things tend to get really hot in summer, even on iddle.
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I'm running perfectly fine with just 6GB. If I had 8 I'd be happier. 16 would be unneccesary for me. Then again I don't build rigs for the really long haul. Four/five years tops. If 64bit games start to actually become the norm, then we're all going to need a lot more RAM very quickly.
But if the price is the same, check the speed and latency. It's a bit of a complicated business, but general rule of the thumb is don't go above 1866MHz, and then get the best timings as possible within your budget.
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As other said you may want to buy 16Gb if the price is more or less the same,and if you plan to use some video editing/3D render program. Last month (when I assembled my new pc) I decided to go with 16GB and I'm happy with my choice.
One word of advice though: look for a well known manufacturer (Kingston/Corsair for example) and search for a RAM module with a solid warranty ( or even better spend a little more and get a module with lifetime warranty).
Let us know what you got!
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So while i was looking for a laptop on newegg. I found that i could buy a 16gb of ram version for the same price as the 8gb of ram. So me being who i am i decided to come here to ask if i should get the 16gb ram version even though im sure i will never fully need 16gb of ram but i will get the biggest bang for the buck or should i just get the 8gb?
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