My brother bought a PS4 pro and I want to play something on it but too expensive,
any place to get better deals than the psn store?

6 years ago

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Depends on your country. If you are in the US, I think you can get used PS4 games for like $10 from GameStop

6 years ago

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In my experience, Gamefly actually has some pretty good sales usually for used games. The discs and case are in great condition and any codes that came with the game are also unused. Here is a shot from their current sale, be sure to subscribe for email if you want to

6 years ago

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there's new thing in ps-store
$19.99 for 2years old games xD

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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From your older brother who still has boxes stored in your parents' basement.

6 years ago

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PSN is normally the best place to get cheap games. Sales differ between regions, so a US account and UK account will offer the greatest number of games.

Humble Bundle has done a few PSN bundles, so you might be able to find a trader with a key or two from those. They will require a US account.

6 years ago

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Humble Bundle has done a few PSN bundles, so you might be able to find a trader with a key or two from those. They will require a US account.

Might be worth pointing out that you don't need to be from the US to create an US account. They just ask you when creating an account. Download the games with your alt and play them with your main to keep your Trophies in one spot.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by PC2400.