I saw that you have finished some maps on hell on earth. There is not much difference between suicidal and hell on earth? Which is your favorite perk?
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What you need is to know if you want a challenge, funny game with tons of events or some easier game, not as funny and without events?
In L4D you need teammate to free you from special zombies while in KF you can go solo (you "can" but you won't make it that way in harder difficulties).
I played a lot of both (and reach the realism and hardest difficulty on L4D before stop playing it) with a friend. As he say: "KF is like L4D... for real men."
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I own both games and played both extensively. Here're the main differences.
Left 4 Dead 2: Make your way from start point to safe house, killing various infected along the way and avoiding various traps like car alarms.
Killing Floor: Kill all enemies in the current wave in order to cause a shop to open.
Left 4 Dead: Are found lying on the ground. Any character can use any weapon. Ammunition is replenished by touching ammo piles, which provide infinite ammo. Stationary weapons provide heavy cover fire from certain positions.
Killing Floor: Are rarely found on the ground; instead, are purchased from a store using money gained from defeating enemies. Any character can use any weapon, but a weapon will only be truly effective if used by a player using the correct perk (flamethrowers, for example, are only effective when wielded by Firebug players). Ammunition is found as powerups; most of it is purchased from the shop. Stationary weapons do not exist.
Left 4 Dead: Players who reach 0 health will go into an incapacitated state, whereby they may be revived by a teammate. No character may wield armour.
Killing Floor: Players who reach 0 health are killed and must wait until the rest of their team defeats the wave. They will then respawn. Players may invest in armour to resist attacks.
Left 4 Dead: Consist of random zombies (common infected) and occasional special infected; the obese boomer, the lanky smoker, the agile hunter, etc.
Killing Floor: Each type of zombie encountered has its own special ability, so there is no real "special" infected type. All enemies have a special ability, from immobilizing you to turning invisible.
Number of Players
Left 4 Dead: Supports four players in cooperative play, or eight in competitive play.
Killing Floor: Supports six players on the same team. No official competitive mode exists (yet).
Custom Maps
Left 4 Dead: Supports hundreds of custom-made maps, some with, some without story.
Killing Floor: Supports hundreds of custom-made maps; however, class progression is possible only on maps approved by Tripwire Interactive.
Boss Enemies
Left 4 Dead: The Tank. Attacks using a rock throw attack or standard punches. Very tough to defeat.
Killing Floor: The Patriarch. Attacks using one of two melee attacks, a rocket launcher, or a rotary cannon. Also equipped with three healing syringes for itself and an invisibility system.
The End
Left 4 Dead: The game ends when all the survivors are incapacitated, or when the survivors reach the escape vehicle at the end of the campaign.
Killing Floor: The game ends when all players are killed, or when the players defeat the Patriarch (see above)
Left 4 Dead: Has an ongoing story, written by Valve, following the plight of the Zoey, Francis, Louis, and the late Bill, as well as Nick, Ellis, Rochelle, and Coach.
Killing Floor: Has no ongoing story; biological weapons gone rogue have broken out of confinement and are rampaging across England. Your team, consisting of whatever characters you choose to bring into the fray, are charged with defeating them.
Friendly Fire:
Left 4 Dead: Is always on (Easy difficulty more or less disables it)
Killing Floor: Is either off or on (toggled separately from difficulty)
Initial Release Date
Left 4 Dead: 17 November 2008 (Left 4 Dead)
Killing Floor: Sometime 2005 (Unreal Tournament 2004 mod)
Left 4 Dead: Source Engine
Killing Floor: Unreal Tournament 2004 Engine
Left 4 Dead: None; any character may use any weapon.
Killing Floor: Seven; each player may select one of seven perks, which amplify the effectiveness of a given weapon type. The Field medic perk, for example, enables players to heal others quicker and provide discounts to weapons that fire healing darts. These perks level up, granting additional benefits.
Left 4 Dead: Three types; only one may be held at a time.
Killing Floor: Two types: explosive and incendiary. The maximum is as few as five and as many as ten.
Left 4 Dead: Extremely dark and dank; Left 4 Dead 2 introduces a few daytime levels. To compensate, every player is granted a flashlight.
Killing Floor: Extremely varied, from a dark, expansive farmland to close-quarters in an office with rain outside. All players are granted a flashlight, but they are mounted only on three weapons.
Greatest Strengths
Left 4 Dead: Its story, intuitiveness, and linearity; players will always know what to do next, though not always how to do it (in the case of puzzles such as the car alarms in The Parish)
Killing Floor: Its variety, classes, and complexity; each and every player will have a role, from crowd control to sniping.
Which game is better?
They're both damn good games.
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Killing Floor aren't newbie friendly. And it never bores me spamming B after killing the Patriarch.
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It isn't perfectly clear what you are saying, but you can find not newbie friendly teams only if you join server with difficulty level set to "Suicidal" (red icon) or "Hell on Earth" (red skull icon), no problem with servers on "Normal" (yellow) or "Beginners" (green). Unfortunately the server list doesn't help very well to prevent rookies join harder servers.
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Killing Floor simply because it has more replayability due to having more content than Left4Dead.
Also Buzzsaw Crossbow.
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I own L4D2, and i find it amazing, but i cant say much about Killing Floor, i havent played it that much, i had a guest pass for three days, and i like both games a lot, When it comes to L4D2 its YOU VS ZOMBIES with the objective: Go from POINT A to POINT B, While in KF its YOU VS HELL OF A LOT OF ZOMBIES THAT ARE WAY STRONGER THAN THE L4D ONES.
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kf because l4d is too much mainstream xD kidding
I still like more KF with 700 hours recorded meanwhile with l4d+l4d2 i might have recorded around 80 hours, i like the games with story but the problem of those its after i know the story i feel unmotivated to play them again its somehow like rewatch the same movie, meanwhile kf is more dynamic
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Right now i have only 3 perk maxed, and the perk i have more fun to play with is medic(and i think also that is one of the better for the final wave, he has faster moviment speed and a more resistent armor).
there is a big gap between suicidal difficult and hell on earth ?
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Medic was the 1st perk i did maxed out, these days i only switch to medic in patriarch wave to kill pat with a crossbow at hellonearth, my team avoid playing as medic in hell on earth just to make a sure we dont run out of ammo and about healing well we just heal each others and never heal ourselfs since we can heal twice more faster the team mates than us
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I have both them, but in your opinion which is better?
I think that KF is better because is more various(there is more weapon, perk and the money system) and he require more team work, finally i love kill the patriarch (or be killed by him)
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