It is desinged that way so you would read descriptions. There are scripts for that but it is considered something very ungreatful around here. Even maybe agaisnt rules but i dont think it is. And if people know you are using that, you will get a lot of blacklists. That means certain people will block you from entering their giveaways.
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That's nice, didn't realize ESGST did that. I might have to give it another try. Haven't tried it for a few years now as I was worried about conflicts with my own script (although all mine does is add more links on the left-side navigation bar so I don't have to remember all the special search params for filtering by level ... so probably wouldn't be much to conflict with)
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actually esgst also has an advanced search feature to add all the extra search options on the left. you can just keep it disabled on esgst and use yours, or vice versa. shouldn't conflict each other.
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Yeah but I mostly find it useful for giveaway of the same person or same game. I almost always read the descriptions anyway to see what it is if I don't know it or to see what the person giving it away to saying. But if you've seen the giveawayer many times or if you've seen the game 234234234 times it is useful. (imo anyway :P )
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Weird as this link is FROM this site. Feels like I'm missing something
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I'm learning the ropes. Never thought a question wouldn't be so bad. It's not it's in the rules or something. Elsewhere this feature exists so I don't understand why was is so flamatory here or why such a fuss. I understood it's some sort of an unwritten rule as it seems but the worst part is everyone assumes... "you're are bored", "you are 1 week here", "sir", etc.. And some insane reason it's reasonable to them that I have to explain myself for an extremely simple question that in the end of the day I may not even use :/ What issues I have, why it is needed, when or if I would ever use it, blah blah blah. This makes me feel how I fight while playing L2 instead of being in a forum :/ It's trol
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You must be joking.. Now you know what I play or how bad of a game I have spare? What I enter doesn't even compare to the games/dlcs I'm talking about.. And you reaaaally must stop assuming when not having all the info.. omg
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I know so too but guess what I plan to buy a new one as my main one broke.. It's sooo difficult to assume that I suppose? Oh yeah it's more thought than "you are bored". Anyway I don't care about you or what you think and this starts to be more boring that I thought it would be. Bye and assume less :up
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You are also blind? Not a sir. Not a guy.
You have ego issues "my friend" and again keep assuming everything you see without knowing the other person :D But this one I will not answer no-no. I will leave you in turmoil of how or why someone has a list. You will NEVER guess why :* (you simply can't)
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Just ignore... there are certain users on this site (all sites really) that are self-important jerks. The way I look at it, if they want to BL to "exclude you from their GAs" etc... big deal. Joke's on them really. bc.. First, assuming they do GAs for anything worthwhile -- which many do not -- do you really even want something from ppl who act like jerks? I don't. Second, BL's work both ways so they just excluded themselves from yours too. :-)
IMO you are doing the right thing here. Impression I got was that are new here, you are trying to follow the rules and when not certain, you are asking community for clarification/guidance. I think you will find most of SG community are decent people and if you take time to ask and be nice, most will be decent with you in return. just a few bad apples to ignore.
For the GA descriptions, I think what people were hinting at above that nobody came right out and said (perhaps bc they assume it is obvious) is that sometimes there are special notes in the GA descriptions that you might miss if you only have to click an Enter button. For example, in some Game+DLC bundles, it is common that the GA creator might say "Please do no enter if you own the base game". Also, sometimes there might be other notes like "I think this key should work, but if it doesn't you agree to let me delete the GA without penalty on SG" or "This isn't a key and you need to add me on steam so I can send it to you directly". From what
adam1224 was saying, it sounds like the ESGST script still preserves this text as a pop-up tho so that's probably the best option.
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I am assuming that you are referring to the fact that she hasn't given anything away yet at this point in time rather than how BLs are two-way. If so, that doesn't necessarily mean she won't in the future. Maybe I missed something but like I said the impression I got was new user trying to learn. You are welcome to disagree, but I think giving them the benefit of a doubt and trying to educate is the better approach here. I can understand where rule breakers and limitations of the site/communications can be frustrating to many folks but not all new users are "bad guys". Times are hard on a lot of people right now. But even if that wasn't the case, I feel like yelling isn't as effective as educating.
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Yeah it can turn that way very quick and that is what i was mentioning. Kinda hard to grasp the ropes when you are here first but it is not as complicated as it seems. Also dont worry about rude people as this is one of the more friendly side of the communities. You wil see that if you stick around. o/
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And I don't want to skip the descriptions. I don't have to explain myself to you but if you soooo much need to know I have an extremely crappy pc that needs 1 minute to load something.. So opening 50 tabs (10 of which might as well be the same thing) makes lagging even more insufferable.
Don't assume everything is out of boredom just bcz it's the 1st thing you thought.
And if it's the exact same thing with the exact same message why put more load on an old pc? Most of the times I like reading what it says.
As for when I registered, what I entered, etc has nothing to do with this so don't presume to know me in any way and since some matters are personal I will repeat the "I don't have to explain myself to you" :)
And I'd appreciate it if in the future you wouldn't be ironic without having all the facts and simply assuming something :) And fyi it's just a question (coming from other sites too) doesn't mean I'll use it
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"you told me the other day you can't be bothered to make giveaways" you are delusional? What I said the other day was I don't know how I feel about creating a giveaway about a totally useless dlc or game with full negative reviews. What does that has to do with I can't be bothered to make one? Because I prefer to gift something better and not total crap? really? :/
"as lazy as you can entering them" this site has a tendency to assume everything right? all highly and mighty? My answer to this is few comments above.
"welcome to my list of black sir" assumptions everywhere.. keep it up :D
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And I care because?.. You fail to understand ANYTHING I write and keep assuming. I was looking at your profile and fyi greedy of xor costs 0.01.......... This is a fine example of crap I NEVER want to giveaway as noone will EVER use.
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Insanity has reached new levels with with you..
Someone got hurt in the feelings? Because I told you a truth about the "awesome" greedy of xor? :)
You keep assuming.. You don't know me, you don't know what sites I use, what I do or anything for that matter. How don't even know how long I know the site or why I am a new user and frankly you will never learn.
And from greedy of xor to cyberpunk there is about another 59.98 price tag games I can think of :D
I don't know what bad experience has got you so upset about nothing but it's not my fault or problem. Get a grip and try to see how insane you sound. Bye
edit: " "This is a fine example of crap I NEVER want to giveaway as noone will EVER use." learn to read. didn't mention the other because they have nothing to do with this convo. Learn to communicate
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I went through your list 1 more time but guess what.. You have NOTHING of value mister cyberpunk and gta v. Even your "bigger" giveaways are nothing more that humble subscription games, indie 0.25 and freebies from elsewhere. What BIG title are you talking about all highly and mighty man?
fyi Some of those games I'm after as well -and many bought too- but it doesn't mean they are truly worth something in terms of real money value. I hope you can ATLEAST that THIS comment is about YOU. YOU named a pricetag and feel like a prince. "Sir" you are NOT. Some of those games are actually fun but please don't speak to me like you gifted the world. It's a disgrace for those that have ACTUALLY done such a thing and deserve their thanks.
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Learn to read and understand. " I hope you can ATLEAST that THIS comment is about YOU". YOU said for YOUR prices in giveaways and that I don't gift gta v + cyberpunk. I commented on this alone + the fact that I don't wanna gift full negative games or total crap that shouldn't exist or be classified as a game as it is a demo at best. Never said anything about games in general. ONLY for YOU. I also said "Some of those games I'm after as well -and many bought too-" and "Some of those games are actually fun". You simply don't understand and try to twist what I write to fit your invalid and pointless argument
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While in reality we all know that ownership and jurisdiction over SG is split between our honored queen, Jekaterina, and me the elected representative of the Corgi kingdom.
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Welcome to the site, and please try not to extrapolate your impression of the nice person above on all the users of SG - the majority are actually pretty friendly and helpful. But yes, it's considered unethical and rude to skip reading descriptions here. Sure, you might enter multiples GAs for the same game, but they are all created by different users (who've likely spent real money to buy a said game to give it away), and if they want to say something to you, the common courtesy would be to read it.
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Also and this is just a suggestion but maybe the long loading times you mentioned might actually help you consider twice what games you wanna enter. Because winning gibs simply for the +1 and the feeling to have won something is another thing that is frowned upon, at least for non-shovelware giveaways.
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Is there a button or a way to enter a giveaway from the list in main page and I'm just not seeing it or you can only enter by opening each giveaway separately?
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