So, I bought a bunch of Anrdoid devides for my family for Christmas... 4 tablets and 2 phones. I think I have it figured out to where I can have ONE Google Play account and only have to buy 1 app that all can share. I'd great a master Google account, and add that account as a secondary google account to each android device. That account would be the one that I'd purchase all the apps with. That way, everyone will have access to the apps and only purchase them 1 time. Will this work?

I know with music, only 1 device can play it at a time. What about books, newstand etc?

What about multiplayer games? Are there one user per app type restrictions? Let me give you an example. So, say I buy Ticket to Ride once and everyone installs it. Is there some sort of separate identifier in the game? How would a game differentiate between different people using the same install?

Thank you in advance.

11 years ago*

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it does work as i'm doing the same i buy a app and let my brother and sister play it too :D it's also shared on my tablet and their tablet.
i have no idea about music and books as i'm the only one reading and i don't hear music.
nope multiplayer isn't limited all can play togehter at the same time :D

11 years ago

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Wow, that makes my day. Tnx DJ!

11 years ago

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:D i hope you will have some luck with the music too :D

11 years ago

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no idea about music, books, newsstand but your are correct, it is very possible for apps.

multiplayer, not sure about online multiplayer. But it works for local multiplayer

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by RDBruski.