4 years ago*

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"heard it is mostly for the ps4 version which if true - why put it out on the console then and not just ps5?"

Well, the first trailer was relased in 2013, so I guess they were going to relase it on PS4, because it was a good enough console at the time.
But as time went, they had to upgrade the graphics and stuff to match the current standards, but it was already announced that it would be available for PS4 too, not only PS5, so I guess they kinda had to? (Obviously they had to, because many people pre-ordered the PS4 version)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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a console doesn't have to be released first for a game to be announced for it.

4 years ago

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Oh, I didn't mean it like that.
Just that during the development they were going to relase it on PS4, because obviously, there wasn't anything better at that time.
But they kept on upgrading and adding new stuff, making it good for the new generation, without testing it on the older hardware.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I think the main problem was, that they probably didn't test the game on PS4 properly, so they didn't have any reason why not sell them the game.

4 years ago

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They absolutely knew the state of the game on PS4, but they couldn't delay it any more or they would miss the holiday season with the highest amount of sales (November/December have more than triple the regular game sales amount).

The reason they gave for the last delay was that the game was in a very bad state on the last gen consoles but even that was about a month worth of time which was clearly nowhere near enough.

I guess going for the sales backfired and I would not be surprised if microsoft follows sony with the refunds/removal especially when things like this are happening in game

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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yeah for all the problems people are having with the pc version, i read the consoles got it the worst. apparently every single video cdpr showed of the game running was the pc version, so nobody (consumers) got to see how it performed on consoles until they bought it and fired it up at home. i mean that is kinda slimy, but cdpr is a more pc-leaning developer. not like we haven't got the shaft before with shitty console ports. they got a shitty pc port this time around. either way, if i'm buying a game, i expect to be able to play it. i watched a youtube video of cp2077 running on an xb1 and it did not look good.

wait so what i'm not understanding is.. sony removed it from the ps store because it doesn't run well enough on ps4, but how is ps5 faring?

4 years ago*

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I can't answer your question about how well it's working on PS5, but from what I understand the timeline is 1. CDPR tells people on PlayStation that they can get a full refund without actually talking it through with Sony 2. Lots of people overwhelm Sony support so 3. Sony decides it's just not worth the trouble and just shuts it down. It seems more like a response to the refund thing rather than removing a badly working game.

4 years ago

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yeah you're probably right.. such a giant shitstorm that they didn't have time to properly delegate a solution. i just watched some side-by-side of it running on base ps4 vs. ps5 and the ps5 has it at a smooth 60fps. does kinda suck for ps5 owners who hadn't got around to buying it yet. really glad i stepped away from the console scene years ago. i'm loving my steam version of the game.

4 years ago

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I hope they will fix it soon and return in to the store. I have PS4 Pro and the videos show it doesn't look bad, it looks closer to PS5 than to base PS4

4 years ago

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omg this game is GOTY!!!! Garbage of the Year!

4 years ago

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Wow, it's that bad? I was expecting it to be buggy considering the obviously bad time management (delay after delay after delay) but this sure is something. This is making me not feel bad at all that I'm waiting a while before getting it, holy crap. I just feel so bad for the developers who have to suffer through this right now.

4 years ago

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After years of us PC players getting the bad ports, it's now time for the console players it seems.
Reminds me of the Batman Arkham Knight release.

4 years ago

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Except the game is buggy even on PC...

4 years ago

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Arkham Knight ran really pooy on PC too, if I recall correctly they didn't even fix it until months after release.

4 years ago

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That will teach the Consoleros to obey the PC Masterrace :-D
Of course only half serious, half joke

I tested the stadia version of a friend for 6 hours and had one tiny glitch (a half arm of a NPC was stuck in a wall). No problems, no bugs, nothing else. So i was very happy about it and seen much worse from games that are available since years and after many updates.

4 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Deleted-7189824.