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Demanding to get more volunteers, yet not offer yourself and then i can gtfo for saying so, right..
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Chill, not like cg recruits on the forums every week.
It is a job with volunteers, but it is fact that there are numerous complaints recently about how slow the tickets are getting solved. Every volunteer works as much as they can, but if that's too slow, then cg should do something about it, it's not the volunteer's job to give up their life and spend more time solving tickets.
People do complain when things doesn't work, and trying to silence them, or attacking them improves nothing.
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I am chill.
It's a simple user trying to demand (or command..) something to get more volunteers just because he doesn't get a quick enough reply, no need to complain about it that way. He is rude about it. not me, you can be civil about it..
That cg needs to change his recruitment ways (and the horrible people that he picks) that i agree on.
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Idk if English is maybe not your first language, but just so you know it is insulting to call somebody a filthy leach. Also borsdy has sent over 500 gifts which is FAR more than most users on this site. Maybe you could volunteer and take care of some tickets if you aren't too busy making excessive amounts of discussion threads.
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My English is absolutely fine, just if someone insults me twice in a row telling me to gtfo and piss off, i eventually say something back yeah, Again he started it without any real reason to do so. I wanted to be the better man, remove the word filthy, but too late now right?
And it's more then other users, but he still got over FOUR times the amount he won versus sent, a bunch of group only, and a majority over a year ago. it's still a leech.. Just because he gave some stuff away doesn't make it much better.
And don't go shift the blame on me, telling me to get in a role of support, and hey making threads is atleast what keeps a forum alive, i don't want it, nor would CG take me on anyway.
Why don't you do it yourselve? You're seemingly seem good to tell others what to do.
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Well i would say your attitude would never get you a volunteer position anyway, but looking at certain other mods, that's not true.
Come on, you did came across that you almost commanded it, then told someone instantly to gtfo and piss off, you could have done without. Ratio isn't an issue at all for becoming a moderator or not, just need to be active.
But CG is not very pro active in searching for staff, only when it becomes a crisis, but he picks people as far as i know, and submitting a ticket and volunteering serves no purpose.
This was before my time, but i believe in the beginning there was only 1 staff member, i think he might have trouble trusting people, who knows?
Hours? No, it only cost me a few minutes.
Look, you do you.
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You started it Lugum, telling borsdy to join staff because he has complaints. I don't want to be staff, and if you don't want to that's fine, and if borsdy doesn't want to that's fine too. You told them to volunteer so why can't I tell you the same? Borsdy thinks staff is too slow, you think there are horrible people on the staff, and I agree with both of you. Assuming borsdy is telling the truth, they want to contribute more but are unable to for financial reasons. Over 500 giveaways created, nearly $7,000 given away, and you call them leach? We should be happy when people contribute what they can. I'm very fortunate to have been able to give away as much as I have, as are you Lugum.
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No, he started with that comment, the whole demanding tone he set it in, i wasn't the one using swear words here, he might have not liked my sentence, but there was no reason, i can let things slide once, but if you do it twice then i'll say something back. Maybe the whole ratio thing wasn't even an issue until he told me to kindly piss off.
And you know that value of $7000 is not a real value, neither did i gave away $23000.
It's a bit of an illogical conclusion you come to, basically you are saying well guys if you gave x amount of giveaways, then basically you don't really have to contribute anymore, it's fine. That's basically what you are saying.
And does it matter if one is fortunate or not, i fully understand well that there are also people that can't afford anything to give away, but then i'll also look at how many games someone owns. You can say in essence anyone that is able to gift is fortunate.
Anyway the situation is over for me, as i said to him, you do you.
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Again, i say nothing to invoke such insults, for you to do it a THIRD time...
There is only one being that now, and that's you, i already stopped my time with you, i reacted to Robby, but you someone felt compelled to say something, grow up, atleast in your language use.
And immediately threatening to leave the forum over this one guy, really mature.
You got your answer, you can close a topic if you want.
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