So, with my last event being a rather nice success in getting people to come up with stories, I figured it might be fun to make something else that gets people talking. This is more of an event than an actual puzzle, but there is an unbundled reward that people that participate may find themselves being able to enter.

I encourage people to compare their feelings they get when looking at this image. So, if you see a bird, don't just say "Bird", but instead saying something you associate with a bird like "Freedom", or "Soaring". Please stick to one or two word comments.

Too many people that doesn't follow the rules... :( Failed experiment.

As many people figured out (and unfortunately wrote, despite the rules saying you should stick to 1 or 2 word comments) the image will change every time you reload it. There are 10 normal ink blot patterns, and one that also includes a GA code. So the trick to beat this puzzle was to reload the image until you found the code.

The idea was for people to write their feelings on what they saw (which people also failed a lot with, and instead wrote the thing they saw, despite me stating that's what you're not supposed to do...), so that people started wondering how others feel a certain way, when you feel something entirely different, and that would serve as a hint that something fishy was going on with the image.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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A sad Panda.
Makes me sad..

7 years ago

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burned goat mask

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I'm sorry but that's obviously a gerbil on top kissing a rabbit below, and you've written GEM on either side. Now in most countries it's actually illegal to crossbreed animals, I mean it's just 1 step from bestiality if you ask me, and you should check yourself into a clinic asap. excuse me...
A rorschach test?
Ink blots that look like what the viewer is thinking about? HUH!>??!?!
um.. sorry.. back...
Please disregard my previous comments - It's obviously a Potato giving birth to a space cat....

7 years ago

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Predator from movie

7 years ago

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First thing I saw was 2 people. They're standing back to back. Makes me think of loneliness.
Second thing was face with huge nose and mustache. More like dangerous stranger.
Third was face of a creature, with a beak like a bird but with horns or ears. A creature with intelligent but evil stare.

So... did I win something? :D

And I'm reffering to only one picture. After refreshing site I saw a butterfly with skulls on the wings and some other weird sh*t.

7 years ago*

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Since you didn't even follow the rules laid out in the main post... no. ^^

7 years ago

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Oh well, Can't express myself in 2 words :D

7 years ago

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/edit: is it on purpose, that the pictures change when refreshing the page?

7 years ago

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Or is it your mind changing what it wants to see?

7 years ago

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22 entries so far, 10 mins to go.

7 years ago

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