I absolutely loved this. Thanks so much to everyone involved; this was a wonderful gift to our community!
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So glad that you had a good time! Thanks for playing...knowing that people are enjoying events like this are why I make them. 😁😎
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Bump! I missed 3 somehow! xD I might replay through tomorrow. It got a bit laggy for me at one point. @_@ Super fun though. Thank you!!!
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Thanks! And let me know if you get really, really stuck. I've been giving out hints here and there. Getting stuck for too long kills the fun. :)
Oh, wait, will you look at that? You dropped something: 💙
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There are a few hints on this one throughout the comments on this thread. But the short version is: pay attention to what he tells you...this lets you know who you should seek out for help. Once you've been to this part of the Psyche Ward, another part of the dungeon has opened up for you, and when you explore it, you'll be able to find the next NPC that you should talk to...
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Thanks, and great job! Yeah, the Easter Egg was a last-minute addition, but I'm glad that I did it...it ended up being a lot of fun. Plus, it's a reflection of the very silly person that I am, so there's that. :D
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Thank you very much for the funny Dungeon Adventure.and all the giveaways.
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Done! Thank you, it was very fun!
Somehow managed to find everything despite the (unintentionally?) pitch black room.
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Thanks! Congrats on a really great run through the dungeon!
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Hello, Grez,
Your Dungeon Adventure is quite captivating. Thank you very much for it!
I haven’t completed it yet and have some questions for you, if you don’t mind.
In the area with ghosts I met 5 of them. I found and brought the items for 4 of them, except for the engagement ring for Innocent ghost. When the gate got opened, I went to explore another area with the clowns, but when I returned to Innocent ghost, it wasn’t there. I’ve been writing down positions of all important locations. Innocent ghost was supposed to be around x78 y73 but disappeared without me giving it the engagement ring first. I also haven’t found the ring too. How could this happen?
Also please tell me where to look for Chandler that a clown blocking a switch in Break Room asked for.
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The innocent-looking ghost was playing a joke on you. There's no engagement ring. She was fooling you into walking into the jump-scare at the back of the hallway. But, when you exit, she gives you the doll that you need to bring to the little girl ghost, so you're still rewarded for having been the target of her prank. :) In the text when you pick up the "groom" doll, it tells you that she leaves the room laughing, probably preparing for her next prank. ;) So, if you've already given the groom doll to the little girl ghost, then you're all done with both her and the innocent-looking ghost (named as such because she's not so innocent at all :D :D :D).
As for Chandler, he's very close to Ted the Swearing Clown, who is looking for him. Once you help the other three clowns in the break room as Ted has asked you to, and flipped the switches behind each one, you'll have access to an area that was blocked off previously (just look around the break room). You'll find Chandler in there.
Hope that helps!
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Thank you very much for your reply, Grez!
I’ve completed the dungeon. It was an awesome adventure and I really enjoyed it but, unfortunately, my stats show that I found only 119 treasures :((
I have a hunch that I missed 2 treasures somewhere in the area with ghosts. I had 59 links to your giveaways in the inventory before entering the final treasure room.
Can you please tell me where I could miss 2 treasures? I’m just very curious about it.
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You're welcome, and I'm glad that you had fun!
As for where you missed things...well, that could be a lot of places. I had one player that had accidentally not opened one of the treasures in the treasure room! Doh! :D
If you're really curious, hit me up on Steam IM and I can send you the list of games since you've already finished. You can figure out which ones you missed, and I can likely tell you where you should look for those if you decide to give it a second run. 👌🏻
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Bump for solved!
Thanks so much, it was a lot of fun :D
I got 121/121 and the easter egg so I think I found everything! (I saw afterwards that some people got more than 121 so maybe I missed something?)
Favourite line: "my sister, who is a biiiitch" coming from that ghost, LOL
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Lol, glad someone appreciated that. And, of course, her sister who says the exact same thing. The old "three sides to every story" thing. :)
Congrats on a nice run!
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It's just a bug apparently, to do with Grez fixing the dungeon while it was already open to the public.
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Everyone loves to hate jumpscares. Except the author. They always love jumpscares. 😈😁🤣👻
Glad you had fun, and congrats on finishing!
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A man after my own heart with that Excel map! LOL
I'm glad that you liked it. I wanted this one to be more challenging than the last one that I did. I'm not sure when I'll have time to do another one on this scale, but I have keys in themed bunches for a couple of other events, so there may be something else late this year or early next year on a somewhat smaller scale. :)
Congrats on the excellent run!
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quick question before I exit: can I access the GAs in inventory after I exit?
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Yes, you can. Once you go through the exit portal, you'll get your stats, and then you'll have a button that looks like a trophy that you can click for a pop-up window with all of your treasures in it. 😎👍🏻
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Ha, I'm so bad at this. I can access the psyche ward but when I click the doors I can only knock on them. There are 2 levers I mess around with but it seems to be getting me no where except for access to a handful of giveaways. There is like a black looking gate on the northside but it doesn't seem to open. I have Brainz, severed arms, and drugs. Is there some combination of the 2 levers that will get me access to advance? I think I've spent nearly 2 hours to get access to 7 giveaways! I really suck @ this.
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didn't you pick a bunch of keys before? use it on the doors
and use the map to find your way around, it helps
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Lol, ok, let's see if we can get you unstuck.
First of all, you're probably making the doors too difficult. Have you found a ring of keys yet? If you found that other stuff, then you almost certainly have. All of the locked doors in the psyche ward open with that ring of keys. After that, you'll probably know what to do with all of the other stuff you've already found. :)
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@grez1 - I got on the adventure early and found the easter egg by coincidentally seeing you in the dungeon, but then real life came up I couldn't get time to finish it until now. I appreciate the effort very much, even if horror games are not my thing. Still it's awesome to see someone care so much, never expected some placeholder to turn out to be this interesting :D
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lol, well I'm certainly happy that this ended up being an interesting placeholder. :D :D :D
I love that you found the Easter egg by seeing me running around in there. That's hilarious.I never even thought about that possibility. Glad that you were able to eventually finish it up!
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Nice dungeon - thanks for all the effort you put in.
Hmm... found the easter egg, but am having trouble uploading to onedrive - stuck at "0 bytes/403 KB"
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Hmmm, that's weird. Well, if you keep having trouble, hit me up on Steam IM and you can get the screen shot to me that way and I'll throw it into the OneDrive folder for you.
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That would be very much appreciated, thank you. I'll send a friend request now.
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121/121 + easter egg. Thank you grez! Well done! And thank you dys for your contributions (and happy cake day!)!
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You're welcome! Glad that you had fun, and missing one is still a really good finish. Congrats and good luck with the GAs!
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Wow! Well over NINE HUNDRED people played the dungeon! That's a lot more than I expected! Thank you to all of the players and key-givers for helping make this a successful event! And, as always, a big thanks to SErVER51 for creating the Dungeon Sandbox that makes things like this possible. 😎
I will be handling the bonus Easter Egg GA later today. I'm still determining some options. I'll update this thread with more info very soon, and will post the winner here as well as ping them in one of their own GA threads to ensure that they see it. If the winner doesn't respond in 48 hours, I move on to a second one, and so forth until the prize is claimed.
Misiu! Congrats! You're the Easter Egg GA winner!
Update: Misiu got back to me and selected her prize from the list! Congrats again!
Running stats:
All right, all of you smartasses (I have been laughing my butt off at all of the "placeholder" commentary...y'all are hilarious), the time is finally here. Welcome to...
Grez's Halloween 2019 Dungeon Adventure!
That's right, instead of a regular ol' train, you get to play an adventure game created with SErVER51's Dungeon Sandbox! As you play through the adventure, you'll find treasure chests with loot that will link you to invite-only SteamGifts GAs.
I had done a similar event earlier (back in February of this year), and learned a lot from it. So, I really pulled out the stops on this one and put in as much content as I could before my deadline hit. Some quick notes:
Here's how it works
There are 121 GAs in total throughout the dungeon. As mentioned earlier, the more obstacles you pass, the better on average that the GAs become. Don't exit the dungeon (via the exit portal -- it's obvious and looks different from the regular portals) if you are still looking for treasures! Once you exit, you'll get your current stats, and to re-enter, you'll have to start at the beginning (that's just how the Dungeon Sandbox works). Speaking of treasures, I want to thank some people. I provided 96 GAs (originally, it was 85, but I got crazy last night to make the treasure room look like I wanted and bought a few more 😆), which means that 25 of the GAs in here were graciously donated by other people. A big "thank you" to D3D (DripleD), seNs, Hiro, nazamout, c_e_e_b_e_r_s, and B{+}mbakl@ts for their contributions to the event!
The GAs will run for three weeks, meaning that they end mid-day on November 1st (All Hallow's Day), US Central time. That will give you lots of time to complete the adventure and just enjoy it without feeling rushed. I'll leave the dungeon open after the GAs are done in case anyone wants to continue exploring or use it for ideas for their own event.
Disclaimers and stuff
Have fun, and good luck❗
Easter Egg Bonus GA
So, I got a little crazy at the last minute and decided to add an Easter Egg to the dungeon. Trust me, you'll know it when you find it. How do you find it, you may ask? Well, remember my commentary above about not liking useless hallways that go nowhere, etc. There may or may not be an old-school hidden room behind a clickable or penetrable wall. But if it looks like there should be something there but there isn't...well, you should start checking closely.
When you find the Easter egg, take a screen shot and save it! You can save your screen shots to a shareable folder I made on my OneDrive here. Please format the name as "YourSGName_EESS." I'll be checking file size, time stamps, etc., so no fair sending a screen shot for a friend to use. Let's make this fair and honest. After the event is done, I will use a random number generator against the list of people that found the Easter Egg to do a special bonus GA for that select group! I don't even know what the GA is yet, but it will be something pretty decent.
Note: there were some concerns about the OneDrive shared folder and being able to view people's details in the file attributes and link this back to their SG id (since it's part of the file name). That's the way that file sharing works (because you have to be able to tell if someone else has edited your file, etc.) and in fact all major file sharing that provides folders (like Dropbox, etc.) works like this. But, I totally get the concern, so I've created a private folder and am only using the shared folder for uploads. As the files come in, I'm moving them to the private folder so that no one can look at the file attributes of anyone else's screen shot.
Best of luck finding the Easter Egg!
P.S. Be sure to check the comments in the GAs for chances at additional games! Dys has added bonus GAs to every GA outside of the treasure room! That's 61 additional GAs!
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