It's more criticizing the excessive use of force in that particular case, and in general. At least that's the way I see it.
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It was actually the guy's fault that the dog was killed. He was interfering with the police work while the raid was still ongoing, then blasting some music from car speakers so loud that you couldnt hear a thing and he didnt properly secure his dog in the first place. People just like to jump on the A.C.A.B. bandwagon.
You can find more info here. Too bad about the dog but the police are not to be blamed in this case
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You might be right about that guy being kinda responsible for his dog getting shot, but I think it does point to a larger problem overall which is that cops seem to think they have a right to intimidate/arrest you for filming them (which is completely legal). Check this article out, a police officer here in Seattle did that, except the guy he was threatening was a reporter...
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they didnt arrested him because of his filming!
He interfered in a crime scene with hostages still be held in a house and he was told to turn off his music so police can hear whats going on inside the house but he didnt follow that order so at the end he got arrested.
he is totally to blame for all of this since he didnt secure his dog and the dog went to attack the officer.
There isn't any other option how to handle this, a dangerous animal jumps at you to attack and you only have a second to react to defense yourself.
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In my above post I agreed that the guy was responsible for his dog being shot. I was talking about the wider issue of police aggression towards people exercising their rights.
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Even if the guy with the dog was to blame i also feel there is a lot of police agression.
If you can get arrested for laying in a park it is usually a sign that society has gone sour. :p
He probably also felt that way and needed to play hero. With the consequences we all know. I have a feeling that stories like these are going to dominate our future. It's action and reaction..
Or i'm a doomthinker.. ^^
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I don't really understand your point. Not to mention that 1984 is a really overrated publication
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I agree with xarabas. He even said that the Dog just tried to protect him,he should have known that before as a Dog owner and therefor dont leave the bloody window open. If a Rottweiler would attack a german police officer he/she would shoot,too. Those dogs are restricted in germany because they are dangerous and the cop just protected himself. It's a shame that the dog had to die,but its the fault of the owner,not the police.
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I have to highly disagree with that reddit post. While I do think that the guy was a huge fucking idiot for disturbing the crime scene for absolutely no reason, the rundown of the situation just pops more questions into the mind.
If the cops had properly maintained control of the situation, then why was the dog that they found to be such a threat later on not maintained properly by them in the first place?
Why does it matter that it was a tense situation? Would any citizen be able to justify their crimes just because they were in a tense situation?
Why did the situation need to immediately be escalated to the use of deadly force?
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"Would any citizen be able to justify their crimes just because they were in a tense situation?"
Most citizens don't tend to have a job where they, like in this case, deal with armed robbers and, if what I read is correct, a fucking hostage situation. The dog didn't become a threat until it had already jumped out of the car, at which point it was too late to regain control simply, but if you notice, they tried. The cop with the gun was attempting to get it to calm down and to keep it contained.
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Are you fucking joking? The pussy-faggot Americunt cop, who, like all Americunt cops, shouldn't have a fucking gun in the first place, killed a dog for barking at him, after the dog tried to stop the Americunt cops from beating the shit out of his master (as Americunt cops are known for doing to anyone that's no white).
What a filthy country.
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Most police officers are actually good people. Some are not obviously. Its the policemen like the ones in the video that give all other police officers a bad name.
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Don't let anyone tell you different. While there are a few good cops in the United States, most of them are worse than the criminals.
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In fairness, many urban cops in the US have a thankless, and utterly soul-destroying job, trying to push water uphill in communities that are so riddled with crime, hatred and violence that it's become a way of life, and even a viable career path. These are often areas where the police are almost universally despised. The USA has some really deep-rooted social problems. While the financial meltdown hasn't helped, these communities were destroying themselves long before the American economy went to hell in a handbasket.
That certainly doesn't excuse some of the incidents that happen, but it must be deeply dispiriting to be dealing with this on a daily basis.
As far as the video goes, the guy with the dog was behaving like a ballbag, deliberately provoking the police while they were trying to deal with another situation. He didn't secure his dog, and the animal began attacking the officers. I'm not sure whether the dog needed shooting, but I can understand the officer's reaction.
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From life experience I have noticed this, most go around trying to piss people off while breaking laws themselves, I see it daily in NYC.
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I wonder how the cop would react if someone would kill his family in front of him.
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But much more commun for R*.Just listen to the radios of GTA games for a lot of laughts!
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Easy trigger fuqfaces...
So sad.
The easiest would be to let the owner of the dog to calm it down.
But noooo, let's pull that triggah, we are so cool!
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In all fairness, the silly cops where chicken shit scared of that little doggie barking at them...
Plus didn't you know that the guy was clearly streaming the footage back to youtube for the people getting raiding to view - tatical video footage and music!?!?!!!
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Heh, good ole' rockstar!
While I don't know a whole lot about the actual incident, I bet the cops would be pissed to see that.
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It's really hard to know the real truth, but to keep recording and not listening to the police (who even you claim sometime harass you when there is no reason), makes you an idiot. And it's a freaking grown rottweiler, who was not listening to his master's command to stop barking, it's not a freaking chihuahua, I can see how someone can be worried about what the dog will do.
Saying all that, correct response from the cop would've been to tell the owner to calm his dog down and cease the arrest until the dog calmed down or call Animal control.
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They just updated GTA V's homepage and I noticed this.
EDIT: You have to know this incident that happened a couple months back.
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