At this moment i´m just waiting for them to write something like, The trade system was never intended to be used like this.
I mean they enable us to sell Keys f*** Keys on there? WHY, the only way to get them is via the Shop.
Why would they allow us to buy keys on the Steam market cheaper than in there own store to what?. It makes no sense.
The whole econemy behinde Tf2 keys works because you can buy games from traders. They have no other reason these days.
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Oh mate that sucks. well. you could probably trade the gift off to a guy who can use it instead and well try to get back a part of what you lost on this trade. Lots of traders got screwed over on the locking
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valve has some of the worst support you're likely to come across... they dont even read 90% of the tickets they recieve, they just return a pre-determined auto-response most of the time, dependant on either keywords in your ticket, or the sub-category you selected when submitting the ticket, hoping that the auto-response will either fix the problem for you or discourage you enough to not bother them any more... thats how valve rolls.
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Well to be fair, their ability to read some of them and return actual responses makes then far from the worse.
At least as of 5 years ago when I sent my last support ticket and eventually got an actual response. I have sent two questions, and got good responses over the years. In one instance they were better than Google, explaining to me how to download games on one computer and play them on another.
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Don't invest in Russian preorders if you're not prepared to take the loss should they decide to region lock it. You only have a case with support if you activated it while it was region free, and even then that's just on good will depending on how many RU/CIS tagged copies you have activated.
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half of my libary is RU/CIS but it is just false advertising if they sell RU Copies that are ROW and then lock them all down, and this only happend to Games in your inventory.
Besides it did not happen with all games, i had other games in my inventory which were fine.
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+1. Shitty that this happens retroactively, but you had to know Steam would clamp down on this eventually.
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i know this would happen, kinda why i cashed out while i could. But this retroactively is bullshit, because it is is not a copie i bought yesterday it is more than one month old.
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It was not out of my region when the russian buyed it, and because a trade is like a contract, you can say i bought it. If you buy something it does not matter in which currency you pay. Because if you want to be ''that guy'' If you go out an buy bread you only trade your money for bread.
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I don't understand what is your point, but let me put it like this:
You (should have) known the risks of buying RUS keys/games, you made a trade -which is discouraged by steam-, you did not activate the game, and it became region locked, because of the game's publisher.
So now, if Steam would take away your game, and give it back to the guy you bought it from, and give your keys back, it would backrupt the guy who you bought from. And that's why they will not make that trade go away, because that's against the contract you are talking about.
You (should have) known the risks and consequences, but you've bought the game anyways.
Altho' I get your point about steam support, but you have to understand that a company with so many customers, and so many clueless people getting scammed every day ... there is just no way they could handle it without "layers" of automated responses.
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Yes, but not just the size alone, but the fact that so many people are getting scammed, and get their accounts hijacked.
+The ammount of people who live off of malicious activity on steam, that explains the level of support.
I mean, seriously, just think about how many of hijack, scam cases could YOU handle on an 8 hour work day without automated responses. A hundred, maybe? There are tenthousands at least a day, and theese are just the "easy" cases.
Asking for information, needing help with hardware requirements, "omg bought wrong game", shop fails, asking for refund, the usual "spam" tickets, and so on and on and on.
And theese "garbage" category mails overwhelm the support, so the level of quality decreases, and they need to include automated responses for the most common cases.
On the internet you need zero effort to put up a complaint, or open a ticket, but solving it does take time, effort, and manpower.
It's really not a fortunate, or good situation for anyone, but that's how things are. I mean look at big games/companys, what I have previous experience with is Blizzard's wow support (which still has only a tiny percent of steam's userbase size) you get fast, automated help if you get your account hacked/hijacked, but if you have any other "real" issue you need to go through layers of automated responses, and unexperienced support staff, until your ticket "goes high enough" to reach someone with the specific experience, to have a chance to fix your problems.
Also at steam you have to take into consideration that while you have a real issue, thousands of people just make up stuff, so they can get free games, or refunds for things they did not payed for, so the support have to double check everything, and they can assume, guess, or hope nothing, and it's slowing the process down as well.
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But for other companies, they automated responses usually arrive within 24 hours and then you can easily escalate. Steam? First automated response can take weeks.
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Well, the first time I had to ask them, it worked. The three next attemps were unsuccesfull. They said the problem was solved while it wasn't once. Didn't know if I had to cry or laugh.
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This is where Origin is way better than Steam. Some guy from live support helped me with my steam game(battlefield bc2 -ea title) when it wasnt even an issue regarding origin or ea (I was just incompetent). On the other hand Steam replied after 1 week with a copy paste message. Thank god Steam doesnt have that many issues with it's service to make us use the support system that much.
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well steamsupport is slow and often copy/paste answers but i must say after maybe 20 tickets and maybe change of 2 or more supporters, i allways get what i want. i allways try it in my language first if that does not work i start in english. the only thing that did not work was with Elders Scroll Oblivion. they had 2 collecter versions one only english and one also in my language and i bought the wrong one. after about 30 tickets i said nvm. found soundfile in my language and just modded it. support said ok if your good with that, and gave me 2 90% coupons. i was good with that. :)
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well, i hope this gets fixed before 20 tickets, i´m trying in german right now but the joke is that this supporter never has used Steam... or knows what is a Gift...
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My own experience with Steam Support.
The first day that RaiderZ was in the F2P game list i was interested in it, despite the bad reviews. I couldn't install it at that moment as my hard disc was full.
Two days later i went to download it when my hard disc was in better circumstances.
To my surprise, the game dissapeared from the list. I supossed that was due the bad reviews of the game, etc...
Well, i decided to put in contact with Steam Support to ask for the title of the game, so i could download from the game creator own website.
My message to them was pretty clear:
I'm looking for a free to play game that was above Dragon Nest some days ago but now it does show in the free to play game list, i don't remember the name and i would like to know it as i'm interested in it. The game was a free RPG online action game, it was there two days ago.
Their reply (after 2 weeks late by the way):
*Hello Irion,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
We apologize for the delay.
Support for this title is provided by the original developer or publisher. Please refer to the following article for more information on contacting the support team for this title:
Title: Dragon Nest
Yup, i know Dragon Nest. I'm looking for the another game that was above Dragon Nest two days ago...
I was like. Give me that job to me, i could do it better, for sure...
Have a nice day :)
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I'm almost certain that in the UK that would be illegal. I do not believe a person can change the terms of a sale after the sale is completed here.
If you paid for the Rust ROW version then Steam should give you back a Rust ROW version.
It's the equivalent of me buying a physical game and keeping it in a drawer for two months and when i've returned the company i've bought it from has come back without my knowledge and switched it for a different game that I cannot use.
But as Warga said, you'll probably end up waiting 10+ messages before someone actually reads it properly and doesn't reply witha copy and paste.
I had a problem with a key being activated twice on my account and I received ELEVEN messages that were nothing to do with my issue before one guy finally read it and replied properly and sorted it.
When Steam Support staff aren't C&Ping, they're actually pretty good :)
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Thats true. According to european laws, you can't change "ad hoc" the product which is already purchased. The future purchases yes, I think their system can't difference between gifts and future purchases, cause they didn't do nothing about games already activated.
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Eh, I only contacted steam support when my traded game got revoked for fraudulent purchase. Got the trade reversed and my items back. I am quite happy with them, only wish they would be faster though. But I can understand your frustration. I would say keep trying, you might be able to reach someone more helpful.
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yeah, well tomorrow is Sunday, i think they are not working then. But i will see what he will answer now after explaining that he should take a look in his guidebook and reconsider what i did.
If i will get another copie pasta answer i will just demand another Supporter (or open up a new ticket) and start adding random mathe questions in my post like: If you really read this what is 2+2= or something similar.
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i guess steam support is like this:
1) you ask something
2) they wont read it and give you a generated message depending on the theme you choose beforehand
3) you ask again
4) they will repeat step 2 with a different message
69) you ask again and start to rage
70) they will ban you
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I did 69) and they did what I asked, of course without saying sorry or anything.
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Regardless of where you got it, if the gift copy wasn't region-locked before, it's a real dick move for them to put a lock on it after it was bought, and I'm pretty sure that's even illegal because technically it's not the same product. Why do most people just accept the region-locks?
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Well i dont see anything wrong here, some games where locked coz they supposed to be, you should buy in your region, i`m trader as many of people but its something what we should expect, nothing wrong with steam behavior, Steam does NOT support reselling games
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17.99$ in CIS and may be not region-locked
17.99$ в СНГ и скорее всего без блокирования под регион,
покупал там Borderlands 2 и отобраражется без пометки RU
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Don't blame Steam; but blame the publishers instead.
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The publishers made it region locked. It was the publisher's decision.
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Valve is choosing to stay neutral. It could have said to publishers "If you want to be on steam,your game cannot have any region restrictions". It is likely that some games would agree to that and some would rather not publish on steam,but we'd have less complaining about all this mess.
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Regardless who's right or wrong in this situation, don't rely too much on Steam "support".
I guess that's a negative side effect from offering cheap games, they simply don't invest into a properly trained and experienced team. Instead, you've some clueless guys smashing the CTRL, C and V keys all day long.
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Yes, steam support sucks. They do really shit job, and i now it.
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Try again, word it differently. ALso you say here "keys back" which is maybe why they wrote you back about a CD KEY..... re-write it and re-send it.
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When I read the title of your post I thought 'so true buddy'. I've contacted Steam support once and it took them 1 week to reply. Then I replied to them immediately and it took them 2 weeks to reply again. Again, only copy/paste stuff.
I was telling them about one game which is not working on Mac OS for 3+ years (found posts on the Internet about the issue dated 3+ years ago) and the issue is without the solution still here which makes it illegal to sell a game which doesn't even work and they know about it!! But what can you tell them, you know. They are slow and ignore you.
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So, my Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - Deluxe Edition got region locked, i still had it in my inventory because i like to activate games, once i will play them.
On the 20.02.14 it got the region lock together with many other games like rust... etc.
This only happend to games in your inventory.
Now i try to explain this to the Steam Support and that i want the, trade canceld and my Keys back or they should remove the lock and let me activate it.
And what does happen?, i give them everything to screenshots to SteamDB changes that prove my fact.
And they wirte me sorry, we cant do shit because you bought a CD Key, and the low price should have give it away.
WTF. What CD KEY it is a GIFT in my Inventory. These Support idiots never used Steam before or are only using the same CopyPasta answers and Still need 30 Hours to answer.
**I got my Copie of Men... on the 15 Jan.
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