If I remember right you also have to add the first free episode of Grimm to get the card drops. Episode 1 - A Boy Learns What Fear Is
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Ooh, I got ASF installed and just now finally figured out how to configure it - Thanks!
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You could add Endless Space ?
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The game is currently free on their own website, not on Steam Store. The purpose of the discussion thread is to share games that are free on the Steam Store and still drop cards.
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The game is still paid on Steam Store. The thread isn't about giveaways, so I won't add to the list, sorry.
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You need to use Archi's Steam Farm to use the commands.
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Yeah, the store page doesn't show that the game has cards, but is there.
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The drop is still available. Checked it right now with a friend's account.
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Bump Update:
[march 17, 2019] • Added Estranged: Act II
Note: The game is currently in early access and doesn't drop cards, but according to the dev, when the game is out of early access, it will cost something, and if there's a popular request, he can add trading cards in the future, so I recommend you all to add a comment there asking for trading cards and add this game to you library right now while it's free to guarantee your cards.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“We plan to charge a nominal amount for the game once it is complete, but during the early access phase it will be completely free of charge.”
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The dev said that if there's a popular request, he can add trading cards in the future, so I recommend you all to add a comment there asking for trading cards and add this game to you library right now while it's free to guarantee your cards.
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Bump Update:
[may 06, 2019] • Added Glare1more
Note: The Game is currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands.
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Bump Update:
Game Name | Note |
Chinese Chess/ Elephant Game: 象棋/ 中国象棋/ 中國象棋 | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
Dark Matter | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
DEUS VULT Online VR sword fighting | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
Flappy Arms | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
Mirt. Tales of the Cold Land. Chapter one | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
The Drone Racing League Simulator | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
TRAPPED | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
VR Paradise | Currently paid on Steam but you can get it for free through SteamDB/ASF commands. |
Credits to Joseahfer and his thread, Ugaman, ReiraSuzuki and Rellikpt.
Game Name | Note |
Glare1more | Problem fixed. Who added the game this way now can drop cards and got a +1 on the library. |
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I think, that Hitman II has been already removed as well. No free download from SteamDB, and using app_license_request 272196 in console didn't work.
Also, is there a reason to post ASF commands, instead of SteamDB links, which seem to be easiest to use?
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Are you sure? It seems to be fine here. I tried in an account recently and got the game plus the free drops.
The ASF commands are for a specific package. If you try to install it through the SteamDB button I believe it won't work. But I'ill add the SteamDB links for who wants to try it.
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I'm not really sure. I have never before used the console, but app_license_request 272196 in console certainly doesn't work for me.
I'm getting:
"] app_license_request 272196
Requesting license for AppID 272196 ... "
and nothing more happens, just normal report about Steam client's activities.
And thx for SteamDB links. Just used them for MetaMorph, Mirt, the Drone Racing and VR Paradise, though I have no idea, if they would work for all games listed. Unfortunately, I have used from SteamDB, before I've realized, that I could use them to check, if my console works alright.
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Steam client doesn't use the same method as ASF does, and SteamDB only creates a link for Steam client to do app_license_request without putting it in a console.
ASF does a request to the network and the store, which is equal to trying Steam client and sending Steam store request, except second one is not always available for consumer to use. In short, you can't really use app_license_request or SteamDB as alternative to addlicense, but only as alternative to addlicense in specific cases that work with multiple ways.
This is also why ASF works with both subIDs and appIDs (first one is store, second one network), while SteamDB and client can only work with appIDs, and eventual mapping of appID -> subID for specific cases.
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Had the same issue, the SteamDB link throws you off. It's actually HITMAN™ 2 – Starter Pack what you activate via ASF.
To do so without ASF, just go to the Store page of Hitman 2 then press "Play Game" below the box "Play HITMAN™ 2 – Starter Pack". For me it showed then "SUCCESS! HITMAN™ 2 is now registered to your account on Steam." and done. :)
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added several games I don't have. None of them give +1
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Tip: Even if the game doesn't give you a +1 on your library or drop cards, get it! When the dev fix the problem, it will start to drop cards and count +1 on library. The games Dark Matter and Glare1more are a proof ot that.
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Maybe these accounts already had the game and already dropped the cards before. Check it on your account activations ;)
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Seems like they just changed something in Dark Matter, and as result it's dropping cards to whoever activated that sub
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Yeah, had the same thing happen, and then I checked my activations and it seems like I got Dark Matter back in 2017, so I thought that was the reason. Still, I couldn't find any evidence I ever got cards of the game in the badge browser. But then I added something else to my library earlier today and out of nowhere ASF started to farm the cards for that game. So I dunno, maybe try activating something else too and that will fix it.
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So maybe people who have games with commercial license will have to pay someday or maybe after each instalation of the game you will have to pay. And I think Steam will ask people for their papers to see as what type of company you are registered.
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That's interesting. So it was listed as one thing then turned into a commercial license with a monthly fee?? I'm not really familiar with all of this so what exactly does this mean?
326826 - TRAPPED - Commercial License (Monthly) Recurring Option - a day ago
326827 - Steam Sub 326827 - Commercial License - 2 days ago
94606 - TRAPPED - Store or CD Key - 5 months ago
250877 - Steam Sub 250877 - No Cost - about a year ago
94605 - Steam Sub 94605 - CD Key - 3 years ago
94604 - Steam Sub 94604 - CD Key - 3 years ago
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4 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
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226 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Mostack
Do you know any free game on Steam Store that drop cards? Or any paid game that you currently gets for free? As far as I know, Grimm, HITMAN™ 2 and The Descendant provide us these free card drops, while Glare1more is a paid game that you could get for free through some ways. If you know any other game that fits these conditions, feel free to share. I will update the list if there's more games.
Tip: Even if the game doesn't give you a +1 on your library or drop cards, get it! When the dev fix the problem, it will start to drop cards (if the game has it) and count +1 on library. The games Dark Matter, Glare1more and TRAPPED are a proof ot that.
• Added
!addlicense asf 149709
!addlicense asf 36617,33694
!addlicense asf 272196
!addlicense asf 153186
• Removed/Fixed (May drop cards!)
• Completely removed from account
Note about "Estranged: Act II": The game is currently in early access and doesn't drop cards, but according to the dev, when the game is out of early access, it will cost something, and if there's a popular request, he can add trading cards in the future, so I recommend you all to add a comment there asking for trading cards and add this game to you library right now while it's free to guarantee your cards.
Every Game in one ASF Command:
!addlicense asf 149709,36617,33694,272196,153186
The game is not showing up on my library, doesn't count +1 and is not dropping cards, what's the problem?
The game was fixed and I'm still not getting the cards, what I did wrong?
How can I add these games to my account?
Huge thanks for the collaboration of:
Joseahfer and his thread, Ugaman, ReiraSuzuki, Rellikpt, EDURYN, Ameto, XiQu3sT, Julenspirit, Sh4l1k4, Reidor, lemusz, Seminecko, Frostt and sergicz.
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