To illustrate, if people (not me!) choose to write "fuck" in the forum, would you prefer it to be written as "∗∗∗∗", "f∗∗∗", "F-word" or other masked options?

Bonus questions to those who add a comment:

  • Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity?
  • Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article?
  • Does this make you laugh or cringe?


8 years ago*

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Do you prefer profanity (swearing, cursing) to be masked?

View Results
I don't fucking care
*beep* yes! seeing the F-word in this poll hurts my eyes
Actually, I agree with Dan Quayle on this: [censored]

well I think local radio stations and news papers use expressions like shit.. but words like fuck would be censored out
and in my opinion the beeping out of swear words is just fucking stupid, for instance I recently saw an episode of MTVs Faking It and the used a couple of profane words.. so I donT understand if you are using these words in your show why do they get censored? why do are the implemented then? you could just don't use them if you don't want them in your show :P
and the video made me laugh :D

8 years ago

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where is the no option, i can only see a i don't care and 2 yes

8 years ago

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For all intend the don't-fucking-care is the no option. Unfortunately there's no way to edit the poll and improve the phrasing now...

The Dan Quayle is the potato(e) option.

8 years ago

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I'd prefer it written as fuck. That's what you were trying to say after all. If you change it to F-word or F@*@ then I still know you were trying to say fuck, still 'hear' the word in my brain so you might as well as just said it. Stolen that from Louis CK to a large degree, but I think he makes a very valid point. If you change it to **** then it could be anything so just say fuck if you want to say fuck.

Some things get censored or masked on tv or radio, some things not. It can depend on the time of day and what the actual word is. Newspapers often do the *** thing.

8 years ago

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3)Uh, both?

8 years ago

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Fuck no, why the fucking shit would any fucking poor fucker want his or her swearing and bloody profanity to be motherfucking censored? I damn darn it fucking LOVE to fucking swear. I'm pretty fucking good with the "fuck" word, honestly. Shit. Can you imagine this fucking comment if there was a fucking censor enabled on this fucked up shitty forum?

8 years ago

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There is already enough censorship in the world.
So my answer is: Scheiße! Nein!

8 years ago

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I don't mind the occasional swear word but people who use them like that idiot in the video just look dumber when they're being so excessive about it. And making threats such as "I'll fuck your mother" sounds like something kids on the playground say when they are trying to appear to be tough. He would definitely get a lot of fines and face suspensions from whatever sport he does if he talked like that in an interview on U.S. television.
It's strange because I live on the U.S./Canadian border so I get to hear radio from both. Canada actually seems to be a bit lax on profanity in songs during the late night/early morning hours but then censor during the day. U.S. radio has no cussing but some of the subject material on the talk shows is worse than using bad language IMO. I was listening to one the other day and all of a sudden they started talking about Justin Bieber's penis size. I would rather hear a hundred "fucks" than hear about that!

8 years ago

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It's puzzling to see upraised middle fingers hidden behind mosaics, and celebrity quotes peppered with asterisks, while these same newspapers describe violent murders, rape and child abuse without even a nod to sheltering their poor, innocent readers.

It's a strange world, and its censors and are even stranger.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago*

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F*** no!

8 years ago

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I'm ok with "fuck", but it doesn't actually mean a thing because English is not my native language. As for Russian profanity, I'm not a big fan of mat, I never use it myself (aside from occasional quotes), but still, I accept that sometimes it may be appropriate. I think that masking it on the Internet is a bit absurd - you either swear, or you don't, the person that reads your post would percieve the word in its whole anyway. It gets worse when it comes to censoring movies or books, they get distorted, censorship may actually spoil the peception. And yes, any public usage of mat (from media to, god forbid, rock concerts) is officially banned here in Russia, and even masking it is only allowed in cases of quoting something.

8 years ago*

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I prefer seeing profanities. Happilly turning off profanity filters in games where possible, and cringing at the hilariously over-the-top filters where it can't be turned off. I don't swear much, myself, but I like having the freedom to express myself.

Yes, our TV channels beep profanities and blur nudity in news and documentaries.
I think our local newspapers reword quotes that originally contained profanities.
That video made me cringe, not because the curses but because the "fuck their mothers and daughters" thing. That shit isn't cool or funny, it's just plain cringeworthy :D

8 years ago

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I think censored versions of words and phrases should be replaced with their explicit versions and "[censored]" flags should be randomly inserted elsewhere.

8 years ago

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Even "god" did..

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I don't like swearing. For myself, I feel there's a better way to communicate. Doesn't mean I don't swear sometimes, I just try really hard not to.

8 years ago

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+1. I try not to. There may be a time and place, but generally excessive usage of swear words is reflective of immaturity or low class.

8 years ago

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Immature and classless. Sounds like me.

8 years ago

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It's probably most of us, but I like to aspire to improve. Got to set goals. ;)

8 years ago

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Oh, I totally understand. I have a few goals set in life as well. Among them:

  • Stay immature
  • Swear a lot
  • Be carefree (and accidentally, classless)
  • Fill a brand new clean toilet with icecream
  • Own an orange juice shower
  • Buy Steamgifts from cg and dominate it as the one and only king and ruler
  • Eat an entire pizza and then sleep for 42 hours
8 years ago

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Fill a brand new clean toilet with ice cream and eat the ice cream from the toilet with a soup ladle

Fixed for you.

8 years ago

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That part was too evident to be worth mentioning. :D

8 years ago

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I play a game with a profanity filter option and moderators who will monitor/silence people in the game chat lobbies. They will silence/ban you for swearing... a lot of people ask "why is the profanity filter even an option then?" but there has never been any sort of reasoning for it so far as I have ever seen. It's just the rules. Pff.

8 years ago

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I honestly don't care, I don't like using vulgarities myself anyway, so it just doesn't affect me.

8 years ago

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i don't like censorship, and i prefer blasphemy over regular cursing!
all jokes aside the fact of the matter is still, censoring doesnt do anything good, and i'm lucky i live in Holland!

8 years ago

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I prefer my profanity uncensored, and my censorship unneccessary.

8 years ago

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I grew up in a family that believed in self-censorship of children, meaning if content of a situation is too much for the child, the child will rectify that, by covering their own eyes or leaving the room, for example; this is not to say my parents specifically put me in situations where I would have to self-censor, but rather that if I entered said situation (they are watching a slasher film and I walked in, for example) I was welcome to join or leave as I felt comfortable. Such parenting led to questions that would lead many parents to feel uncomfortable explaining, but mine were happy to sit down and answer anything under the belief that if I was old enough to ask, I was old enough to learn.

This bred in to me a hatred for censorship: nobody has the right to tell me what is "moral" or "immoral", "vulgar" or "safe"; I have the intelligence to make said decisions myself and to learn from said decision. Censorship is a damper on both art and expression not to protect, but to force a mindset on others. "Why should I have to go out of my way to avoid something I don't like when the MPAA/RIAA/FCC/Government can just force the public to miss out on the true meaning of this content to which I object?" We live in a technological era where those who object to something can avoid or block it with a few keystrokes or the press of a button on a remote control; censorship really shouldn't be a thing anymore.

TV/Radio? Subjective. Most radio stations in my state are owned by ClearChannel/IHeartMedia and entire verses are removed from songs to both censor them and improve commercial run times. For TV, it's channel-dependent, though censorship fights have been popping up in the strangest places (on a related note, I love Steven Universe).
Newspaper? Owned by a nationwide news syndicate, so horribly censored and biased.
Video? Meh, no reaction. How would you react to this?

8 years ago

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People shouldn't curse in public. I ducking hate that shit

8 years ago

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gee golly prithee transport thyself to tarnation

8 years ago

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Censorship in any capacity is bullshit.

8 years ago

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Why the fuck would I? And I'm asking for real. The amount I do here is nothing to what I am used to in some Twitch chat rooms. :)

8 years ago

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