Can someone say to me why the game has an price of 27.49 (-50% off) eur, and still has reccurring payments? This is absurd, paying for finished game price and then have to pay more if you would like to play more of your game (??). I really don't get it. They should look somewhere else for getting money to keep up servers than on recurring payments, because I do not think they got servers that are 1000+ eur each per month.
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Because $50 then a monthly sub is accepted as standard practice for an MMO. It also makes the most money.
You're right that it doesn't cost that much to run an MMO. ArenaNet have ran GW1 off of purely how much money they made off preorders for the original game. That's not including development however. Add in the expansions and it's been covered. With production and patches, Anet said they can run GW1 until 2040-ish if costs remain the same as they are now, before they lose money from the original box copies that were sold (all expansions, at launch of each.) That's a lot of profit. Guildwars 2 preorders have funded all development thus far, and then some. Anything other than preorders (sales after launch, and gem store) have all been "profit" as per the NCsoft meetings/reports.
Up until 2011 (when the interview was) Blizzard stated that the sales of vanilla WoW was enough to cover all of the server costs, and development costs for both expansions (BC, WOTLK) at the time. That's not including Subs, just box copies. Then they included a bunch of PR speak that said the money wasn't just pure profit though, but to make a better experience for players. Other than servers, patches, and new content/features, I don't see how it benefited players at all... Anyhow, they said it'd be enough money to last them a while as well. Which means, including each expansion at $40 thus far, the sub fee for WoW has been pure profit as well.
SEO also said similar things about EQ and EQ2. They were even more open about it, saying the sub fee has always been about profit and providing /more/ servers for an expanding player base. Which made sense, in 1999 and early 2000 when servers/bandwidth cost a lot. Which is why they removed their sub fee and both are now F2P titles.
Basically, sub fees make more money because people will pay them. They aren't "required" but they make money. A lot of it.
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Thanks for replying, this really made me think in not to even go into subscribeMMO, only have played similiar f2p MMOs, which were awesome. I would acually pay for the 30 euro price or more if I would know that I am buying the whole game and I would be able to play it as long as I feel like it. But yea, it seems it's about how big of a profit you can get, and asking for that huge recurring payment, is just overwhelming.
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This, exactly. Sub prices should be localized. I would pay around 10-12 bucks, not more
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Yeah they really need to do that, people need to realize the cost of living varies, these companies need some learning.
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I doubt you played it. Otherwise you wouldn't speak nonsense.... Ah... Haters.
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I'll be honest with you, ESO was a complete mess on launch and it still is, and like Gramis said, i'll never want to experience the horrible problems again like i had to during beta.
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'cos betas are supposed to be flawless gaming experiencez right
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Heh, okay I admit that was out of the blue and totally unrelated, but it was near when they released the game, and they didn't even bother fixing many things. But beta isn't suppose to be flawless, so my fault ><
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To be honest, I didn't find the BETA bad. For a new game it was pretty good, and all the bugs I encountered were pretty pointless. Of course some, like that one were a NPC you had to kill in order to progress on the story with that Khajiit, were game-breaking, but they were still pointless since: 1. They are really easy to solve. 2. It's a MMO, do something else...
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I won't be subbing to it. ESO was pretty fun during the beta, but it isn't worth $15 a month. Once it hits F2P then I'll be playing it.
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It has a price!
Per 30 days.. -_-
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F2P... Not sure, but hopefully remove the monthly soon
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Expected to be successful by who? :) Besides any deluded people at bethesda most gamers were giving it 6 months - 1 year before f2p. Putting it on steam with a 50% off 4 months after launch, desperate much? Imho they're just trying to milk as much as possible before f2p.
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"You will need 80GB of Hard Drive space free for game installation" O_O
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Can I somehow get my The Elder Scrolls Online-game onto Steam >:O
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Seriously guys, calm down... The game is pretty good, and even bad in the BETA, it was pretty flawless, for a new MMO. If ESO is so bad that is god F2P, then I have to say that WoW should have gone F2P a looooong time ago. But mainstream stuff will stay mainstream I suppose.
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I bet when it does go F2P. F2P is going to suck hard.
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I actually don't want it to be free to play. They should just go the route of The Secret World and the Guild Wars series and just be a pay once, play forever experience. I want to play it because I love The Elder Scrolls, but I just don't want to shell out $15 a month if the only thing I'm getting for my money is the right to keep playing the game.
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awesome, might give it another shot once it goes f2p.
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So I guess the expected-to-be-successful ESO isn't doing so hot.
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