i guess that's the one! so go for it, i had an EVGA 980 ti SC+ and it was awesome.
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Pretty much all 10 series cards are created equal due to the OC limitations of the architecture (as long as they're not blower versions). So not only is that just about the cheapest currently within $10 but it also has one of the best manufacturers to have warranty claims with.
I'd just say avoid PNY no matter what the price is and Zotac comes in a very close second to that recommendation. PNY don't back up their products like everyone else does and Zotac barely does any better but the overall quality of Zotac is good enough IF you're willing to risk a crappy warranty situation. But my fans are failing on my 1080 Amp Extreme and they don't offer anything until they fail fully or at all depending on who you talk to. Then their "fan stop" never worked properly, nor has every been acknowledged by them as the fans are unable to maintain a fan curve below 30% power so you'll hear them gulp and blow, turn on and off - literally every single second. They call it a feature but I didn't pay for an enthusiast card with a huge cooler to hear the fans. I was expecting, like almost all other cards, for the fans to work between 10% and 20% with 20% being a very realistic expectation. If they ran constantly at 20% the card would be cool all the time and virtually silent. (Instead im stuck at 31% minimum and while quiet enough it took my silent computer to an audible computer. First world problems, right?) The fan stop feature is supposed to be that the fans stop until the threshold is hit then turn on. Not gulp and blow and regardless of that feature or the semantics of it, I haven't seen fans that wouldn't work at at least 20% power in two decades.
Aaannnny ways....In my experience, EVGA is generally the best followed in about equal measure to ASUS, MSI, and Gigabyte (those are the only ones coming to mind atm, might be a few more decent places)
But what the internet says about PNY and Zotac is not at all exaggerated.
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yuck W3 ;)
i plan to play Xcom2 ;) and DS3 (i want to die a lot)
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this are all 1080. they are diff enough.
also, they have warranty, and i have backup ;)
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Actually they are not completely true and exaggerated. You can read Evga's official statement about this issue.
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I've read their statement, and I'm sure most would say the same thing in their shoes knowing the alternative would be a costly recall.
They didn't properly cool the VRMs on their cards and so some peoples caught fire, that's the truth of the matter. How many people have actually had their card burst into flames or who may have it happen in the future (because they didn't get the memo about the pads) is other matter.
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The number of failures was well within normal failure rate (0.02%). It got exposure when it hit social media is all. They also fixed that "issue" last August (it wasn't the VRMs anyway).
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The VRMs were part of the problem, but not the only problem. They also had issues with some cards memory not properly contacting the heatsink and burning up.
Also, the problem isn't how many failed, it's how they failed. As someone who often leaves their computer on unattended (rendering) for long periods of time, I don't want to come home to find my house burned down because I was part of that 0.02%
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People were complaining the cards were burning up because the heatsink wasn't making contact with the VRM. That was the big complaint going around at the time. It hit social media, and soon everyone with an issue was claiming the same thing.
EVGA issued free thermal pads for anyone who bought the cards prior, but after testing, the VRMs were well within specs even without the thermal pads (and that was using Furmark). By late July, EVGA was adding the thermal pads over the VRMs in assembly. It turns out it was more likely a bad batch of capacitors and had nothing to do with the VRMs at all.
I've been using mine, purchased the first week in July (without the thermal pads) and never had an issue. I have the thermal pads if I ever wish to install them, though.
Edit: in regards to your edit -- all cards experience that failure rate - like I said, social media had a lot to do with people exaggerating the issue.
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Yea most people thought the VRMs were the main issue, but the vram contact problem was likely the bigger culprit in my opinion: https://forums.evga.com/gaps-between-vram-chips-and-the-stock-thermal-pads-on-the-midplate-m2570619.aspx
Anyhow, if yours is working well for you that's great. I went with MSI this time to avoid issues (since I normally go with EVGA myself), but just wanted to make sure the OP was informed.
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Yeah, they fixed all that last summer, and by late July/early August, all cards were sent out with the new thermal pads installed.
Also - some of the people in that thread you linked are just ... well ... stupid (there's no polite way to put it LOL). The OP modded the plate and removed 4 of the mounting tabs, then wonders why it doesn't fit snug. /facepalm
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Maybe this can help a little.
Best benchmark Gigabyte (maybe a little cheaper, if you look at costs per frame) But I don't think you will see that big of a difference between all those brands.
Worst bechmark EVGA (probably lowest price)
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Gigabyte has best cards :P Look at that quality of material they use :D
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I recommend the Asus GTX 1070 Dual or even better Asus GTX 1070 Strix
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Maybe your right, I haven't test it, but I myself got the ASUS Expedition GTX 1070 card & it is quietest card I ever had. I know it is not available in all regions, I live in EU.
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I'd go with Asus Strix personally but that's far from the cheapest, EVGA is solid too (usually, not so much with those 1080s, yikes). You're lucky to buy them so cheap compared to my local prices, they're at the cheapest 500$ for the risky ones.
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I'd recommend my card :P but since you say cheapest, there are lots of cheaper cards than Evga. But if you aim Evga (which is completely logical) you can go for SC (currently on sale at Amazon) but imo you shouldn't buy SC Black Edition (the one you linked) because it has no backplate
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Piece of metal along the back of the card that makes it a bit sturdier and dissipate heat better, but makes it weigh more (and thus a bit harder on the PCIe slot).
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Most people want a backplate when buying a GPU, unless they're particularly concerned with the cards weight.
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Thanks ;)
that is already covered: https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/A97DewB
currently probably Asus or EVGA
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NEVER GO FOR ASUS! i've been burnt from ASUS too many times. EVGA or MSI are the best.
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Asus has crappy service. but their cards should be fine...
care to elaborate on the burnt thing? only if you have the engery...
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i had a 4K Monitor, 2x Mainboards, 3x VGA both Nvidia and AMD , a tablet , a router all from Asus and all got crappy somehow and when i went to the support they were completely shit as u mentioned, so i decided never go to them again. a friend of mine has an ASUS GTX 960 and it showed some problems after awhile and it's been like 3 months since he sent the card to them and they send it back with more issues every time :)
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i have a Asus tablet. it worked fine for 2 years. then warranty void, update a month later, tablet crap! stupid asus
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i got 2x EVGA 980 ti for my friend and his PSU had some issues, i told him not to risk the cards with that old psu, but he couldn't wait to use the card:) so as he booted the PC with just one of'em and he smells sth, and there it is the card is fucked! but he sent the card back to them and claimed it was DOA, and they sent a new one like 3-4 days later:)
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Gigabytes have best cooling for vrm and ram, according to some reviews, that also use ir cameras in their tests.
Can't link now, but you may want to research this matter.
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There was a Zotac GTX 1070 AMP! Edition on sale a couple days ago for $285 at Micro Center. Pretty sure it was a mistake, but that's the cheapest I've ever seen. Earlier this month, you could get an EVGA Superclocked model for like $318 from Jet.com (assuming you were a new customer).
Typically, when I'm looking for a specific computer part, I set up a deal alert on Slickdeals (I'm sure there are other sites that can do the same). Usually the best deals only last minutes, but you end up saving a lot of money if you can snipe them. If you're willing to watch for the next month, you could very well save $50 or more.
With regards to warranty experience, EVGA has been great to me (although I miss their lifetime warranty). I'd echo avoiding PNY. ASUS can be hit or miss. They make very good cards, but their customer service can be quite careless and is a huge step below EVGA with regards to consistency. I've heard great things about Gigabyte as well, but never had to use their service (I have a motherboard from them in another system). Can't really go wrong with MSI, either, but I can't comment on the warranty.
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I've actually got the EVGA Superclocked 1070. I'm regularly pushing 180fps 1080p in Overwatch at medium settings and 300fps in Unturned medium/high. Cooling is a bit of an issue though, even though I've got three fans with two push and one pull.
With my fan hub at maximum voltage, temps hover around 76 degrees in-game. Turning my fan hub power down increases temps past 80 degrees and will thermal throttle regularly, so I just leave it on max. Overall it's a pretty powerful card, I haven't tried overclocking the card yet but if noise is an issue for you maybe find another graphics card.
I have a VG248QE.
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what the title says.
i'm currently aiming for this one
GTX 1070updated due to thread: Option1-STRIX Option2-SC - i actually like the second option. why? cause it's sale is higher (what?)
i'm getting delivery, but that shouldn't be a problem. what is recommended and maybe on sale somewhere? worldwide for all i care ;)
thanks :)
Edit: got this
those who got here, entered the GA. more chances for you ;)
ends on sunday
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