Source 2

  • Being developed by 2K Australia and due out in the fall and is not being released for next-gen consoles so the PC version will most likely not be that much different than Borderlands 2.
  • Set between Borderlands 1 & 2
  • Not Borderlands 3
  • Story wise you help out Handsome Jack. Not much else is known.
  • Playable characters includee Athena from Borderland's 1 Genral Knoxx DLC , Claptrap from the series is also playable now named fragtrap, Wilhelm from Borderlands 2, and Nisha from Borderlands 2
  • The setting this time around is set on Pandora's moon and will require you to keep collecting oxygen which drops of as normal loot (seems pointless)
  • Two new weapon damage types Cryo (Freezes then shatters the enemy if you keep shooting) and lasers which can become massive.

VG24/7's preview
Rev3's preview
PC Gamer's preview

My opinion?

I hope the game doesn't cost $60, $30 will benefit the game. Why? Bungie's Destiny which is also a game that blends FPS and RPGs mechanics like the Borderlands series is set to release during September. Destiny is also an MMO(-esque) game that is planned to have a 10-15 year lifespan (if successful). I do not see it competing very well since the hype is pretty huge, but it's not coming out on PC at launch.
We'll probably see memes as hinted by the game's title which is a shame if true since that's what I hated about Borderlands 2.

10 years ago*

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Although it won't be Borderlands 3, I'm still looking forward to this. I'm even more glad Gearbox aren't involved!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Can't seem to view it. D:

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm happy to have more Borderlands. Good news!

10 years ago

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Im happy about Handsome Jack :D

10 years ago

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I really don't know what can they make. Most likely skipping this title since I don't want to support this shit.

10 years ago

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You're going to have to elaborate on how this is "shit".

10 years ago

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I feel like its sorta obvious what he means...with all the DLC that BL2 had this just seems like more, instead of a real sequel, it looks like it might be overpriced DLC sold as a full priced game, time will see though.

10 years ago

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Eh...Depends on the length of the game if you ask me.

10 years ago

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Maybe, guess we will see soon enough.

10 years ago

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I just hope they fix the loot so that it's private. So that playing co-op isn't a total crapshoot

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Pre-order for sure, same as with first and second BL. Game looks like BL2 but as they say its a pre-alpha so it will be probably changed (HUD can stay the same cus its good but I would like to see new weapons models)

Also...a randomly generated "dungeons" would be nice

10 years ago

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It's good to play outside Pandora, seems this series are the only ones from Gearbox that they didn't screw up, they're actually very good.

10 years ago

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Being developed by 2K Australia? Well them, it'll definitely have an Australia Tax added...

10 years ago

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Pre-order. Thanks Gearbox!

10 years ago

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I dont know, but I find borderlands kinda boring after some time and see no difference except campaign between 1 and 2

10 years ago

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No difference in classes ? No difference in guns ? No difference in skills ? No difference in world ? No difference in artifacts ? No difference in some gameplay mechanics ? No difference in graphics ?

Well must be blind

And if you find it with friends. I never found any of BL boring (well, except after xxx hours at 5th-6th playthrough..) but playing it in co-op is even better than solo.

10 years ago

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I agree with arronasu, Borderlands is basically Diablo turned into a 1st person shooter. Sure, grinding for levels and loot can be fun for a while and you can certainly kill leveled enemy X with a sniper rifle, a melee attack or a bazooka, but in the end you do exactly the same thing over and over and over...and over again. More enemies scaled to your level, more loot with slightly better stats, more mindless shooting.

That said, I don't think it's terrible. I played through the first part and even started a second playthrough before I got bored, in Borderlands 2 I already got bored before I finished it for the first time since it was basically the same game (still plan to finish it eventually though) and this new Borderlands title looks exactly like the first two parts as well. Yawn.

To each their own I guess.

10 years ago

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Umm..basically in every game you do the same thing over and over. Diablo was the same and yet ppl are still playing first one and second.

10 years ago

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Except that in most games (at least those that I like to play) you don't do mindless things over and over again. Borderlands and Diablo and lots of similar games are all about grinding. Grind, grind, grind. There is neither an intellectual challenge (no puzzles, no strategy etc) nor a dexterity challenge (quick aiming, twitch skills, jumping, platforming whatever). It's just mindlessly killing stuff to level up and find better loot. In Diablo it's certainly worse than in Borderlands since in Diablo all you really have to do is push the left mouse button, while in Borderlands you at least have to aim and sometimes even hide. But all enemies are leveled and even for a shooter it's a very simple and easy game.

The reason why people play these games is simple - it's addictive, like a drug. Each time you find a new, better weapon your mind tells you that you've been rewarded, each time you level up the same happens. And that makes you keep playing. It doesn't matter to most people that it's completely pointless since everything else levels with you. It's very much like this (only imagine a happy bunny, it's the first one I found). And it's also exactly the same principle as this. Only without investing money...yet. I wouldn't be surprised if they sold those gold keys in BL3 for real money. Would be an awesome business concept for a game like that.

10 years ago

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Well quick aiming and stuff is pretty much required in Borderlands for big boss baddies.

But there is no game that you wont do same thing at entire gameplay. I've recently finished Dust: An elysian tail. And ? Slashing, jumping, getting new skills over and over. Earlier I finished Kingdoms of Amalur. Running, questing, crafting, slashing.

Every game is like that. Even the hardest logical games - cus youre doing the same thing over and over, in this case solving puzzles or smth that are based around the same scheme. Let's say - Portal series. The puzzles are different but it the end all you do is to look around, pop portal here, pop portal there, push this button and proceed to next level.

And once I've tried to mindless chop enemies with Krieg in BL2. It ended up going into FFYL after few second.

Anyway, that's all not the point. arronasu said that he doesnt see any difference between two BL's. And I've just pointed it out that he is totally wrong. Blah - after going back to BL1 I immediately found out what things are missing in first game that the second game had...and now I'll always will be complaining about not being able to crawl in FFYL in first BL XD (its really annoying after playing second BL)

10 years ago

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I thought the telltale one was going to explain the story of handsome jack, but nevermind.

10 years ago

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Still waiting for BL2 GOTY to drop down to a reasonable $5.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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It will, eventually. I got the complete (actually complete!) BL1 for $3.75.

I just don't want to support Gearbox by paying more than $5 for BL2 GOTY. Too many DLCs, too much content gated behind DLCs.

10 years ago

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That's... nice I guess. At least Gearbox's games fall in price fast-ish so I won't need to wait long for a good sale. Though the oxygen mechanic sounds like a tedious chore (I like the Borderlands games, but let's be honest- they ALWAYS massively fuck something up, and constantly draining oxygen sounds like the prime suspect here).

10 years ago

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Yea, thats one of the things I dont rly like. But we'll see, maybe it wont be as bad as it sounds.

10 years ago

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YES \^_^/

10 years ago

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So much this!!!

10 years ago

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You can play as claptrap? Take my money.

10 years ago

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Still got both Borderlands games to play.

10 years ago

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If you ever need people to play with I'll gladly join.

10 years ago

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No edition on PC at launch or no PC edition at all?

"Nisha from Borderlands 2"? Am I missing something?

10 years ago

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She was the Sheriff of that town... the one everyone was afraid of.

There's a PC edition AT launch..... not sure why you think there isn't :p

10 years ago

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I saw PC version for £30 and Xbox/PS3 for £38 at game.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 years ago

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Lol, you complain of "grind-shooter, cash cow pile of shit" and then have the nerve to mention content from Mass Effect as a possible improvement.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 years ago

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I like Borderlands and agree with this, I played the 2nd one, its not bad but I liked the first better, the first had a better loot system imo and felt like Diablo to me which I loved about it.

10 years ago

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Borderlands 1 is awesome. Borderlands 2 is even more awesome, from what I hear (still in my backlog).

However, 2K really likes to go to town with DLCs so I'll keep my money this time.

Also, new Borderlands gameplay looks like more of the same.

10 years ago

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Do they really need to change the gameplay though? If it ain't broke.....

10 years ago

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Yeah, turn it into another COD...

10 years ago

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I NEED, no matter what it is like

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mozendo.