Destiny 2 Forsaken
you need other dlc to buy it, just hell no in any case.
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if it would be on steam, i would consider buy smth, since battlenet, no option.
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I am just not into multiplayer games, especially not futuristic FPS, so it's hard for me to justify spending a single dime on such game, let alone the prices they're asking for.
And wow man, 400 $ is quite a lot to spend on video games on a monthly basis, pretty sure, with that amount of money and with all the sales and bundles around the corner, you could buy enough games to play for a year or more.
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Yes, I have already too much games and cant play them all actually. But I am a collector aswell so its okay. It doesnt influence my daily life. I spending always too much money for things I like. ( Cooking, Manga, Anime, series, books)
Yes you are getting much more and better games. Even all f2p games are nearly as good or better. Well lets see if it sells well or not. But I think if they do Destiny 3 it wont be selling...
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Descent was a 6-degrees-of-freedom, first-cockpit-shooter game. It was amazing back when it was released, and I remember being blown away by it and buying my first joystick - CH Flightstick Pro - to play it, but it's nothing like Destiny 2. Perhaps you're thinking of something else?
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when it was released
It's legit still amazing. I played it a while back and it hasn't lost anything. Even the graphics, which are obviously primitive by today's standards, still work because the polygons are so simple the whole thing has a stylized look.
Obligatory shilling: Descent on GOG (on sale at the time of writing) and the DXX Rebirth project, which brings the engine into the modern age.
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I haven't played it in a very long time, but it's good to know that it still holds up. I remember when I first played it, I was lost to it - the outside world completely disappeared.
Looking at the screenshots, I was always afraid to go back, for fear that it wouldn't live up to my memories. The DXX Rebirth project does make it look a lot nicer, and the anti-aliasing goes a long way to make it easier on the eyes. I bookmarked that, so thanks for sharing it. I wonder if I still have my disks somewhere...
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Wow, comparing the original screenshot with the DXX screenshot, it's impressive how much cleaner and sharper they made it look.
Though I do feel like a little of the charm has been lost. In the original screenshot, the softness makes it look like something out of a comic book.
How does it do with widescreen monitors?
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Having a Digital Deluxe version of a DLC feels so strange to me. It's probably been done before, but a Digital Deluxe version of a freaking DLC is just so weird. It feels like stacking scummy business practice on top of scummy business practice. Either way, Destiny just isn't my thing for many reasons, price point included.
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+1! Digital Deluxe Edition is really weird. "Hey, you can buy our digital deluxe Edition for just 80$! And you are getting a digital 3D trophy aswell! You just need to buy our new Program "Destiny 2 3D Trophy Opener" for just 14$. No not 15$ only 14$. You can open 3D trophies with it! Isnt that amazing. Come and get a pre-purchase version for just 20$!"
So does it feels like :D
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Welcome to the game design and marketing strategy of Activision-Blizzard. Destiny 1 was the same back then, only there it was Year 2 that made it at least moderately playable and just a steaming pile of unrewarding shit where people had to stand in front of a cave for 4-5 hours on end to maybe get one half-decent drop in one of the engrams.
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I thought it has a good singleplayer campaign and with some good MMO features.
I think it's the other way around. It's mainly a MMO, with a campaign for good measure. If you expected a brilliant, long singleplayer experience - sorry, I think you might have bought the wrong game. ;)
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You are right. I did.
Honestly after I experienced Secret World, Star Wars online, Final Fantasy 14, I hoped they can do the same just as a shooter. But like you said, I was wrong.
But there was so much potential, how can you waste it like that? WAAAH!
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I Feel Cheated already with Destiny 2 Vanilla Edition with lack of content, Game Locked at Lvl 20. And Now they want me to buy Expansion I & II and Forsaken for a total of $74.99 !!? lol what a joke! I'll keep playing Skyforge instead that is a way better game and guess what? is Free!! 1 year playing and still is fun!
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Hi folks,
I really want to talk about D2. The 2 DLCs until now are disappointing. Maybe I had the wrong Idea about Destiny. I thought it has a good singleplayer campaign and with some good MMO features. D2 got nothing to offer.The singleplayer campaign was in my opinion too short. And all DLCs just tell short stories. I dont have the feeling that anything in D2 was a big threat. You just need 2 hours to eliminate all those big threats. At least in the DLCs.
And now comes the next thing. They want so much money for the next "amazing Year 2!"
Forsaken: $39.99
Forsaken+Annual Pass: $69.99
Digital Deluxe: $79.99
So much money for what? 5 Hours campaign. Old weapons from D1. No new characters and no interesting plot. And recycling worlds from D1 and D2. Honestly I think bungie lost it and I wont spent anymore money. I would gladly buy 20 full price AA-games from steam instead of giving Bungie my money. And it isnt even because of the money, I am spending 400$ per month for videogames but I should feel like to help the devs and give them what they deserve, but when I spend my money for D2 it feels like there getting money for a recycling simulator. There so much more f2p or b2p games that at least try to give us a good adventure.
Another thing is, they release it on September. September the month with about 6 AAA Releases. Really?
What about you?
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