I've been wondering for some months now: who actually ran airports for aliens before the dogs came?
The only game in there I'd want. (Actually I own Marlow)
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Funny, I enjoyed Mafia 3 more than Mafia 2, I can't really understand the "hate" for it... I know it's not perfect, but is not a bad game at all (I think depends on tastes and expectations from each).
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I won the game here on SG (Whitelist giveaway), so I made a few lines review after finishing it. Here is a copy-paste reply to that giveaway after finishing the game:
"I finished it not long time ago; to be honest, I was skeptical about it because of mixed reviews (and because I liked alot first 2 Mafia), but I really liked it, even more than Mafia 2. The only con was maybe the graphics, but the atmosphere was perfect (background, soundtrack, cars AI behaviour - I was amazed how the AI white people started to stare at me and question me, and police was trying to see why I'm out after 10 PM ingame).
Thanks again!"
If you don't go for all achievements, I think you won't get bored, just a Mafia story that keeps you busy for few hours.
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So, you'll have to try it by yourself one day, and that will answer to your question better 😊
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A friend of mine had a similar input, so I just bought the game.
No regrets for my copy that I gave away, give it to a student of mine as an "end of the school year" gift because he seemed more interested in the type of the game than I was around that time. Also, doing dirty "studying has its rewards" conditioning :D
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That's it boys... say goodbye to Humble. I wonder how they will survive without your patronage.
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zeruel's point makes for a strong argument to work off of:
Nearly all turn-based grid-based dungeon crawlers on Steam are recent, post-Grimrock offerings (mostly releasing within the past five years, with only a few of the older ones among those looking ready for being bundled) or some few ports of classic games (Shining in the Darkness. classic Bard's Tale games, and some Wizardry games) (and classic games are usually a hassle to get bundle distribution rights for, apparently).
There's neither a lot of offerings available in total, nor many that seem appropriate for being bundled yet. Moreover, the few other games beside Grimrock in the genre that are noteworthy in their production value and distinctive in their visual style or gameplay mechanics (ie, Vaporum and Starcrawlers. let me know if I'm forgetting one) are extremely new (and thereby unlikely to be bundled just yet), so even if we were to make a themed bundle, it'd likely not have any compelling new offerings in it.
And even if you're fine with that, there's simply not that many other newer offerings out there, to begin with- you've mostly just got simply presented games like Sonucido or Jettatura, retro-styled games like Legends of Amberland, or Mystery Dungeon styled "anime" dungeon crawlers. And with Sakura Dungeon being considered one of the best of that latter style available on Steam, those'll probably be even more niche in appeal than "anime" style games usually are.
Finally, what's been available for bundling in the past has already been bundled, and notably so- all of Grimrock, Grimrock 2, and The Keep have been bundled between 2, 3, and 5 times each, respectively, and each has been available at T1 at some point. And the worse received examples of the genre have been bundled more than that- Conglomerate 451, for example, is currently at 6 bundlings.
The issue there clearly doesn't seem to be with Humble, or even the developers, but with simple lack of genre presence (as is the case with 4x and several other genres. Although, among those, Base Defense is the most underrepresented genre on Steam that I can think of, with all notable examples of the genre being limited to flash sites, so it certainly could still be worse for dungeon crawlers; Rather, Grimrock can really be thanked for bringing its genre back to life among modern/Steam developers in any meaningful sense at all).
And if we extend the argument to real-time dungeon crawlers of similar format or vibe, the argument gets even less sustainable; Humble loves bundling real-time dungeon crawlers, with Tower of Guns, Eldritch, and several others highlighting (at least in part) their respective bundles, with each game usually getting bundled exhaustively over time. With Gunfire Reborn not being ready for being bundled yet, there's probably not much else of note among real-time offerings that hasn't already been bundled.
TL;DR version: Developers are the ones forgetting [to make] those, not Humble [forgetting to include them in bundles].
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Pretty good read, thanks for this, but I still would disagree on some of your points. Yes, while Visual Novels are not nearly as represented as they should be, I still believe Dungeon Crawlers are largely underrepresented considering there are quite a few option to put together say a $15 bundle with 7 good to great dungeon crawlers. It doesn't take that much to release a bundle.
The Legend of Grimrock argument I would disagree with since both those games were bundled 5+ years ago. A very long time.
Also, a lot of the games you mentioned are recent, but Hubble Bundle doesn't appear to have issues with bundling very recent games. Sometimes releasing games in bundles that were released that same year. Fae Tactics, for example, was released in July 2020 and then bundled in October of that same year!
So there's no real clear metric a game is "ready" to be bundled, in my opinion. I could understand if a Dungeon Crawler was recently released this year, or even the past fives months, but many good ones were released 2 to 3 years ago.
Also, I can think of quite a few Visual Novel games that were released on humble bundle, but I guess this would depend on your metric for what a Visual Novel is.... but based on steam tags which is what I will be using, here are some of the more recent ones that I have in my library that at the very least stay true to the Visual Novel style of gameplay.
And quite a few more that steam counts as Visual Novels, but I don't, for example the Walking Dead Series and Neocab? Eh... I guess it could count.
But when you compare to Dungeon Crawlers in the first person, there are quite a lot less.
Games like The Keep and Heroes of Monkey Tavern are very low quality and furthermore bundled by Fanatical while the rest of proven dungeon crawlers that sell such as Card Based games like Banner of Ruin, CRPGs and X-COM style turn based strategy are bundled and re-bundled to death.
So now that I think about it, I think TRUE Visual Novels are far more represented than first person Dungeon Crawlers, they just haven't gotten their own personal bundles for quite some time. Thanks for the debate!
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while Visual Novels are not nearly as represented as they should be
I never mentioned Visual Novels. The problem with Visual Novels is typically in publishers restricting them to internal platforms (eg, JAST's own website/downloading service), so that's a whole nother topic. There's plenty on Steam despite that, however. Even if we ignore the more dubious offerings, there's still enough notable. big-name VNs on Steam now to make it one of the top represented genres, even if certain genre labels- like RPG- do still overshadow it. Further, if we then step back and include rubbish and porn offerings, it may actually be the best represented genre of all.
I still believe Dungeon Crawlers are largely underrepresented considering there are quite a few option to put together say a $15 bundle with 7 good to great dungeon crawlers. It doesn't take that much to release a bundle.
I addressed that topic already in exhaustive detail.
To recap, unless you want a bundle filled with less broadly appealing games and rebundles of heavily rebundled games, there's not much in the way of options at the moment for a bundle themed entirely around corridor-style dungeon crawlers. You're basically just talking about rebundling Grimrock, Grimrock 2, Bard's Tale IV, and The Keep, and then adding in low-review filler games.
That, or you're looking at pushing some very new games (of which there are still only very few in total), which developers likely aren't willing to bundle yet, and of which only two are even broadly notable, into a bundle, and basing the entire bundle around them. Which, sure, can happen eventually- but that's not something Humble has control over. If that's something you want, you should push on the individual developers involved with the games you're interested in seeing bundled.
And within the context of Humble they're absolutely not underrepresented, they're actually substantially overrepresented. Representation is based on statistical inclusion, and Humble's offered more of available Dungeon Crawlers than they likely have of any other genre. Obviously, that a result of there being so few available on Steam to begin with, which makes it a lot easier to "catch them all" but, again, that's absolutely not something Humble has control over.
The Legend of Grimrock argument I would disagree with since both those games were bundled 5+ years ago. A very long time.
Completely irrelevant to the topic and a complete strawman argument relative to the topic of "Humble seems to terminally afraid of VNs for some reason."+"And First Person Dungeon Crawlers, don't forget those." = "Humble [avoids bundling] Dungeon Crawlers".
You can definitely tangent a new topic on "I wish these would be rebundled", but in the context of the current topic, that sentiment'd actively be supporting the idea that Humble is doing a good job of having put Dungeon Crawlers into their bundles, if they're needing to rebundle them just to keep the genre being in bundles at all.
but Hubble Bundle doesn't appear to have issues with bundling very recent games
No, but developers and publishers do. Where're you putting your mind towards with that?
Feels like you're still going off on a different topic, there; Humble's repeatedly noted that they have no control over bundle inclusions themselves, though we can probably assume that that's not true for their self-published titles. Beyond those, however, the only time we really see newer games included in bundles is when it's from a publisher known for doing such, or when a game is doing poorly on sales. Highly visible indie games are honestly often the rarest inclusions into bundles, so there's no reason as of yet to expect Vaporum and Starcrawlers to be hitting bundles within the next couple of years, nevermind so quickly after release.
[most of the rest of your post]
You're creating an entire topic based on Visual Novels all on your own, there.
But when you compare to Dungeon Crawlers in the first person, there are quite a lot less.
My entire first post was noting that there's extremely few corridor-style Dungeon Crawlers available at present, yes.
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Some great games here, but the 1$ tier would be appreciated
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99 cents on sale.
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0,99€ on Humble, 0,79€ with Choice discount:
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Yes, I also have to say where is the 1$ tier? Did they just stop doing tiers?
Some of the bundles they have been doing are ok, but it's all in for 1 maybe 2 games that I want.
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Celebrating Black Creators and Characters
:eyes game list:
Contrary to first impression, it seems this isn't a celebration of Criterion Games and Jack Kellar.
Unfortunate that there wasn't more of a focus on the few other notable (and generally well-received) games out there with black leads (eg, Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom's Cry, Deathloop, Remember Me, Virgina, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, as well as Prototype 2 and GTA III: San Andreas, if their Steam versions ever get fixed up), rather than getting a hodgepodge with random "black creators" and poorly considered games like Shaq Fu and Mafia III.
Which is to say, celebrating black developers (and, after looking them up, it seems like they're considered "black creators" just for having a few people of color in a mixed ethnicity staff, they're not solo projects or anything) for making games with white protagonists in the same bundle that celebrates black protagonists is a bit of a mixed message (to the same vibe of DC comics discussing female comic creators), and somewhat arbitrary in a society where blacks working on video games isn't at all considered to be an abberation (conversely, games with anything other than white male leads very much are still considered such, with black leads being among the most notably scarce). Likewise, celebrating creators for making games that they were criticized by so many for making poorly, feels.. insincere.
It's all a real pity, because highlighting games with black protagonists really would have been noteworthy. Maybe even make it so that they feel a bit more normal to more people, to maybe help get us some more in the future.
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They could have done a bundle with these games: [](https://www.inverse.com/gaming/video-games-by-black-developers)
It reminds me of something I'm most curious about: Do most of the people who play Cyberpunk 2077 even know Mike Pondsmith who created the original tabletop rpg setting is a POC?
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ive been actively trying to not buy more games
it hasnt been working
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Really interested only in Jay and Silent Bob, and already own 4 games. skip
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For me it's a no, no.
Amazon has gave three of these games, I have another two, so not worth the money for me.
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Celebrating Black Creators and Characters Bundle
1 Tier, 8 Items
01 Feb 2023 - 01 Mar 2023
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Mafia III: Definitive Edition
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
Help needed: screenshots with the countries list from the gift link notification, preferably from a ROW purchase.
10 USD | 9.19 EUR | 8.09 GBP
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
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Thanks to luckz for the poll!
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