just wondering but i thought you got permeant banned (glad your back)
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Which is kinda messed up, isn't it? I think more people should take the level into account. I got my levels and giveaways from financially much better times. I just can't buy bundles and do giveaways anymore. Every penny counts. I'm regulary getting blacklisted :(
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Do I need to convince someone?
Also are you one of those who when found out your blacklisted feels the need to know why?
I mean I see them sometimes in threads ... "why have you blacklisted me?"
If it were someone you knew sure, but for randoms why bother. People sometimes blacklist just for the sake of blacklising, not worth wasting your time over it.
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Last times mostly for toxic behavior or if people don't say thank you for a game. I know it isn't a required duty, but I consider it as a polite thing to do. It is neither my duty giveaway games.
Also when I give some unbudled better games, I check after 3 months if game was played. I even moved person for that from whitelist to blacklist as I state in such whitelist giveaways to reconsider enter, cause I would like to see game played.
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thats understandable, the recent giveaway i won i got kicked from the group :/ so i cant thank the giveaway creator for the game but i have added them so i can thank them on steam, but im not sure how that's gonna come off, adding someone on steam who i won a game from...
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And then then there are people who use VPN to enter giveaway for a limited number of keys on third-party websites. Also, why would I allow Steam keys to be sent to shady people in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Eritrea, Islamic Afghanistan, and Pakistan unless if I were incredible lazy and lacking moral backbone?
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why would I allow Steam keys to be sent to shady people in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Eritrea, Islamic Afghanistan, and Pakistan
Firstly, you say shady, but you then list off specific countries, so it comes across as racism. Is that what you intended?
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What kind of people in North Korea, Eritrea, Pakistan and now Afghanistan have legal access to the Internet?
Also, the Saudis usually are not the type of people who you would want to invite to a LGBT meetup.
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As people should be okay with sending Steam keys to the officials who preach oppressive isolationism while sending their kids to foreign universities
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I forgot to mention that there is at least one group of islands which is an unofficial pedo colony.
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Being a troublesome winner. I hate chasing after people all over the place with a "please mark your win" stick. The most I'm willing to do is leave a message in an old giveaway after a month of not activating, but if I also have to chase them to Steam and email, then I would rather not have them win from me again in the future. I have also blacklisted a couple who had too many unactivated wins because I hate the idea of my keys being sold on the grey market. I don't think I ever blacklisted anyone for any other reason.
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Oh I know, I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt. A month is for those who are actually away (there are many reasons why someone may have to be away). I start sending reminders about 10 days in if the person is active on the site but does not activate wins. If I remember correctly, you need to have contacted that user about their win before asking for a reroll. Either way, it grinds my gears enough to want to blacklist someone on the spot. That's too much work to do for simply wanting to give a game away.
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I never wait longer as 7 days for a random that i never seen before.
If it is a friendly sg user, i wait longer.
If it is someone from my WL i question if there is a problem and wait longer.
And i NEVER had, in all the years, a random, as winner, which needed more as 7 days and weren't a black sheep.
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It barely ever happens now that I have a level on my giveaways, so I haven't blacklisted anyone recently.
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Can't speak for others, but some time ago I blacklisted few winners of my giveaways if I noticed that they have won 100+ giveaways but created 0.
More recently I mostly create giveaways for groups where having 0 created giveaways is not an option. And occasionally I blacklist someone that I strongly disagree with.
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I've seen your GA includes a text like "not sure if the key works, let me delete it if it doesn't" -- I used to get 1-2 new blacklists every time I posted a public GA with that kind of wording. Tried A/B testing it and created a few extra GAs without the wording, and got no new blacklists.
I don't understand the logic behind it but I've seen it happening, anecdotally. Something to keep in mind
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People do sometimes blacklist winners so they do not win anymore of their giveaways as they like different winners. For more info, check this page out.
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Honestly I bear no strong feelings of either dislike or like to any members here. But I use the Blacklist feature to block users who keep sharing Trash or asset flip/overpriced trash games. I dont want to see these, when I browse giveaways to enter. As even hiding games often doesn't solve the problem of seeing new trash games. So, one is forced to address the recurring source.
But I do find it silly how this feature is used by users, often times irrationally.
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I don't really have a main reason, my list is fairly small. I think there were some people who were multi-accounting by putting their mules on SG as well, but other than that I don't even know if I remember - all I know is I must have had a good reason at the time. One thing I did learn though, is that everything and nothing will get you blacklisted by someone? Replying? BL. Not replying? BL. Saying thanks? BL. Not saying thanks? BL. I learned to not fret over it as much anymore.
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I agree with xxxka, toxic behaviour and not saying thanks. About ratios, sometimes I'm tempted when it's abysmal (like 6000:1, literaly), but in the end I've not (yet) done it; and about playing won games, I already have my own troubles with that, I've said openly several times that winners of my games can play them whenever they want.
About why using blacklist... I don't want to "hurt them", I bet most don't notice it. I just don't want certain people to win (again) one of my games. If that leaves me out of their gibs too, well tough luck.
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If it was group/private/WL and under 5 entries the creator probably deleted it because he would get any CV.
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When i used to make low level giveaways i had to deal with lots of people who didn't activate the key although they showed online everyday and i had to message them (as per these nonsense rules) to redeem the gift. I once got as an aswer "relax bro, it's just a giveaway" and i realized there are people that just don't care to follow basic community rules.
Now i just make higher level giveaways and just hope that the winner is more invested in this website's purpose and me be free of the nonsense i had to deal with.
Up to now, making high level giveaways has the situation sorted so i will just blacklist a winner if they haven't made a giveaway for years while winning all this time or if they don't say "thank you" in general.
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I have had the bad luck to make a giveaway of a game 2 days before it became free for a short period on HB. The blacklisting goes up despite my description, it was this GA :
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I know for me, most of my blacklists have come from things I've said. This can be something offensive I've said (either ignorantly, or meaningfully), to something as simple as disagreeing with someone else. (There are maybe a handful I've blacklisted for comments as well.)
I suspect the other blacklists are from me blacklisting someone, and they blacklist me back (which isn't really necessary, as blacklists are mutual, and I'm blocking myself from entering their giveaways as well).
I usually blacklist people based on stats - a large portion of my blacklist are people who are in the 500 win club, or their wins outrank their gifts done by a large margin. I also sometimes blacklist people based on giveaways they do - group-only giveaways, or shitty games, for example. I'm sure there are a few other reasons, like people saying thanks on every giveaway - they're often bot comments.
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Good reasons here! Just wondering, would someone such as myself fall into the "group-only giveaway" blacklist category, and if so, why is that the case?
I know it is sort of a pitiful endeavor to try and not get blacklisted if you are active in the forums, but I'm curious what a good member of SteamGifts such as yourself thinks.
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I won't answer that - but instead I'll provide a rhetorical question to you:
Why do you ONLY do group-only giveaways?
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Fair questions. Thinking about them, I've come to a few more conclusions about how I feel about this website too. When I gave away a game via a puzzle, it was really nice to see the people who went through the effort to complete the puzzle for a chance and engage in the community more. I like the community aspect of groups, but as you said, they are quite enclosed, so I separate myself from a great deal of the SG community this way. While at the same time, I see a lot of auto-joiners/card farmers/game collectors winning giveaways in the public giveaways, and that isn't what I like to see on this website. I guess making more puzzle-based giveaways would make giving away games more engaging and fulfilling for more people in the end, so I may start doing that more now.
Thanks for the food for thought (and sorry for the slight wall of text you likely didn't want in response).
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Well, I did say it was rhetorical ;-)
I do a lot of giveaways by making a thread, not necessarily with a puzzle, but I make them level 3.
Instead of thousands of entrants, it's hundreds.
It does help to weed out some of the unwanted entries, but keeps the giveaways accessible to normal people who want to enter.
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Hehe, indeed you did ;)
Good idea, and thanks again for the responses. I really appreciate it, and it's been very informative!
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I just blacklist anyone who primarily gives away asset flips games or games that were given away for free. I'd rather not have horrible games fill my SteamGifts page, and I don't think people who do this deserve to win any games I have to provide, even if it may not be much. I have only blacklisted one person for something they have said, and they were quite a repulsive person.
As for why people have blacklisted me, it is mostly due to the conversation I had with that said repulsive person and from people who noticed I blacklisted them for their very low-quality giveaways.
However, I don't get the people here who blacklist people for primarily giving away within their groups. I feel like there are a lot of bad apples in public giveaways, so having most of your giveaways be in groups or private links shouldn't be such an abhorrent action. Well, this excludes those who artificially inflate their CV with these groups, but that is another thing in itself.
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People with unactivated wins
People who win my game yet don't activate it and you see them online all the time ( autojoiner?)
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Probably because if you win you don"t even thanked them, personally i thanked them if they asked for it on the giveaway description, if there isn't any im only confirmed it on the winning page
And also maybe for my ratio (?) i have been blacklisted more than one, i don't know why
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Reading this thread proved to be quite informative for me since I'm often curious about people's reasons for blacklisting but I'd probably never create one of these threads myself because they have a reputation of themselves being a magnet for blacklists, it was informative to the point that I not only discovered a person that has blacklisted me but now I know why they did it and to be honest I kinda agree with their logic for doing so... not gonna be able to address their perceived problem with my gifting patterns any time soon tho, it's not like I'm going to (or even can) run out to spend a lot of money to "fix the issue".
On the other hand I just can't be bothered to blacklist people, it requires a level of commitment and decision making that I'd rather avoid, it's not me being nice and forgiving as much as me not wanting to put in the work associated with it.
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So it's for behaviour and to clean my SG front page
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Frankly, I don't really care about SG stuff anymore, but I do visit the forum occasionally, and I do blacklist from time to time. I blacklist war supporters, racists, homophobes and also people who simply behave like complete assholes. And that's purely symbolical since I don't do non-group GAs anymore (can't buy region-free keys), so it doesn't really matter. I just mark people for myself in order not to converse with them in the future.
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I havent entered any giveaways for a year but now that im entering again i seem to be winning way too much (idk if the 1 year gap had anything to do with it), like 6 times in the past 2 weeks, but i also noticed that im randomly getting blacklisted too? and i got kicked from the group i won my recent game from, none of the groups i have require you to HAVE to play the games you win, and while i do plan to play most the games i win, i cant currently due to my final exams coming up in 2 days, so ill probably be inactive for the upcoming whole month but i was just curious why people blacklist users, in my mind i havent done anything that warrants blacklisting by multiple users so i just wanted to know what will make you wanna blacklist someone? personally i havent blacklisted anyone but i wanted to see why others would blacklist someone :D
Thank you for reading my meaningless post! Here is a small gift
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