To illustrate, if people (not me!) choose to write "fuck" in the forum, would you prefer it to be written as "∗∗∗∗", "f∗∗∗", "F-word" or other masked options?

Bonus questions to those who add a comment:

  • Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity?
  • Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article?
  • Does this make you laugh or cringe?


8 years ago*

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Do you prefer profanity (swearing, cursing) to be masked?

View Results
I don't fucking care
*beep* yes! seeing the F-word in this poll hurts my eyes
Actually, I agree with Dan Quayle on this: [censored]

Fuck censorship.

For your question, yes they do censor it, regardless if it was a quote.

8 years ago*

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Fuck no.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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so much gif spamming :X

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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couldn't effin agree moar

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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That's way beyond just cursing, you may want to put a nudity warning before that.

8 years ago

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And to answer the two questions:

Does your local TV and radio add beep or mask profanity?

No. Anything goes.

Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article?

No. Anything goes.

The video makes me laugh :-)

8 years ago*

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I think that if anyone sees an "F-word" or a "****" they'll probably know what it means. And let's not kid ourselves, kids these days have an even sharper vocabulary than adults.

I don't watch tv but if i overhear something from the next room when another member of the family is watching there usually are a few beeps, but sometimes i hear all out cursing. So it's in the middle.

The news papers i used to read always masked swear words.

8 years ago

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True, but when they see adults swearing they start to think that language like that is acceptable in general, which it is isn't. let the F word slip once at work and you're unemployed.

8 years ago

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Really? Everywhere i used to work be it the metalworking industry, a used car lot or my current job as an online store manager, there was/is swearing everywhere and no one bats an eye.

8 years ago

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Really? I don't think I've worked anywhere where swearing would of been acceptable.... But then again, I've never worked in an industry as manly as metalworking xD

8 years ago

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I guess it differs from country to country. The metalworking factory was in germany and the used car lot in the czech republic and both were on the same level profanity-wise.

Oh, and we had 2 female welders in the factory, so it's not a too manly job. :D

8 years ago

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I was a bridge-builder for a few years. Hanging upside-down several hundred feet off the ground builds a lot of stress, and a lot of the guys would curse the entire day to alleviate that stress and fear.

We still curse quite a bit doing residential or commercial carpentry, but it seems proportionate to the amount of risk involved in the job. For instance, there'd be a lot more cursing building a 5-6 story apartment building than there would be building a ranch-style home.

Outside of work, however, I really don't curse at all.

8 years ago

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I thought it was going to be that joke... "I was a bridge-builder for a few years. Built many nice bridges, made people happy... but no one in my village calls me bridge-builder Tzaar. But get caught with fucking a sheep once..."

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I guess it may depend on what type of work you do, as it also determing what kind of people you work with. While swearing may be acceptable in mos of physical-work places or in enviroment where all or most employers are young for example, if you work in a strict office, open-space corporation setting, working with kids, working any place where you are encountering customers (like being a cashier for example) - I think it would not be acceptablle.

8 years ago

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Yeah, i guess i can understand the jobs where you get into contact with people or children, But we had a lot of customers at the used car lot and my superior was always swearing. There was this constant "fuck" or "shit" hanging in the air. The guy even swore around customers and they didn't seem to mind. :S

The profanity level in the factory i used to work was kinda normal through all age ranges. Every one swore, from the young peeps (20-25) to the old veterans (50-60). :3

8 years ago

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well, like I said - different settings, different backgrounds employers and clients have etc ;) For example - toyour "age" argument - you've seen yourself the old factory veterans swearing and I can see it too, but can you imagine your 60 y/o highschool history teacher swearing? As for shops - these differ as well. You will hear a lot of swearing at the bazaar for example. Will you hear swearing if you go to high-class jewelry store? You heard swearing in use car lot. But do you think you'd hear manager swearing in Rolls Royce official car store?

Like I said - it varies a lot because of the setting ;) And also because of context. Because swearing has a context as well. If someone in my previous office said "Fuck you" he'd be fired right away. On the other hand if someone came up with great idea and someone commented "I'ts fucking brilliant" it would be fine.

8 years ago

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Although it doesn't bother me personally, I think people should respect other members. Children almost certainly visit the website, I wouldn't want my kids inundated with bad language.

8 years ago

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I dislike automated profanity filters, because quite often they block non-profane content as well - simply because some non-profane words or names may look similar to profane ones.

I rather have a report system and active moderator team over some automation system.

It's also important to me what the context of profanity is. It's two very different things to write "FUCK YOU YIRG AND YOUR FUCKING WHORE MOTHER!" and to write "FUCK THE SYSTEM!" as a witty comment to some exploit which is "fucking the system" ;p

8 years ago

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No, No & Yes

8 years ago*

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Note that I just modified the phrasing of the second question, because I think it was a bit confusing.

8 years ago

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I think if it's in the title it'd be courteous to censor it, but other than that I don't have a problem with it.

For the bonuses.
1.) Yes, America needs to be sheltered.
2.) Yep, curses are written as "[expletive]".

8 years ago*

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3.) I giggled at the imperfect translation. "That is my massage to them."

8 years ago

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To answer your later question - it depends. Radio will often "silence" the lines that include profanity, but in late night auditions or in small local stations you will often hear uncensored versions of the songs. On TV there's almost none "beeping", but i's rather moderated content-wise. Aka in daytime you will not see programs with vulgarity in them, and then after 10PM you will have shows that may have profanity in them, but not-censored (because kids are already asleep). Newspapers (at least mainstream ones) tend to censor all profanity.

8 years ago

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As long as it's kept reasonable and necessary for context, I see nothing wrong with it.
Cursing just for the sake of cursing is a bit ridiculous, though.

To answer the question - TV censors some language, newspapers don't.

8 years ago

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Where is the 'no' option?

8 years ago

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That's the first option, but I agree it could have been phrased better.

8 years ago*

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Masking words just means people wasting time trying to get past the filter. Let people swear how they want to, if they're totally obnoxious they'll eventually leave or banned.
Also, if someone constantly swears people can tell them to tone it down because it makes them look stupid.

8 years ago

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i don't like swearing. there's always a civil, proper and polite way to communicate.
censoring words is pointless, the meaning is the same.

8 years ago

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I'm against censorship. If someone wants to use a certain word then they should do (and be able to do) it without masking.

For television... Hmm, I don't think they bleep or mask profanity? I haven't paid much attention, so I'm not entirely sure but I don't ever remember hearing beeps at least. I don't listen to much radio, but I've never heard a song with profanity be masked or the word cut out; they either play it as it is or don't have a song that uses profanity at all. Newspapers on the other hand I believe mask everything with asterisks.

8 years ago

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Television avoids using certain cursewords so there is no need to bleep, unless it's filmed in the real world (opposed to scripted events). Songs also get censored (in my country at least), but again most will try to avoid using certain cursewords to prevent this from happening.

8 years ago

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That is true, the curses they use on television are often from the "tame" side of curses, so they won't feel the need to bleep them out. The tamer curses drive the point home well enough though. For songs I can't really say anything since I don't listen to a lot of radio, but I just instantly thought about rap songs that seem to have at least few uses of the good ol' fuck in them and still don't get silenced.

8 years ago

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in songs for radio versions usually beeps aren't used, instead certain words sang by the vocalist are silenced. If you heard a beep in the middle of a melody it would not fit at all and would destroy the song. some words being silenced at the other hand keep the melody, tempo and everything intact, so that's how it's usualy done on radio.

8 years ago

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Makes sense, though the sudden silence can also be jarring. I imagine people singing passionately along the lyrics and then the curse being silenced but they won't know that until they've yelled it out, haha.

8 years ago

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when you are professionally recording a song yuou are not recording just one track of sound through microphone - you are actually recording all music tracks separatelly (so then you can do mastering of the song, for example lower the drums, make vocals louder, add effect separately to bass etc). So you can then easilly edit a radio version. You don't have to silence the whole song for the swear word, you silence just vocals. Ofc it's still noticeable, after all the sentence ends up missing a crucial word, but as you still have music in the background it's not breaking your music-immersion as much as beep would, as it would censor not only lyrics but the instruments as well ;)

8 years ago

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Oh no, I know that, I just meant that the pause in the lyrics sounds jarring, if the offensive word is placed in the middle and not at the end, but maybe that's just me. :D

8 years ago

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ofc it is, but still less jarring than if you would have a beep covering all other sonds in this space ;p

8 years ago

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Definitely agree on that!

8 years ago

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Censorship is moronic it serves no purpose other then to make the censor feel better and give the illusion of control. People who curse more also tend to be more truthful. I prefer to attempt to present myself in a courteous manner, but I value honesty over politeness. Censorship in language is completely useless and frankly insulting to the intelligence.

Edit: I forgot about the questions :O

  • Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity?
    I don't believe the local TV channels censor speech in my country. I don't listen to a lot of radio but I do believe they have to censor their songs (or play cleaned-up versions), they are allowed to play them uncensored after a certain hour though (in the evening)
  • Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article?
    Can't say that I read a lot of newspaper but they tend to just avoid cursewords from what I remember.
  • Does this make you laugh or cringe?
    I'm strongly against censorship, so laugh.
8 years ago*

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Fuck censorship, words are words. I WANT MY FREEDOM!

To answer your questions:

  • Does your local TV and radio beep or mask profanity? No idea. I don't watch TV or listen to radio.
  • Does your local newspapers avoid quoting profanity if it is part of a quote that appears in an article? No idea. I don't read newspapers.
  • Does this make you lough or cringe? What does "lough" mean? It doesn't make me cringe.
8 years ago

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What does "lough" mean?

I'm guessing laugh.

8 years ago

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And you are right. For some reason chrome spellcheck didn't catch this one...

8 years ago

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I guess it's a real English word, though I had never heard of it before.

noun, Irish English

  1. a lake.

  2. a partially landlocked or protected bay; a narrow arm of the sea.

8 years ago

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Well it doesn't make me laugh either.

8 years ago

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Bleeping stuff on TV or whatever media is stupid as fuck, to be honest.

Words are just that, words, and while I don't agree with gratiuitously insulting anybody profanity causes no harm. There's a time and a place for cursing tho, but that doesn't mean it's inherently bad or stupid things such as a PG 13 movie can only have one fuck on it.

8 years ago

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Using censors like ****, F*** has so much stupidity and hypocrisy that i cannot bear seeing them. If someone cares so much that needs to censor them, why the fuck would he/she use that particular word in the first place ?

8 years ago

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I guess OP didn't mean you yourself censoring your words, but rather automatic system (like we have on Steam for example in reviews/forums) that automatically censors swear word whenever it detects it.

8 years ago

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Yes indeed, but i wanted to point people who censor themselves since they are very common. One must accept the rules of forums/platforms if he/she is willing to stay there. Of course criticals/advices/opinions can be made/given though. In the end it is up to you to stay or leave.

8 years ago

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Cunt shit fuck dick cock pussy ass bitch.

But for real, I prefer seeing profanity. At least then I know I live in a free country and a free world where everyone can say whatever they want to. There should be an option on every website to filter out profanity, but it should be an option. I mean, I hate going on Steam and being unable to cuss, especially when I'm on a forum for a game that's got a 17+ age rating.

My local radio filters profanity, but I don't listen to the radio, so I don't care q: Some TV channels censor bad words, but still show nudity (wtf?), and others censor everything. So it's hit or miss.
Some local newspapers use profanity, but most don't. We have LOL newspapers where they make funny adds and comics, sometimes they use vulgarity.
The video made my chuckle. Not sure if the subtitles are accurate, but it's funny either way :D

8 years ago

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Your TV censors profanity but not nudity? lol, here's it the other way around. The show can basically have half of the dialogues consisted of vulgar language and it will still be rated either 12+ or 16+ and can be aired anytime, but the moment the boob shows on TV it instantly gets rated 18+ and can only be shown at 10PM or later or on not public-access TV stations. ;P

And I don't mean things like porn or GoT level of nudity - our TV used to (idk if it still does, since I moved from my hometown 9 years ago I don't even have a TV ;P) censor sex scenes from Bond movies for example so they could show the movies before 10 PM.

8 years ago

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Yeah, sometimes XD Like on Fight Club, they didn't censor Marla's breasts on the sex scene, but they censor all the vulgarity - including the word "tits." Apparently, they can show them as long as they don't say the word. Super fail! And exactly how it is here, though, they are allowed to show boobs on any channel here... as long as the nipple isn't visible. And it's the same here in the sense that some shows can cuss (as long as it's not "fuck," anyways), as long as the show is rated 14+ or whatever. Hell, they can show someone smoking crack, while mutilating themselves, and having sex - as long as the sexual organs aren't shown. So if it helps any, our television here in America is pretty similar to yours, so you're not alone q:

8 years ago

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Milicic is garbage.

I'm not talking about what he says. I'm talking about his game. It's garbage. Not even hot garbage. Lukewarm garbage.

Oh, I didn't state my preference.

How about:

Milicic is fucking garbage.

And of course over-the-air broadcasts here (Trumpland) bleep and mask profanity. It's even become common to mosaic or mask the mouth of someone speaking profanity.

I don't read the newspaper. Who the hell reads the newspaper? Newspapers have always avoided quoting crude language if it wasn't necessary, and paraphrasing subjects if the original quote would be difficulty to understand. And yes, they rarely print profanities.

Darko's tirade doesn't make me laugh or cringe. It was childish. It was a childish outburst that was inappropriate. It wasn't inappropriate because I'm too "sensitive" and I'm "offended". It's inappropriate because Milicic is supposed to be a grown-ass man and a professional and all that nonsense about fucking mothers and daughters is empty invective, which is curious from a player that when he was in the NBA showed about as much passion as a knee-high sack of horse shit.

Darko needs to grow the fuck up.

P.S. The irony of Darko calling the refs all those names and talking all tough guy when I saw him play in the NBA and he was soft as baby shit. Darko is a fraud ass bitch clown, and I'd tell him to his face.

8 years ago

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Darko needs to grow the fuck up.

That clip was from early in his career. Now that he's retired he's much more serious about things:

8 years ago

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He's just another athlete who was lauded for his skills and talent at an early age who did the bare minimum to stick around to earn millions.

I'm not saying that isn't his right, or that a dude has to love the game or anything. But that he did the bare minimum, that he seemed not to give a shit, leaves me able to characterize him as a weak ass fraud ass clown ass bitch ass ass.

Fucking Pistons picked that sack of shit over Carmelo and D-Wade. It made sense at the time, and other teams were high on Darko, and then he turned out to be... a fuckstick.

Darko still needs to grow the fuck up.

P.S. I am not bitter.

P.P.S. I'm not, really. It's just using harsh language fits with this topic. But seriously though during his time in the NBA he wouldn't have gotten as animated as he does in that clip even if you were trying to stab him in the chest with a razor-sharp shard of frozen dinosaur shit.

8 years ago

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I was only kidding about him growing up. You really should watch that other video ;-)

8 years ago

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I did.

8 years ago

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BTW, when he finally seemed to "get it" and seemed to grow some passion for playing it was too late. Doc hardly played him and he was out of the league.

8 years ago

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Yup. He spent what--a decade--just going through the motions, not developing skills, not developing focus.

Intellectually my position is rational--he can do what he wants--but there's just something about a pro athlete that just snoozes through a career that just infuriates sports fans.

8 years ago

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I don't like censorship. It's not the words that are bad, but they way you use them. I swear a lot, but mostly in a friendly way. I swear a lot with my friends and they do too, but we do it in a friendly way between us. :P
Anyway, if you have to censor it, you could write f@ck. I prefer using @.
The tv and radio in my country mask profanity, depending on the word. Not all words are censored. Well, to be honest, radio doesn't even have to mask profanity, because they're careful with the words that they use. After some hours, during the night, there's no censorship at all.
I see a lot of profanity in newspaper. They're more relaxed about these things. :P
Well, it makes me laugh a bit. :P
In general, in my country, mostly the tv masks profanity. And they do not stand at all profanity against our religion or our country.

8 years ago

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I don't mind, and I prefer to avoid cursing, especially in English, because I'm doing it too often in Polish.

I can't say it's good neither bad. It's important to somehow mark those words as inappropriate, otherwise people might get too used to them and start tolerating some words more and more, which will eventually lead to even accepting them into "modern" dictionary, that already happened with many words in my own language, I'm pretty sure in English too.

You can't also censor everything, because it leads to some Utopia where you can't even write fuck, dick or asshole without getting annoying censorship which doesn't make sense considering everybody knows perfectly what you wanted to say.

Imho it's in balance - service doesn't enforce censorship of those words, but user shouldn't abuse it and post a message which contains curse word between every 2 other words. If you curse easily, you pretty much can't express your anger anymore, because your every post looks the same - despite of your emotions. If I call somebody asshole, or say that something is really fucked up from time to time, then it's obvious sign that I got annoyed to the point that I don't want to hold good quality conversation anymore.

8 years ago

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Kurwa, co ty pierdolisz... Popierdoliło cię do reszty? Jakie, kurwa, przeklinanie, kurwa, na co dzień? Ochujałeś? Pierdolony zgniły zachód może sobie, kurwa, nakurwiać pierdolonego bluzga co drugie, kurwa, słowo, ale u nas? U nas to jest, kurwa kulturka, a nie jakieś jebane zachodnie pedalstwo, Weż ty się kurwa ogarnij a nie takie popierdolone pieprzone gówna wypisujesz i robisz wstyd naszemu jebanemu Nad-Narodowi!

8 years ago

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chce mi się i śmiać i płakać :D

8 years ago

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I put that in Google Translate and it broke the system :-)

8 years ago

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it's the Pole's thing ;) Theoretically seeing how varied conjugation of words is in polish and how many swearwords can be used as synonyms for anything, you can build whole sentences using only swear words ;)

8 years ago

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For example:
Ta jebana kurwa podpierdolila mnie kurwa kurwom i teraz mam kurwa przejebane.
Literally it would translate to "This fucking fuck fucked me, fuck(as a coma), to fucks and now I am fucking fucked", but what it actually mean in non-vulgqar manner is "This person I don't like reported me <pause> to cops and now I am <pause> in troublesome situation."

8 years ago

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That's pretty cool! Polish seems like a very versatile language.

Someone once told me that Poles have a tendency to use the diminutive form for everything, sometime even absurd things like a bus (autobusyk?) this true?

8 years ago

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yes you can make diminutive form of almost every noun or name (although using them a lot would make you sound extremelly silly and childish) be it mentioned by you bus (in polish we say autobus and diminutive form is autobusik, so you were close ;) ), any item (computer: komputer -> komputerek), human (child: dziecko -> dzieciątko), animal (cat: kot ->kotek/koteczek/kicia/kiciątko), person't name (Kate: Kasia -> Kasiunia/Kasieńka). Heck some words you can even make diminutive form of a diminutive form ;) You can also make diminutive form of many adjectives, pronouns and adverbs. The only words you cannot generally do this with are verbs (but there are rare exceptions as well, usually for verbs describing children mocking them in negative manner, for example cry: płakać -> płakusiać).

8 years ago

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Nawet sobie nie wyobrażasz jak często rzucam kurwami na lewo i prawo w naszym pięknym języku, chociaż ładnym angielskim staram się nadrobić ;_;

Z drugiej strony, takie pierdolić to najelastyczniejsze polskie słowo które ma pierdyliard zastosowań:
pierdolić - to fuck
spierdolić - to run away
wypierdolić - to throw away
napierdolić/wpierdolić - to beat up somebody
zapierdolić - to steal
odpierdolić - to do something
opierdolić - to eat/to scold

A jeszcze dodasz kilka słów i masz kolejnych kilka:
napierdolić/zapierdolić się - to get drunk
wypierdolić się - to fall to the ground

No jak można tego nie używać :D.

8 years ago

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to nie tylko charakterystyka słowa pierdolić ;) Większośc polskich bluzgów możesz dopasować i nimi zamienić większość słów zze słownika ;) Poczynając od klasycznej kurwy, która może byc czymkolwiek od kobiety lekkich obyczajów, przez policjanta, przecinek, po właściwie połowę czasowników w języku polskim przy użycziu odpowiednich przedrostków ;p

8 years ago

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You're so on point :D :D

Tho you easily could use kurwa few more times, as it can serve as sentence connection, indicates moments of consideration "what I wanted to say next / what should I say" and so on xD

8 years ago

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I don't like neither censoring or being rude myself.
Regarding censoring in the media, if I remember correctly there's a law that prevents censoring here in Sweden. Of course some shows (for example the news) avoid swearing, but even if someone swears in those shows (for example someone being interviewed) it doesn't get censored.
And the video you linked: I have nothing against them swearing and insulting the ref if he does a bad job, but threatening him and his family is a bit too much, no matter how bad he was.

8 years ago

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It's hard to find professional media outlets that don't censor.
I don't personally swear but I don't care if other people do. I don't like censorship. People should have the option to have it uncensored and vice versa if that's how they like it, but censorship shouldn't be forced one way or the other.
That video was hilarious btw.

8 years ago

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