RPGs are basically the main reason my backlog keeps growing. They suck up so much time but the experience is so worth it. Fallout, Persona, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Chrono, Dark Souls, among others have been some of the most fun I've had with video games. And there are so many more in my backlog (mostly on my PS Vita and PC) that I'm looking forward to trying.

What I'd like to hear, though, is what you would love to see in an RPG? Better crafting systems, vast lore, or field effects?

Speaking for myself, I'd like to see neural network implementations that allow real conversations and the ability to interact with any object. And yes, I realize that's more just about waiting for the technology to get there than creative game designs, but I'm quite fond of "immersion".

By the way, for the visionaries out there, I have a private giveaway going for RPG Maker VX Ace (Lv.1+). If you've got a great idea and don't already own it, I will (somehow) message you a link to the giveaway. If you have a great idea and wish to enter, please share it with us and notify me that you would like to enter in the comments. I will add you on Steam and send you a link.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago*

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Then you can play JRPGs where the focus is more on that. Whether they attain it is a different story.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There are games in the middle of the road. And in any case more genres means more variety and there have to be hundreds of JRPGs you haven't played yet.
I'd take the attempts to innovate that you dismiss as gimmicks over the paragon of stagnation that is the Japanese games industry. I mean, just compare the growth of the Tales series to that of the Witcher series or how it took the influence of Western games for From Software to make the comercially successful Souls series (compare that to the king's field series).

By your standards maybe you should focus less on RPGs and more on other genres with that linear story focus avoiding more "sandboxy" gameplay. Nowadays everything has rpg mechanics.

If you haven't tried them yet, these you might like:
Kingdoms of amalur
Baldur's gate (1+2)
Darksiders (1+2)
The old dungeon siege games
Witcher series (might need to mod them for better gameplay)
Fable 1
Heroes of might and magic (series)

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I think you'll like Tyranny. It's not open world, it's presented more like a chose your own adventure. After character creation, there is a sort of "mini game" that lets you chose how your character participated in events during the conquest of the Tiers, which also sets up the state of the world when you start.

Rather than have every location on the map available and you just free roam around, parts of it open up after you complete certain quests and you have to chose which path to go to next, and sometimes you need to chose carefully because doing some quests can close off paths to other quests. This will make for a good bit of replayability too.

It's full of lore and story too. I spent about 4 hours during character creation and the conquest reading all of the lore entries. In the character creation, conquest and even during dialog, things like people and places will be highlighted allowing you to hover your mouse over it or right click it to read the lore entry for it.

Combat is real time with pause, not my favorite, I prefer turn based, but if you set up the auto pause options just right, it feels almost like a turn based combat system. If you just want to play the game for the story and lore, you can customize the difficulty and let the AI handle combat.

It's also not as long as most RPGs, they say a typical play through is about 30 hours, but for a completionist like me, I'm over 80 hours and still on act 2. Subsequent play throughs should be quicker since I'll already know the lore and not have to read up on it, but it's nice to have those lore tips available in case I forget something and the name pops up in a conversation.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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A full-on spaghetti western RPG -- 6-guns, bad cliches and mustaches as big as Texas steer-horns.
I'm tired of "save the world" RPGs.

8 years ago

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flashbacks to red dead redemption :(

8 years ago

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I'm tired of "save the world" RPGs.

+1 There are so many RPGs where you are the hero of the world (no matter what you do). I'd like to see one where you're not some kind of super special person with weird magical powers that is only there to save the world. I'd like to see a RPG where you can truly pick your own path (like choose to become a hero, a villain or maybe just some dude in some army), even if that would mean that the game itself is pretty short.

8 years ago

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i would like a complex game like witcher 3 but with multiple options to advance the main quest. like, pick option A or B to advance, then from A you are given quest A1 or A2 (and from A2 you get A2a and so on). this would make each playthrough completely different, unlocking new areas, sidequests, equipment, etc.

8 years ago

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fuckkkkk i can't remember any game thats done that in ages. those types are awesome!

all i can think of is actiony arcadey game G-Darius that did that... through stage selection.

well that and Undertale.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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fallout 2 just gives you 1 main quest and you complete it in a linear way. i meant a game that gives you at least 2 options each time you have to make a decision (ie: "go to the secret base and kill the leader" / or / "go to the tower and steal the plans"). each time you pick one side, the other is discarded.

8 years ago

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ok, true.
but as for side quests it has a lot of options.
i think dishonored gives you some of that freedom right? (never played)

8 years ago

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so Fallout New Vegas then?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Procedurally generated does not have to be random. You could have some quests that could appear only when your character is for example evil, while for good characters you get other quests (and then add quests are not as broad, so for example for people that have stolen a lot). It would be a lot of work, but it could definitly work. The story probably won't be able to go as deep as some of the more linear RPGs though.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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While it is indeed often refered to as being random, it's not necessarily the case. It can also generate the levels / quests / whatever based on choices you made before. If you make the exact same choices again, the outcome will be the same. It's not completely random, but a small difference in a decision can completely change the outcome.

Procedurally generated refers to something that is generated on the go (not the best way of saying it, but can't think of any better way to put it (I'm not a native english speaker)).

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yes, already played all DX games, except the fall (because it's terrible) and mankind divided.

8 years ago

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First we'd need to create serious AI. Then we would be lucky enough AI wouldn't decide it's more optimal to just kill all humans :P
And if we'd be lucky enough, then procedurally generated interesting quests can happen.

8 years ago

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Like the witcher 2?

8 years ago

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that's a great example.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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wait, is that sarcasm? because I honestly thought you were talking about TW2 :(

8 years ago

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no, i haven't slept for 30+ hours so i'm even more stupid than usual, and forgot witcher 2 was the only game i played with that kind of content. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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The girl in the gif (can't remember the name) confused me and I'm also very tired. Sorry. Shrug emote.

8 years ago

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Like the witcher 2?

8 years ago

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Ultima I–VII.

8 years ago

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Try Tyranny. The choices you make in act 1 affect the whole game. Each playthrough is a lot different. For example, you may side with one of the main groups or the rebels. You could try to stay cool with all of them, you could be an anarchist and don't give a fuck or just kill them all. The game itself is not long (at least for an obsidian rpg) but you could easily replay it 2-3 times at least.
It's not perfect as you described, but it's a good game with a lot of variation based on your choices.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Witcher 3.


8 years ago

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Wolverine! (aka Logen)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Kirby RPG.

Also more silly flavor text for examining background objects (e.g. Golden Sun's ovens, Trails in the Sky's empty chests).

8 years ago

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Actual RPG mechanics, where I can influence the flow of the events.
Or a JRPG with enjoyable writing and a fun combat system.

8 years ago

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Or a JRPG with enjoyable writing and a fun combat system.
YMMV on what makes a fun combat system, but you should definitely consider Trails in the Sky.

View attached image.
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8 years ago

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I have it, I chose the DRM-free option on the latest Humble monthly, so it is on my to-play list. Still need to finish the FFXIII trilogy first.

8 years ago

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FF XIII is not very good though, you're better of playing Trails in the Sky.

8 years ago

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FFXIII is my second favourite in the series after VI. =)

8 years ago

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You're the first person I've heard say it's among their favourite FF games. And one of but a handful who thinks it's better than just "alright".

8 years ago

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Next to Tactics and maybe X-2, it has the only actually challenging combat system in the series. (Unless Type-0 also has one, I don't really know much about that one.)

8 years ago

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I actually found XIII to be incredibly easy on Normal. The only issue was how damage spongy many of the later bosses were.

8 years ago

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See, this is what I was referring to: they are not. The only damage-sponge is the last boss in the Titan's trial; all others just need appropriate preparations and good tactical approach in the actual combat. A right combination of attacks and roles can deal devastating damage with no weapon upgrades and low levels.

8 years ago

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Then the game was not very good at communicating it.

8 years ago

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Partly, and partly people never actually read those tutorials.

8 years ago

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In my defense, the tutorial for FF XIII was crap.

8 years ago

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He said good writing and fun combat, Trails in the sky has neither of those.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Your mileage may vary, ie, this is a subjective issue and you may have a different opinion on it.

8 years ago

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Got it, I was just expressing surprise at the need to shorten less and less common phrases to the point you need to look them up to know what he means to say.

8 years ago

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  • Controls and GUI which aren't a freaking-terrible-clearly-lazy-console-port.
    Remember Morrowind everybody? Remember resizing the map and pinning it? Remember not needing player-made-mods to have decent inventory management?

  • Character.
    Imagine you're in an alien land, the mountains and trees look somehow different, the din escaping the tavern is completely foreign, but somehow enticing, the customs and politics of this land are strange and interesting.

  • Atmosphere.
    Now it gets dark, the clear night sky radiates with strange stars, and the trees blow in the wind, the sights and sounds are hypnotizing, suddenly you notice your hot breath making fog, and your arms are bumpy from the cold, you walk into the boisterous tavern to seek some comfort.

8 years ago

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A way to make a 50 hour game a 5 hour one, for those of us who just don't have the time to play longer games.

8 years ago

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Usually skipping the side content gets it down to 10 and skipping cutscenes to like 7.

8 years ago

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Are you sure about that? Checking howlongtobeat.com for Main Story (median) I'm getting the following:

Skyrim: 30 Hours
Fallout New Vegas: 27 Hours
The Witcher: 36 hours
Mount & Blade Warband: 60 hours

8 years ago

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My bad, I wasn't thinking of open world games, but clearly if you are looking for a 5 hour game this isn't the right genre...

8 years ago

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FONV can definitely be done in less than 20 hours, though not quite the 5 hours you're wanting.

8 years ago

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I have a bunch of ideas for RPGs. Problem is, I get all ADD-ish when it comes to during the tutorial for RPG Maker when it comes to the actual level design (the map part). If I could find someone who enjoys that, I could do all the behind-the-scenes stuff...

8 years ago

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Just make a game without dungeons. The Deed is one of my favorite RPG Maker games and it has no combat and takes place entirely within one house.

8 years ago

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It's still not helping tackle the problem of being unable to make the actual game screens.

8 years ago

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I would love to see an RPG, where the NPCs react completely unscripted, just based on a super advanced lifelike KI. Example: I want to enter a castle. The guard doesn't let me, so I kill him and enter anyway. From now on, everyone acts according to his/her social position differently, because a guard just died. The wife of the guard sents someone to investigate the murder. The king hires a new guard. The inkeeper mourns the death of his friend. The point would be, that everything is possible and the KI is smart enough to react to a limitless number of scenarios. But I guess, this will always be impossible, since the KI will probably never be this advanced.

Speaking of the RPG Maker. I probably don't have enough time right now to do anything, but I had this idea for a while about a RPG Maker game about a pretty generic fantasy world (like Elder Scrolls or Zelda), where you don't play as the hero, but as the son of a merchant. Then, the hero comes to town and you notice, that the hero behaves strange. For example, he enters random buildings, loots the peoples stuff and sells it to the merchant. (So, basicly everything YOU ever did as the main protagonist in a fantasy RPG :D). It's supposed to be some sort of parody of the fantasy RPG tropes. But I don't know if I would ever have the time (or "energy") to actually make such a game, so I guess it's your choice.

8 years ago

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Actually, most of the things you mentioned should be something that would be possible. It would require a lot of work and the world probably couldn't be too big, but it could be done (at least to some extend).

8 years ago

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Bethesda tried it with Oblivion, it wasn't really a success. Only a skeleton of it remained in FO3, TESV, and Obsidian only coded the starting town to use it in New Vegas. (Don't know about Fallout 4, but it doesn't seem to have too much of the responsive global system either.)

8 years ago

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Yeah, but it would simply be way too much work for bigger games. It could possibly work well in smaller games where you only have a small world to play in (and thus less NPCs to code). Still, it's probably too much work for what you get.

8 years ago

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What is I missed in Fallout 3 and NV - it's real survivor tips, like how to filter water, how to coock and what meat, how to get fire, how to made radiostation and etc.)

8 years ago

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The only thing I want is more JRPGs on Steam.

8 years ago

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If we work within the realm of what's possible with today's technology:
-I would like more RPGs to offer choices that are less binary good/evil, but that are far more nuanced. Sure, there's a time & place for cartoonishly evil vs paragon of all that's good in the world, but far too many games do that.

-Less cliché European medieval high fantasy or space opera, and more unique settings that don't get featured as much in games. Yes I do like Baldur's gate, Mass Effect, Pillars of Eternity and so on, but it would be fun to see some more settings.

-More personal stories, less save the world. These are harder to write well, after all, you need to find some way to make the player care about the events. Having some big world shattering event is an easy way to get the player engaged, even if the writing is sub-par. Sadly most companies don't even seem to try, and when they do try, it tends to get half-arsed, like Dragon Age 2.

8 years ago

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Fable 1 style gameplay. Where you would grow from birth to your elderly days. Choose birthplace and route (school, etc.) which you would follow.

8 years ago

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Cyberpunk with more choices. I've enjoyed things like Dex and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, but ultimately both felt rather linear. CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077 should scratch the itch, but I miss things like Deus Ex (the new one just, I dunno, didn't really do it for me).

8 years ago

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Sex, violence, cospiracies and multiple choice
Gameplay is secondary

8 years ago

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So… Vampire: Bloodlines?

8 years ago

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OR The Witcher
OR Fallout
OR Dragon Age
OR Baldur's Gate

Anyway Bloodlines was awesome. I remember my mom gifting it to me for my birthday when I was around 15. She picked it randomly because there were "vampires", she had no idea about what she was giving me lol

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I would like RPG where you feel part of the story, but the whole game, where it doesnt change into grind and similar quests, where you would be so excited for each quest and to meet new ppl. Where every decision could change anything sooner or later, where ppl get to know you better and you get friends and they come and go and you are happy and sad with how it happened. Also good combat with many ways to deal with enemies, proper ambush mechanics, setting up traps, not just battle of hitpoints and health potions. Also followers who are there for a reason not just to carry your stuff and run into walls and block you.

Which means I would like to enter, because no one else will make a game like this if I dont :) thank you

8 years ago

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Something set in real life history and play through some historical events (doesn't even have to be super accurate to be fun). Of course it shouldn't be too linear, but it would be pretty awesome to be a conscript in the roman legions and work your way up all the way to become general and have thousands of troops under your command. :p

8 years ago

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I want a MMOARPG (combat similar to TERA) with single player option which is open world, has no micro-transaction feature (AT ALL, NO FUCKING EXCEPTION), in which you can progress quickly (no endless grinding) but last very long (maybe like, 999 levels but you level up quickly) with a constant and abundant amount of different equipment, good and interesting quests, good dungeoning, good character customization, and which allows to progress in various different skills such as crafting, gathering, etc. The game should have a specific theme and lore and no game elements should break that theme (looking at you, TERA, with the "minicars" mounts and modern clothing and shit. Like what.)

And also it should be either one-time fee OR free to play. Fuck subscription fees.

8 years ago

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I would like to stop the RPGish thing because nowadays everything is "RPG" and I'm tired

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Freedom. I love progressing the way I want like in Deus Ex or Bioware games. There shouldn't be any "indicators" to do that, then do that etc. You start a quest and then finish it with your choices affecting the game.

8 years ago

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