They had to do this at some point if they want to seriously compete with Steam on some level, they've chosen now as they believe they're sufficiently big enough. Good luck to them, I think they'll struggle but I hope they don't.
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I don't think that there is no reason, desura doesn't want to be a steam key platform, thats all, lot of people only use desura/collection to have a key so that's the problem desura is a game platform and they want to be only that, selling there own games.
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WEll .. I have a desura account with a ton of games.. all of them were from bundles.. I dont think I ever bought a game from them. I have played my bundle games from them though but Im not their target audience.
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It's really not clear what Desura are hoping to achieve with this. Part of me thinks they're just trying to kill it off, or at least cut support costs and such. It would be interesting if they actually had some big plan, like trying to secure the self-publishing market before Steam manages to figure it out, but it's hard to imagine them having much success.
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And i was just wondering how can i get my keys on desura. thanks :D
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Unless a significant number of those users are also buying from them and generating enough revenue for a reasonable profit margin, then I would have to disagree. It's probably more trouble than it's worth for them. And just to keep things in perspective, basically most people who are going to complain about it probably weren't really Desura users to begin with -- and the vast majority of the people here likely fall into that category. Desura is very much a niche thing.
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Exactly. Losing users who don't buy anything from you mostly means saving money on bandwidth cost.
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Not to be surprised. I mean, i already have too much stuff. Starcraft 2 as stand alone. League. Steam, origin. on top facebook (yes, i play there too), my emulators, even though i have a desura account with some 20 + games, i really dont even open it (have nearly 400 games in steam already. and the desura games i have are mostly dups from the ones i have in steam).
To be honest, i do like the desura idea. However, although i like indie games, im really not that crazy about them. Desura has no AAA games as long as i know, so really little reason for me to have it.
And most people i guess have a similar mindset than me. if you have a steam code instead a desura code, you will keep on steam.
It is just a logical move what they will do.
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Desura is a decent system, but it always felt more independent-friendly than Steam's Greenlight program. I mostly stalk Desura for interesting free games but once I got some money in my paypal I got a couple commercial stuff through the site.
The disconnect between Steam and Desura doesn't bother me, although it does make the crossed-over games an choice between achivements and lack of them.
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Desura might not have a huge support stuff. I sent them an email just once, and I got a reply directly from Scott Reismanis's account.
There's only 24 hours in a day and they have better things to do than handling the kind of raging mob that you see on Steam foaming at the mouth, demanding their rightful bundle key OR ELSE.
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. . . Why would Desura give people keys for Steam in the first place?
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Doesn't bother me any. I use Desura for games not on Steam. I've played some pretty cool games on there and will still use it. People were using it before Steam started greenlight and people will still use it after.
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Without having more information it seems to me that only Winter Wolves made the comment that Desura wouldn't be handling bundle keys for Steam anymore. The cited source has very little information, and I can't find anywhere else where Desura has made that claim. Maybe what the author was actually saying was that he wouldn't use Desura to handle the Steam keys for his games.
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got them. thanks alien. but maybe i should leave one of them. feeling greedy right now.:|
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Maybe we should start to download some games from Desura and backup them. I smell "termination" ^^
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Why? Because they won't handle the delivery of keys to a competitor's platform for games that weren't even bought from them?
The bundle sites should have been handling the distribution of keys from day one. Some developers only used Desura to avoid traders selling their Desura key then getting a Steam key afterward.
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You will still be able to get the Steam key from the bundle page. Just not from your Desura collection like you could do in the past with many games.
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It's not entirely accurate, anything from Indie Royale or bought direct from Desura can/will still have Steam keys available there. Anything from other bundles won't. This is the original post that people asking about Always Remember Me keys found out about.
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Good now I can actually get multiple keys when a game is in more than one bundle
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24 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Myrsan
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107 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by matsalkoshek
The developer of Always Remember Me confirmed that Desura will not be handing out Steam keys for bundle games anymore. From now on the bundle distributor will take over this part for every game.
The reason is unknown but I think when this news will reach a more broader attention. The amount of active Desura users will descend with quite a bit. Just keep this in mind the next time you hear about a game being Greenlit.
Credits go to Neocow for finging out.
Cheers, Jur.
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