Hi all.
I'm sure there are a handful who may remember me. I really enjoyed the community here but I kinda fell off the face of the Earth for a bit unannounced. I was never intending to be absent for quite this long but I'm back again. If there have been any major changes, point me in their direction. If there were any particularly interesting things that happened I'd love to hear the story. I'll be around intermittently for the next few months, clearing out my bundle keys and such, with the occasional non-bundle.

And now for the reason you really came, a giveaway!

Update: I decided to have a little fun and not immediately divulge the specifics of my absence. I dropped a few hints and geoglitch got most of the story while rayvio figured out the missing detail I hinted at. Feel free to reward them with cat gifs.

This is about as personal as I will get on a public internet forum so here we go: I started IVF treatment about a year ago after my husband and I endured 4 years of no success. On the second cycle (around the time I disappeared in early February) we finally had success. Two embryos were implanted (I had my reasons) and they both stuck around! I'm due with twins in late October, but let's face it, twins will usually come early. So I'll probably be disappearing again for a while around mid-October.

Although I haven't been around for long (currently, I've been absent longer than I've been active) and this isn't the usual place for talking about these kind of things, I really do love this community and I wanted to make sure to share the news with you guys. And for those who are curious, we won't know the gender until they're born :P Obviously, I won't be revealing names but I'll do my best to drop a small announcement when they get here.

Thanks everyone for being awesome! <3

8 years ago*

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The Rise and Fall (and Rise and Fall, and Rise and Fall, and Rise...and Fall) of Konrads happened.

Welcome backish :P

8 years ago

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Oh yeah. I kinda remember that guy. I'm not one to encourage drama but it's too bad I missed out on that one :P

8 years ago

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Don't worry there are guys who seem to continue his legacy :P

8 years ago

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Yes, as it goes with his type: Cut off one head -

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8 years ago

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That was the only thing that came to my mind while reading op. So sad!

8 years ago

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You missed another Hunger Games event, Karaoke contest, Screenshot contests, a lot of fun puzzles and other events... But for some reason when I try to remember the last months on Steamgifts, it all feels so... unimportant..Even though I spend so much time on here.

8 years ago

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Welcome back, though I don't recall seeing you before :p

8 years ago

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Well, I don't recall seeing your before either :P

I hadn't been a member for very long before I disappeared so it's entirely possible we just didn't cross paths in any significant way.
(Although, if you're joking and you have seen me before, I sincerely apologize for not remembering. Just gimme some time to reacquaint myself with this lovely community :3 )

8 years ago

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Just saw the update, congrats to you then!! Hope to see you in December with good news xD

8 years ago

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Welcome back! We can view keys for our created giveaways now, our plot to overthrow CG and make Bear president has failed and you've missed Cake Day threads :D

8 years ago

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Bump and meow.

8 years ago

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babies are the best!
first child? you gone go crazy and have so much fun at the same time!!!

8 years ago

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Welcome back pear and congrats!

8 years ago

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congrats on the baby, hopes she/he is a healthy one.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Congrats, welcome back and thanks for the gibs! :)

8 years ago

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Welcome back and congrats!

8 years ago

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Congrats :D

I was wondering where did you go while checking Positive Thoughts members on rule breaking (it shows users which were inactive for more than month). But I wouldn't expect something like this D: Good that modern medicine can help people with their problems ^_^

8 years ago

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Yeah, the first trimester was just so rough physically and emotionally so I wound up hermiting myself a bit. Glad I haven't been kicked out just yet. I'll soon be making GAs in all the various groups including Positive Thoughts :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Welcome back and congrats :)

8 years ago

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Wow, congratulations.

Having kids? You are completely insane... and congratulations! :D :D :D

8 years ago

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Congrats! It's always tough with IVF but I'm glad it worked out for you guys! I've heard terrible stories of people blowing their entire savings/money on it without any luck

8 years ago

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Congratulations. Double the joy and happiness for ya.

8 years ago

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Congratulations, :D

8 years ago

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Congrats! Do you get free maternity package in your country? Just asking because those are quite nifty, especially if it is the first baby (or babies in this case, awwies) in the family :) In Finland (yup, I live here, not the best country in the world since everything is expensive and the law is really strict in many things but ehh... this is where I was born and I like it short of...) state gives every mother one package per child, if you have twins you get three if I remember right (the amount of packages gets bigger if you get multiple childs at the same time). Really great and useful stuff, but if you don't want the package state gives you 140 euros per unused package. Wouldn't take the money though since the materials in the package are really worth more than that :) The box can be even used as a first bed for the baby! Crazy, isn't it?

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8 years ago

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That's a cool idea. Never heard of a country offering those before

8 years ago

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Oh wow. Yeah, no, nothing even remotely like that offered by the state here in the US - the only developed country to doesn't have paid maternity leave. Not sure how I feel about having the baby sleep in a box but I suppose it could do in a pinch if you somehow didn't get a crib before the baby was born.

8 years ago

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Of course I remember you. You're one of the first members of BLAEO. :)
Congratulations on the pregnancy. I'm wishing you and the babies good health.
About the sg news I was gonna mention Konrads, but of course someone else had to say it before. :p If you're feeling masochistic try Kerros' evil labyrinth, some great games inside.

8 years ago

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Ah yes, the backlog. I have completed a few games since I've been back on Steam regularly. (I never really left Steam so much as I just stopped playing games for a while and only logged in a few times a week to check messages and chat with a few people.) I'll be sure to make the rounds in all the various groups I'm in to update and make GAs and such :3

8 years ago

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Wow, that's some great news. Congrats on the pregnancy.
Wishing you guys all the best in the months to come, and even more when the real journey begins.

8 years ago

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It's a nice reason even if it's for your absence. Congrats.

8 years ago

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Wow, congratulations (x2)! :P

8 years ago

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Congratulations! Wish you and your family the best of luck :)

8 years ago

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Hi, Pearadise-- yes I certainly remember you (and remember adding you to my whitelist back in January). What a wondrous reason for an absence! My wife and I went through the very same process as you-- IVF, two implanted, resulted in twins! They are now maniacal little preschoolers (boy-girl) and we couldn't be happier. Hit me up on Steam if you'd like to discuss anything about the process and the joys survival tips of raising twins! =)

8 years ago

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