I believe it was added to the description after your comment, but the daily deals are only from Dec 15 to Dec 29. Two weeks total, not the entire month.
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Maybe you can include a link or description regarding what this is for those not aware?
Summary: Epic games will be offering a free game each day for the last 15 days of December 2022. You will have 24 hours to add each game to your account (and keep "forever") on that day.
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Also let's stick to the old thread for now: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/gfkZX/freenot-steamepic-games-weekly-at-thursday-11-am-eastern-moving-over-from-old-thread
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oh I did and I plan to update the post very soon with that announcement.
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The balloon seems to be the clue here. Color pattern of blue and orange possibly part of it?
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That's a great guess and tbh it's probably right. The colors of the letters for the game are the same as the EGS pic. It's already on the EGS as well.
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Monster Hunter World DLC cover
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But dont sweat about it, Wok posted another link.
Personally I think MH would be more likely, since Epic likes to start their giving spree with a biggie, but the color scheme looks very convincnig regarding the Bloons TD game.
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No sweat here, I was having a good night's sleep when you wrote (if only I could sleep a few more hours :P )
I think it's Bloon's TD 6 as well, it's more likely that title color scheme and the balloon fits, than hinting to a random DLC of a game
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I agree that Bloons TD would be underwhelming and I am open for better suggestions but it matches both colors and the balloon (minus the piece of thread) and MH DLC is too far off both in colors and in shape of the balloon and Sonic Colors doesn't even have a balloon.
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Sonic Colors doesn't even have a balloon.
Balloons have been in every Sonic game: wiki
The Balloon (風船[1] Fūsen?), also known as the Exploding Balloon,[2] is a gimmick that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It refers to a variety of colorful balloons that will pop and bounce the player higher into the air upon touching them.
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It's nowhere in the logo or product images though.
Edit: also those balloons look almost spheric while the ones on the hint and the Bloons ones look a bit more bulbous. And the light reflections on the Sonic ones are more of a dot while the ones on the hint and the Bloons ones look more like a banana.
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Reference: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/486RB1
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Didnt you see that people are trying to correct you? Epic usually has hints that revealed the next freebie - that much is true. If you want leaks, just wait for the leaks. You might not know since you only care about the leaks, but people usually guess here which is always part of the fun.
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And I'm saying that people are correcting you, which you dismissed negatively after discouraging them from guessing and having fun. This does NOT mean you can make a debate out of it. If you don't want to get bothered, leave them alone.
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Sure, i can say how wrong you are, but i'll be the bigger man and end the conversation here. Hope you'll grow up soon.
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You are partially wrong since the list was only leaked a week or so after they started giving away games. And the list wasn't 100% accurate either, many games were listed on the wrong date. Nevertheless the colors of the package and the hint object on the package have already been proven last year (and again this year) to be clues to the game being given away.
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Nope. I googled and there were already several articles that showed the leak occurred before the event.
Nevertheless I don't care. I simply stated that you shouldn't always expect what you expected. it was never a written rule. it's not an ARG. Please stop harassing me about it.
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LOL. Well there were several leaks for several different games (mostly incorrect) at the start so people did use the ribbon clues and the hint object to guess what the game would be. There's only one source provided by "Wok" that proofed to be mostly correct but did have some game dates mixed up. Unlike you I can admit when I'm (at least partly) wrong, and some games got leaked at the start, but not all of them and there certainly wasn't a list of them until later in the event. but congrats on "winning" the argument :D I won't be replying to you anymore since you're obviously trolling.
This is the correct thread for those that are interested: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/gfkZX/freenot-steamepic-games-weekly-at-thursday-11-am-eastern-moving-over-from-old-thread#8lv5O6Z
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It wasn't "until later in the event", and I'm NOT trolling. I'm not concerned with the accuracy of the leaks. My point was that there were leaks so we knew what to expect BEFORE the event happened.
This never happened "later" or "after the fact". You could easily google this. I happen to know this because I monitor this kind of stuff actively near-daily.
It's really ironic that you say you can admit your're wrong when my point was you could be wrong. Why did you even bother arguing?
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They posted the leaks after the first day on SG
I don't know why knowing the games upfront invalidates the fact that packaging was (even on the event before that) and is a hint, and why that guy choose the "you can't always expect the expected" hill to die on. It's fortune cookie wisdom at best
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Here we go again!
They posted the leaks after the first day on SG
Please use better sources than an ongoing thread that started in November that year.
This was not that hard to look up.
If you don't feel like clicking the links, I'll save you time. The Reddit thread was started on the 9th of December, contains several links to articles published on that same day, the second link of which I put up was one of them.
The 2021 event wouldn't start until the 16th. A whole WEEK apart! FallenKal was completely overconfident in his point to be dismissive and failed to do actual research so he could distort historical facts, and still came out completely wrong.
The 2020 link was posted about the same day the event was underway. FWIW however, the tweet admits the guy received that from a source from several hours prior. It's not exact, but it doesn't discount the possibility that the leak was discovered before the event started, and that is still no basis of saying that the leaks happened after the event.
This is why people should be looking these things up. I would love to be wrong if people did that. But I'm not impressed thus far.
I don't know why knowing the games upfront invalidates the fact that packaging was
I don't know what you mean by saying "you can't always expect the expected" as that's not accurate nor what I'm saying here at all.
How one simple slice of advice upsets you to reduce it to "fortune cookie wisdom", when there's a common associated saying, "don't count your chickens before they hatch." Whether I used either, the sentiment is the same. I have it in mind because I also have had experience of Epic changing things, and they have done so a few times before and have such a right. There are no guarantees.
But somehow that possibility escapes you and the suggestion of such upsets you, why do you expend your energy upon this? All I'm saying is I'd rather not hoist my own petard, that past events have shaped the lessons learned. It's not that complicated. It doesn't make sense to fight over it.
EDIT: For the record, I wouldn't be so quick to say there's a lack of leaks for this year's event either. I'm monitoring soruces that are already hinting at the next day's games. So, again, let's not take this too seriously.
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There are no guarantees.
We knew, before you felt the burning need to tell us that what a site has been done for 2 years, may not be true for the 3rd year.
We know, and when the time comes, we see if it's the same or not. You added nothing to the discussion, and kept commenting "leave me alone" to people who also don't understand why you keep arguing about your need to remind people to such a trivial thing.
But somehow that possibility escapes you and the suggestion of such upsets you
No, it's your pointless and contemptuous style is the upsetting part of your performance.
Now to quote you: "Leave me alone." There is a reason I did not replied to your after you reached a point in your tirade.
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We knew, before you felt the burning need to tell us that what a site has been done for 2 years, may not be true for the 3rd year.
Non sequitur.
We know, and when the time comes, we see if it's the same or not. You added nothing to the discussion
All I said was not to make a mountain out of molehill about it. And here you are.
and kept commenting "leave me alone" to people who also don't understand why you keep arguing about your need to remind people to such a trivial thing.
No, it's your pointless and contemptuous style is the upsetting part of your performance.
Now to quote you: "Leave me alone." There is a reason I did not replied to your after you reached a point in your tirade.
I didn't need to remind anyone of anything. It's not a performance. The presence of my statement bothered you because it inconvenienced your imperative. That was clear from the start. The drama is not coming from me. All I had to do was present a rational explanation for this, and all you've shown is madness.
I said "leave me alone" because I was NOT seeking to argue. You persist. That's my fault? That's completely irrational.
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Alright I wasn't going to do this but since you insist on spreading disinformation let me just explain one thing: posts/news articles/whatever can be edited/updated after being posted :O That's exactly what happened to your sources "that were not that hard to look up". Also I'm only talking about 2021 since I wasn't following it in 2020. I know this because I was following it last year and all of the leaked info basically came from one guy (Dealabs user Billbill-Kun) who only revealed information sporadically. I already admitted that I was wrong about there not being any leaks before, but there also were a lot of wrong leaks at the same time so people didn't really trust the one source that was reliable until days later into the event. And not all games were leaked before hand. The link you conveniently omitted from your own reddit source (https://novicegamerguides.com/news/epic-games-store-to-offer-14-free-games-in-december-beginning-with-shenmue-3/) is more accurate as it shows that only Shenmue III was leaked on the 9th of december. All of the games (including this year) in the past that were predicted by using the colors and hint object(s) (the most likely option) always turned out correct so your "fortune cookie wisdom" as you accurately called it, was indeed completely useless. I'm just posting this for the people who are reading your ramblings by the way, not for you.
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Alright I wasn't going to do this but since you insist on spreading disinformation let me just explain one thing: posts/news articles/whatever can be edited/updated after being posted :O That's exactly what happened to your sources "that were not that hard to look up".
I've been ahead of you and already considered that, so you really don't have a gotcha here. You should focus on the actual point here.
The link you conveniently omitted from your own reddit source
You're really not making the point you think you're making. At the very least even with the first game being leaked, that is not evidence against the fact that there was a leak before the event - because in fact the Shenmue III info was a leak in itself. I didn't state that the entire list was revealed. I never stated it had to be accurate. That was never the point. I simply stated there was in fact a leak before the event occurred and you've been trying hard to distort that to fit your own narrative and continue to blow this out of proportion!
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It's also being released on steam on the 15th so a good possibility.
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The colors most often reflected the colors of the wording of the title of the game, and the hint object was (nearly?) always in the game. So I don't think this would be a very likely contender. The colors would most likely be white and blue for this game.
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Interesting. I thought that the colors (background and little drawings) on the gift wrapping were colors of the game cover, but you may be right that these are actually colors of the game logo title.
It is still unclear to me whether the following colors have an importance:
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It's not an exact science but often the colors matched those of the game logo. After re-checking I've noticed it can also be the background colors (mostly if the game logo is just white). So it seems I wasn't entirely correct in my previous post.
The color of the ribbon always matched the color of the symbols on the wrapping paper in the past so I don't think there's anything significant there.
I've never noticed the color of the EPIC label, but checking back to last year I can't really see any correlation. The color seem pretty random to me.
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For me they look more like "Spirit of the North" (color scheme and rune like signs on it), but that would be a repeat, even if it's a great game.
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PUBG Battleground is free to claim and the associated Founder pack is also free until 5th January for anyone interested.
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In French:
19 -> a un goût épicé sauf qu’Elle est jaune contrairement à sa couleur d’origine 😋
Reference: https://www.dealabs.com/comments/permalink/39104468
In English:
19 👀🎁 -> has a spicy taste except She is yellow unlike its original color 😋
Reference: https://twitter.com/BillbilKun/status/1602669363357794305
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predicting Bloons TD 6, but won't be on at the reveal...
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The two curves in the clue look quite like symbolic representation of Indian deity Ganesha.
So maybe it is: https://store.steampowered.com/app/730390/Raji_An_Ancient_Epic/
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At least it's only for one day..
I expect half of them to be repeats or crap. Hopefully some gems.
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Not seeing Fallout 4 in the store (especially when they have the others) is actually a really good sign that it could be an upcoming freebie. They've held things out before when they planned on giving them away in the future. In this case, I think the trophy is Horizon Chase Turbo but we might very well be getting Fallout 4 as one of the big day surprises.
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How long has been Dishonored: Death of the Outsider on the Epic Game Store?
Because it could be one of the freebies
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It seemss that I may be right, hahaha.
Next game is some Dishonored, and the colors matches this one. We'll see tomorrow if it's the first, the third o the complete trilogy...
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great all it keeps saying is failed to challenge captcha try again later - stupid Epic
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Its Horizon Chase Turbo because of the mystery wrapper matches a trophy in the game.
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Horizon Chase Turbo is on sale:
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I don't think this kind of thinking applies nowadays. Epic has an automatic refund system and is more confident in their store, so i) they can manage multiple discounts and their priority, which explains the lack of API leak this year, as well as ii) refund the few people who purchased the game before it was given away. We will see tomorrow how it goes for Horizon after Bloons gets 50% off.
My current way of approaching the giveaways is that, to the opposite of the previous years, all the games will have a discount prior to the giveaway, except for the first one of course. That means an absence of discount would indicate an absence of giveaway, whereas for previous years, the presence of a discount indicated an absence of giveaway.
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Maybe Devs are actually smart to not implement achievements and wait until Epic offers money?
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I mean, the sooner people wake up and smell the coffee about Epic the better. bambi is doing a great service here.
DunnyWasTaken It's hard to tell whether you're a troll or simply mentally challenged. In either case, I feel sorry for you.
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Refusal to support Linux, anti-competitive practices such as paying for 3rd party exclusives to an inferior platform, incompetent customer support that literally sent a user's personal info from a GDPR request to a different user, launcher being basically glorified bloated spyware, Tim Sweeney being Tim Sweeney, owned by Tencent, not allowing developers to sell Epic launcher game keys like you can on Steam (why we are all here on this great site right now), constantly portraying themselves as being the good guys fighting for the consumer while doing the opposite, collecting data from Steam users to falsely inflate their own platform numbers. Some of these you may not care about but don't insult me for rightfully hating a company that wants to ruin the gaming industry. Honestly if you read this comment and still can't understand why Epic are awful then maybe you're the mentally challenged one here.
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I personally don't know how often you post in the various Epic threads but your above post is informative with valid reasons regarding why you don't like their store/launcher. It's the first time I've heard all that at once, which means you're not constantly going on about it.
The other guy spams one lazy, meaningless, occasionally profane rant ad nauseam in every Epic thread while being a hypocrite about that reason in his own steam library. That's why he gets insulted. So maybe understand why it's being done instead of jumping to that guys defense. It's not because he "understands why something is problematic". Nor is it about principle because he'll still claim every free epic game and still not care about achievements in his steam library. It's cuz he personally doesn't like this one thing for some unknown reason and wants everyone to know ALL the time.
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I think this is the second thread I've posted in regarding Epic on Steamgifts, the first one was sometime in 2021 probably, was quite a while ago. I appreciate you calmly explaining the other guy to me as I was unaware on what he was doing in these threads. So yeah that's my bad for fuelling the fire here, obviously I stand by my own points about Epic but it maybe wasn't the best place to express them.
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I don't bother reading the fanboys' same old broken record.
In a nutshell,
Steam started the same if not worse.
Steam championed DRM and worked hard to make DRM the standard in the industry
You don't own the games you 'bought'
You can thank Steam for that.
If you think Steam is clean, why is it still operating in China?
If you have privacy concerns regarding Epic, then better get off any and all social media.
Facebook (an American company through and through) had a Congress hearing for the same issue. Still unresolved years later.
Also if you hate Epic so much, why are you on a thread for free Epic games? Hypocrisy is not a nice color.
Bye :)
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I will say, we need to stop saying that steam started the same if not worse as a counterpoint. The IT tech has improved a ton since Steam started, so Epic had no excuse to not start off much better. Many basic eCommerce sites are starting off better than EGS did
My only real issue that I personally have with Epic is more how publishers and indie devs react negatively at times with their communities when they got epic money in the past to be exclusive. Its not really an issue in the end with epic, just the fact that the money reveals them for who they truly are
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I will say, we need to stop saying that steam started the same if not worse as a counterpoint.
You misunderstood. Steam started also by forcing users to use their back-then shitty, featureless client. The only two things going for Steam is that they got in first and they now have a feature-rich client. Customer-service-wise, Steam is hot garbage.
Your other point is on the other parties, not on the party offering a better deal than highway-robbers Steam.
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You forget to mention that the coding languages have evolved exponentially, the data is now here as for what players like and prefer, and that steam is privately owned, and tencent has no ownage into it. So it's not like Valve has to deliver your data to tencent who specializes in mobile games and free to play games with microtransactions, so that tencent can then spend years to try and decipher what functions of a game they can strip out to sell you later and they can get you to become addicted and spend all your money in one single video game on some skins or perks that should just be part of the game. Yes steam also has CSGO, TF2, DOTA, maybe more mtx games etc. but they provide you a way to get rid of those items, maybe more, maybe less, etc..
The things Valve did with steam back in 2003 aren't as hard to do today due to so many limitations. I mean consider how many generations we're ahead in hardware, how the internet has changed since, storage for instance, the availability of code, etc. These things weren't available in 2003 and even if it took them years to fully develop these features, it's cause they were the first as you said . It's also a proven method now as for what people like, so honestly epic could and should basically just copy it and expand on it.
As for steam operating in china, that's just how it goes there specifically. They have to provide that data as part of being able to provide steam gaming to people over there. Not everything is available there but that doesn't necessarily mean they shouldn't provide games to people over there. You can't blame steam for the Chinese government. I can't say I don't wish it was different.
When you compare that with epic games, you maybe want to remember both these companies were small back then and there was a time epic was a much bigger company than steam. They've made the unreal series, jazz jackrabbit, jill of the jungle and more way before 2003. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_by_Epic_Games. Epic also has a proper 3D game making engine, UE5. Compare that to the Source engine which is pretty irrelevant. Epic makes a ton of money from Fortnite mtx, and just remember with all that money that was way over profit, they still fought apple over what apple was taking and wont provide their gamers on apple nowadays. Apple was wrong but yes. So it's not like epic games is a startup company just learning the ropes, they've been around longer than steam, they've been more successful than steam at a point, they had more money than steam, and today as well they have some of the best tools in the market. They just decide not to improve, their ways of getting people to come to their platform is to buy exclusives, aka preventing the same customer they're trying to get from playing it on their original platform and to give out some pretty awesome free games I'd say. The latter is a great thing, the first is really toxic. All this effort into getting people to switch to them, and they don't even develop the platform at a proper rate. It's been how many years since egs launched? 5 years. This is how far egs got in 5 years.
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"Steam started the same if not worse" The same maybe, worse? Factually incorrect based on the information I have given you and have chosen to disregard because you are arrogant.
"Steam championed DRM and worked hard to make DRM the standard in the industry
You don't own the games you 'bought'
You can thank Steam for that.
If you think Steam is clean, why is it still operating in China?" Probably correct I didn't dispute any of that nor did I mention it so I believe it is irrelevant to this discussion. Basically a strawman argument.
"If you have privacy concerns regarding Epic, then better get off any and all social media." I already try to do this, not for privacy reasons I just hate most social media.
"why are you on a thread for free Epic games?" Because I'm on steamgifts.com and a Epic Games thread shouldn't be on here so I had a look in the comments to see if others felt the same.
Ahh feels nice to totally destroy someone's argument, thought you were trying to call me the troll here, ironic. You can like Epic if you want just don't insult others for choosing not to. Bye :)
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I didn't waste any of my time reading your rant and, rest assured, never will :)
It seems like the saying birds of the feather applies here: You and the person you're defending both are incapable of discerning fact from fiction and cannot fathom any opinion other than your own. Remain delusional, keyboard warrior.
Epic is still standing and will remain and only grow. Keep hating while shamelessly taking their gifts.
If you didn't realize already, I blacklisted your saltiness ages ago. Too bad there's no block button here for ya! ;)
Enjoy talking to yourself.
Edit to add: Lovely to notice that haters exhibit selfish behavior. For example, taking from others while giving back very little. One look at both your profiles says a lot about you.
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So you want me to believe that you took the time to write a paragraph of text to a comment you didn't want to waste time reading? And then took even more time to look through our profiles and edit your comment to add that you did so? What sounds more likely to me is that you couldn't think of a reasonable response to my comment because you know I'm right. Funny how this argument started with you saying you felt sorry for me but has ended with me feeling sorry for you. How do you get through life if you can't handle a simple disagreement without resorting to insults?
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you literally have no idea what you are talking about. you described every company that exists and you forgot what steam did in the past.
but keep on spreadng false information just because you are unable to live in the real world and not some "i love steam because superiour and the others suck"
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Great argument, can't disprove what I'm saying because you can't so you just say I have no idea what I'm talking about. While I do like Steam the most, I use Xbox on PC, Ubisoft Connect, Rockstar Launcher, EA app and GOG so I am definitely living in the real world and enjoying other services.
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Could be way worse. Like an addon thingie for a F2P game...
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It looks like a really fun game and it has over 200,000 positive reviews on Steam. I'm not disappointed at all.
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Doubtful, but who knows? https://store.epicgames.com/p/eximius-seize-the-frontline
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33 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by doomofdoom
23 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by Inkyyy
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39 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by PapaSmok
243 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by quijote3000
161 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by BerkutS
NOTE: At the end of this year (2022) I will be passing the torch over to ipax11. Once they have a new thread up and running, I will post a link to it in the top post as well as a comment (They may also post a link as well). This discussion thread will close at the end of this year. It has been a pleasure doing the last two years of Epic freebies with you all!
Here is link to that thread if you want a headstart: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/S4e2c/free-epic-games-store-list-of-all-weekly-free-games-every-thursday-at-11-am-et (will still post today but will close this thread out within the week)
So I'm making the move over to a new thread since the whole table/description was getting unwieldy. If you are looking for the past deals/discussion you can find it here
Here is the store
For the end of the year, Epic will giveaway a game every day from December 15 to Dec 29 (then back to weekly): https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/the-epic-games-store-will-reportedly-offer-a-free-game-every-day-over-christmas/
NOTE: these games will be claimable for 24 hours ONLY unlike normal freebies that last a week.
NOTE: games update daily at 11 am EST from Dec 15 2022 to Dec 29 2022.
NOTE: deals back to weekly on Dec 29 2022.
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