Wow! Well over NINE HUNDRED people played the dungeon! That's a lot more than I expected! Thank you to all of the players and key-givers for helping make this a successful event! And, as always, a big thanks to SErVER51 for creating the Dungeon Sandbox that makes things like this possible. 😎

I will be handling the bonus Easter Egg GA later today. I'm still determining some options. I'll update this thread with more info very soon, and will post the winner here as well as ping them in one of their own GA threads to ensure that they see it. If the winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, I move on to a second one, and so forth until the prize is claimed.

Misiu! Congrats! You're the Easter Egg GA winner!

Update: Misiu got back to me and selected her prize from the list! Congrats again!

Running stats:

  • Number of people who have entered the dungeon: 922 (Wow!)
  • Number of people who have completed the dungeon: 287
  • Number of people who have found 100% of the treasure: 164 (SErVER51 upgraded the leaderboard! Thanks!!!)
  • Number of verified people who have found the Easter Egg: 187

All right, all of you smartasses (I have been laughing my butt off at all of the "placeholder" commentary...y'all are hilarious), the time is finally here. Welcome to...

Grez's Halloween 2019 Dungeon Adventure!

That's right, instead of a regular ol' train, you get to play an adventure game created with SErVER51's Dungeon Sandbox! As you play through the adventure, you'll find treasure chests with loot that will link you to invite-only SteamGifts GAs.

I had done a similar event earlier (back in February of this year), and learned a lot from it. So, I really pulled out the stops on this one and put in as much content as I could before my deadline hit. Some quick notes:

  • Roughly 35 NPCs with which to interact
  • Over 400 individual graphics (many of them custom) were used in its construction
  • Fun sound effects from time to time - make sure that you have your speakers/headphones on!
  • Several cases where accessibility to the next part of the dungeon is plot/action-dependent
  • There is an Easter Egg in the dungeon (bonus GA -- see details at bottom of thread)
  • Almost double the surface area of the previous dungeon; max grid size is 100X100, and while I didn't use all of it, I did use most of it πŸ€“
  • Approximately 10X the number of events compared to the previous dungeon
  • Over 350 hours of development & resource acquisition time

Here's how it works

  • You must be at least level 1 to participate in the GAs (but you can play the dungeon if you'd like no matter what your level). Don't complain, buster -- that's a pretty low bar. I want as many people as possible to be able to play, but also want to filter out the tendency for unregistered wins. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  • There are GAs scattered through the dungeon, and they are all in treasure chests
  • You need to explore the dungeon to find them all
  • Some parts of the dungeon (most of them, actually) are only accessible by finding keys to unlock doors, switches to raise gates or activate portals, objects to give to NPCs, or riddles to solve
  • The deeper you explore in the dungeon, the better the GAs become
  • This time around, all GAs will be listed as treasures, so you'll know if you found them all
  • Spoiler alert: there is a final treasure room, and almost 50% of the GAs are in there! It's a virtual orgy of treasure! It's your reward for having solved the entire adventure, so stick with it...there's some pretty good stuff in there!

There are 121 GAs in total throughout the dungeon. As mentioned earlier, the more obstacles you pass, the better on average that the GAs become. Don't exit the dungeon (via the exit portal -- it's obvious and looks different from the regular portals) if you are still looking for treasures! Once you exit, you'll get your current stats, and to re-enter, you'll have to start at the beginning (that's just how the Dungeon Sandbox works). Speaking of treasures, I want to thank some people. I provided 96 GAs (originally, it was 85, but I got crazy last night to make the treasure room look like I wanted and bought a few more πŸ˜†), which means that 25 of the GAs in here were graciously donated by other people. A big "thank you" to D3D (DripleD), seNs, Hiro, nazamout, c_e_e_b_e_r_s, and B{+}mbakl@ts for their contributions to the event!

The GAs will run for three weeks, meaning that they end mid-day on November 1st (All Hallow's Day), US Central time. That will give you lots of time to complete the adventure and just enjoy it without feeling rushed. I'll leave the dungeon open after the GAs are done in case anyone wants to continue exploring or use it for ideas for their own event.


  • Step on every square of every room -- the automap only adds tiles for square you've actually stood upon, not everything you see, so if you want an accurate map (and I have this dungeon pretty well intertwined, so believe me that having an accurate map will help), you need to run around the entire room when you enter one. You can't die, so there's no danger in cruising quickly through the whole room.
  • Talk to every character (by clicking on them)! You can't die, so you can do this without fear. Most characters want something from you in return for giving you something else, pressing a hidden switch/button, or moving out of your way. They will always tell you what they want if you speak to them.
  • Doors show up as gaps on the map -- this can be kind of confusing, but based upon how doors work, they create a blank square on the map in between the two areas that they connect. Keep this in mind when you're examining your map and trying to determine which way to go.
  • Sign in through Steam -- you can play anonymously, but if you want your progress to be saved (and the dungeon's pretty big, so let me tell you that, yes, this is something you definitely want to do), you'll need to be signed in
  • This dungeon is much more complex than my last one, so give yourself plenty of time to go through the whole thing -- nothing in here is very complicated, but there's quite a bit of ground to cover, so be ready to invest some time to get to the best GAs. I did a full end-to-end speed run the night before launch, and it took me just over an hour to complete, even knowing all of the locations and puzzles. Estimated time for the average player is about 3-4 hours, but remember that you can leave and continue later (if you've registered and signed in through Steam).
  • Leave no stone unturned -- I didn't put in any completely useless mazes or anything like that. So, be sure to go down every hallway and into every room...sometimes that annoying, windy, seems-to-go-nowhere passage has a GA at the end of it. Look at every wall.
  • Consider making your own paper map -- you may want to dig out the graph paper and make your own map so that you can make notes as to where NPCs, portals, etc., are located.

Disclaimers and stuff

  • This isn't my tool, I just used it to create the dungeon, so if it goes down or something, please let me know (and I'll tell SErVER51), but also understand that there's nothing I can do about it
  • As always, I'm totally open to suggestions...but also don't be a douchebag if you don't find it fun. Making this stuff is a lot of work, and if you think you can create something better, then awesome, I would genuinely love to see it and learn from it. But anyone acting like a tool will get banned from the dungeon.
  • You must explore the dungeon to enter the GAs. Do not share links with friends. Anyone involved in a leak (I'm only mentioning this because a couple of friends' events had this problem lately), either giving or receiving links to GAs will be treated like the cheater they are and blacklisted for life.
  • It IS ok, however, to discuss puzzles or the maze with friends if you or they are stuck. But everyone needs to find the GAs by playing the game.
  • Most of the keys came from HB, IG, or Fanatical and should all be good. One or two came from Otaku and we all know the drama that happened there. If that happens, please agree ahead of time to delete the GA in that scenario. But don't worry, I will give you some kind of consolation prize worth the same amount as the game in the GA (you'll likely have your pick of several options). I never leave anyone hanging. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  • A million thanks for SErVER51 for creating something cool like this so that the community here at SG has yet another option to do something creative, different, and fun. πŸ’₯🍻
  • Ok, I think that covers it. Enough of my wordiness. It's time for you to ENTER THE DUNGEON.

Have fun, and good luck❗

Easter Egg Bonus GA

So, I got a little crazy at the last minute and decided to add an Easter Egg to the dungeon. Trust me, you'll know it when you find it. How do you find it, you may ask? Well, remember my commentary above about not liking useless hallways that go nowhere, etc. There may or may not be an old-school hidden room behind a clickable or penetrable wall. But if it looks like there should be something there but there isn't...well, you should start checking closely.

When you find the Easter egg, take a screen shot and save it! You can save your screen shots to a shareable folder I made on my OneDrive here. Please format the name as "YourSGName_EESS." I'll be checking file size, time stamps, etc., so no fair sending a screen shot for a friend to use. Let's make this fair and honest. After the event is done, I will use a random number generator against the list of people that found the Easter Egg to do a special bonus GA for that select group! I don't even know what the GA is yet, but it will be something pretty decent.

Note: there were some concerns about the OneDrive shared folder and being able to view people's details in the file attributes and link this back to their SG id (since it's part of the file name). That's the way that file sharing works (because you have to be able to tell if someone else has edited your file, etc.) and in fact all major file sharing that provides folders (like Dropbox, etc.) works like this. But, I totally get the concern, so I've created a private folder and am only using the shared folder for uploads. As the files come in, I'm moving them to the private folder so that no one can look at the file attributes of anyone else's screen shot.

Best of luck finding the Easter Egg!


  • The Creepy Art Gallery contains 42 unique pieces of art, as well as three sculptures
  • The Doll House has 15 unique pieces of wall art
  • Over 250 of the >400 graphics used in the game were manually compressed to reduce the resource load
  • All custom graphics were created and/or edited with either (or both) MSPaint and Powerpoint
  • Each of the thousands of objects in the dungeon (e.g., NPC, wall torch, creepy fog, etc.) was placed individually and manually scaled/rotated/etc.
  • Keeping track of all of the dependencies (e.g., what object works with which NPC) and associations (e.g., which GA goes into which chest and where it's located) for the adventure required an Excel spreadsheet and eight sheets of notes
  • Edge was used almost exclusively as the browser during creation; this was to ensure that when obtaining png graphics, they would be saved in their native format and not be converted to webp (which happens frequently in Chrome). Consequently, I also used bing as my search engine, and racked up almost 600 bing Rewards points while searching for graphics for the game. :D

P.S. Be sure to check the comments in the GAs for chances at additional games! Dys has added bonus GAs to every GA outside of the treasure room! That's 61 additional GAs!

View attached image.
5 years ago*

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Fair warning for people who buy bundles, you probably have 99% of what's in here. Nothing against the author.

For me, it was about 60% hidden (aka complete trash), 40% already owned, and I think one giveaway of 121 not hidden or owned.

Nice maze though.

5 years ago*

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

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the ppl in the top scores that only turned like 250 times... wtf? how lol.... i call hacks. there is no way they hardly turned that whole playthrough! lol whattttttt

5 years ago

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Yeah, I don't think that I've ever done it in that few of moves, and I wrote the damn thing. :D

5 years ago

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There are no hacks needed, only a little bit of OCD! I only started the dungeon a second time to complete my map, then I took the last few steps to better my score. I minimized neither my steps nor my turns this time, there is still lots of room for improvement.


It's possible to strafe with 'Q' and 'E' and it's only necessary to turn towards objects you need to interact with, for example doors, NPCs, ... or items and treasure chests, if you want to avoid an extra step to collect them. And it's really helpful to already know your way!

5 years ago

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I uploaded my easter egg photo to the onedrive folder you linked. However I forgot it takes a screenshot of both monitors and I forgot to crop it. Do you mind or would you like me to resubmit?

Thanks again for a great event!

5 years ago

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Nah, no problem. As long as it's identifiable, you're all good. :)

5 years ago

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i just noticed i was rank #28 with 4607 steps taken. , now im #29 the person who took my spot literally beat me by taking 2 little steps less then i took lol.

i feel so salty xD

5 years ago

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乁( β—” ΰ±ͺβ—”)ㄏ πŸ˜†πŸ€£

5 years ago

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Great although spooky dungeon O.0

5 years ago

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Thanks, glad you liked it!

5 years ago

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Are we supposed to have to sign in to upload a screenshot? When I click the button to upload a file it brings me to the page to sign in.

Edit: I thought anyone could upload to a shared folder without needing an account, but I guess not. I signed into an old hotmail account and uploaded the screenshot. Now back to the dungeon :)

5 years ago*

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Yeah, I didn't think that you had to do that either. But now that I think about it, it makes sense for uploading, because in a shared folder it's keeping track of who-changed-what (which would include new files), which is critical security-wise for sharing. I don't think that you have to log in to read/download, but it's probably required to write/edit/upload.

FYI, as people are uploading the files, I'm moving them off to a private folder for added security. :)

5 years ago

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Any hints on getting past the black gate? Is there a switch somewhere that I'm just not seeing?

5 years ago

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If I am thinking of the same gate towards the beginning of the dungeon, you just need to continue exploring other parts of the dungeon and it will be opened as you progress and talk to other NPCs.

5 years ago

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The one that's mostly to the north of your starting position? Where you see blue wallpaper in the background behind it? If this is what you're talking about, then you need to complete another part of the adventure, and this will open for you.

5 years ago

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That was a great experience for the last two weeks, thanks for your effort (and gifts). I always played about 10-15 minutes a day and had a fun time with it. Even got all the treasures, maybe another try for the Easteregg. Difficulty was good, twice I had to read some posts here to get the final "stups". So again thank you, Grez1, for a wonderful contribution to Steamgifts!!! Until the next dungeon, I think!

5 years ago

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It's really great to hear that you enjoyed it! There's not much point in investing the time if people don't like the experience. 😏

As for the Easter Egg...if you decide to go back for it, know that it's attainable fairly close to the beginning of the adventure, so it's not like you have to complete the whole thing again to locate it. Read my notes at the top in the Easter Egg section...there's a big hint there as to location. :)

Congrats on finishing and getting 100% of the treasures!

5 years ago

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Found easter egg, but missed 1 treasure >/<

5 years ago

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That's a pretty good run! Congrats on finishing the thing!

5 years ago

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Completed and found everything. The dungeon was more fun than I thought it would be. I really liked the NPCs and artwork. I also liked that the puzzles were easier and didn't require research outside of the dungeon.

The one thing I would change would be to add a mini map in the corner of the screen. I think the previous dungeon had this and it makes it quicker and easier to navigate rather than having to open the full size map so often.

Thanks for the great event :)

5 years ago*

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Hey, thanks for the kudos, and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed hearing from players that they actually had a good time playing my craziness. :)

I'm the author of the dungeon, but not the engine that it runs on. So, as for the mini map, I don't have any control over that. It's part of the Dungeon Sandbox and just works the way it works (and it's actually the same on other dungeons since it's built into the engine 😁). However, SErVER51 (who is the coding brains behind the Dungeon Sandbox) is aware that the mini map is pretty frustrating. I've given him a ton of feedback as have other creators and players. He actually has a pretty large update for the DS mostly complete, and the most significant part of it is to make the mini map a lot more functional. I don't know all of the details, but I know that suggestions I made included being able to scroll around the map without moving, zoom in/out, tags for locations of encountered NPCs or objects with function, appropriate representation of doors, and a mini-mini-map that the player can dock in the corner while playing. I'm not sure how many of those items are included in the update or when the update will arrive. SErVER51 is a busy person with a career and thus he just gets to work on the DS in what passes for his free time, but I know that this event has renewed his interest in getting that upgrade done, so we may see something fairly soon. I hope so, as I'd love to leverage some new features for another dungeon in a few months. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ»

Thanks again for playing, and congrats on 100%ing the dungeon!

5 years ago

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Thanks for the info. I thought the last dungeon had a permanent mini map in the corner of the screen, but maybe my memory is just playing tricks on me.

I personally think the map just showing you where you have been and nothing else is fine. I just make a note with the coordinates anytime I need to remember something. Being able to zoom out to see more of the map would be nice though.

5 years ago

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I would like it if it would automap anything within viewable range as you go through a room...not just the squares you've stepped upon. This would be especially nice for areas that are on the map that you can see, but can't enter.

5 years ago

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Here, let me tease you a little bit ;p

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Duuuuuddddeeeee!!!! That looks fantastic!

Are you going to be able to use it with dungeons that already exist? Because I would love to be able to view this crazy thing in the new mini-map. :)

5 years ago

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Yes, it's gonna be compatible with all the dungeons.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Oh, and please tell me that it's going to auto-map all of the squares within visible range, instead of having to step on each one. Pretty please? 😁😁😁

5 years ago

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It will auto-map nearby tiles (they will be half-hidden until you step on them) so that you could easily see if there was some passage that you could miss.

5 years ago

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This will also make it easy to find a new passage that might have opened somewhere.

5 years ago

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Niiiiiiiccccceeee! πŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ»

5 years ago

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great game ! thank you for making this (=
and have a bump!

5 years ago

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You're welcome! Glad that you had fun with it. :)

5 years ago

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I'm a bad explorer. :|

201910231814utc β€” 61/61 updates installed

5 years ago

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Totally not true, but glad you found that last one :D

5 years ago

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Thanks for the maze, was fun, great work

5 years ago

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Thanks! Congrats on finishing!

5 years ago

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bump for solved! that was a hell of a dungeon. thank you Grez, I had so much fun!

5 years ago

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Thanks, and congrats!

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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Done! Kudos to you for your creativity, generosity, and hard work!
The scariest part was ending up in suburban New Jersey at the end...

5 years ago

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Lol...yeah, too many laws there for my taste. The day I can't pump my own freaking gas is the day I move to an island nation somewhere. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago*

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You're welcome! I can see that you appreciate my getting into touch with my inner twelve-year-old at about 2 o'clock in the morning. 🀣 I can tell you that I was literally laughing out loud while writing that...all in a room by myself like some freaking maniac. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Lol, thanks. I'm kind of a smartass, and I like things like Monty Python, and given that you can't die, I didn't see a way to make it truly scary. So I made it sort of visually disturbing from time to time, but tried to fill it with tongue-in-cheek humor, absurdity, and general silliness. Glad that you appreciated it. :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Finally finished the dungeon, and that was fun. 121/121, now I just need to find the easter egg [If I can]

5 years ago

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Glad you liked it!

The Easter Egg isn't that hard to find...be sure to read the section on it, which gives you a BIG hint on how to find it! (And if you're starting the dungeon again, don't worry, you can locate it fairly early in the adventure :) )

5 years ago

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Bump for finishing it! Thanks a lot for this amazing dungeon, Grez! This for sure was a lot of work, but it was totally worth it. I really enjoyed it.

5 years ago

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Glad you had fun! Congrats on the win, and good luck with the GAs on the 1st!

5 years ago

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it's safe to login with steam?

5 years ago

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Yep. You're not passing any critical info to the Dungeon Sandbox. It's leveraging Steam's login just to create a user profile so that it can save your progress. For more specific detail, you can contact the creator of the Dungeon Sandbox (who is also a Steamgifts member), SErVER51. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ»

5 years ago

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Thank you, grez, that was fun! Art gallery is my fav place :D
120/121 though 🀣

5 years ago

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Nice to hear that you liked the Art Gallery...that required the most work outside of the Haunted Corridors. All of those individual pieces of art had to be obtained, framed, scaled, etc. Congrats on finishing and good luck with all of the GAs on the 1st!

5 years ago

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Whole ass bump... The effort that went into this is amazing. Thank you for this and happy Halloween to u <3

5 years ago

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Also, at the room with the syringe, why is there another hole? Did you plan to have multiple levels or?

5 years ago

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That was the explanation for where you threw the meat and where the crazy patient disappeared to. :)

I would like to do multiple levels, but they're currently not supported in the Dungeon Sandbox. If SErVER51 ever implements them, chances are good that I'll use them. And then...hoo boy, look out for how confusing that maze can get! :D :D :D

5 years ago

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I would need weeks to solve each maze but you would need thousands of hours to make them >:)

5 years ago

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Thanks! And Happy Halloween to you too! πŸ‘»πŸ’€πŸ˜

5 years ago

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I'm stuck at the password thing and have no idea where else to go, I've been busy so I've been playing very rarely so I don't remember where I haven't been.

5 years ago

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Which password (there's more than one)? The "bloody" password in the Psyche Ward? If so, look through this thread's comments...there are LOTS of hints throughout on how to find that password.

Assuming that's where you are, even after you solve it, you may be a bit perplexed as to where to go next. Well, keep in mind that as you solve or visit some areas, other ones elsewhere in the dungeon may have just opened up (a locked gate opens, a movable wall slides out of the way, etc.).

Good luck!

5 years ago

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Oh wow, I don't remember the map at all and with only 2 days left I don't think I'm gonna make it captain, tell my wife I love her.

5 years ago

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Lol, that's plenty of time...we've had a couple of dungeon runs that we basically ~2 hrs by some players. You can tell if you're in the Psyche Ward because, well, it looks like a creepy hospital. Assuming that's where you are, the password is in the Psyche Ward. Look around, pay close attention to everything you're looking at. Look for something that at first may just seem like interesting detail...I rarely invest a lot of time designing anything useless, so if it seems significant, it probably is...

5 years ago

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Well I'll give it a shot if I find the time, tnx.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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