Can you think of something more stupid from the games industry?
Enables you to experience the beauty of each frame :)
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I'm letting the human abuse slide from this thread, otherwise we'd be here all day and this DRM topic would not even matter anymore.
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This is aggressively stupid, they're hindering their paying customers to attack pirates in another platform that are probably not gonna be deterred by this but instead just look for a workaround, and the worst part is that they'll probably get away with it.
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For me it was NES and SNES, and I have truly fond memories. Loved that shit. Amazing games, but yeah, Nintendo has always been the biggest dickbag in the room when it comes to everything else.
I can't wait to see what their cult has to say about this. I'm sure they've already come up with a few different ways to not only defend Nintendo's decision, but champion it as well.
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Totally. Take away their exclusive (and beloved) franchises, and Nintendo sits amongst the worst of the worst of the games industry.
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AAA company: let's introduce yet another DRM to
piss off legit customers"curb piracy".
Random hacker: alright, just gimme 5 minutes and a toothpick. Actually, scrap that, half will be enough.
In other words, just another Tuesday in the gaming industry.
Can you think of something more stupid from the games industry?
How about adding DRM to free games?
Because, yeah, there's lotta money to be lost from people pirating, let's remind it again, A FREE GAME.
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You got me there. Although I'd say DRM on a free game (lol) and this Nintendo move are on the same level, I'll never argue with thinking one is worse than the other. I mean, Nintendo is putting DRM on their console games to stop people playing them... on pc. It's like... I can't even begin to process this. Just like putting DRM on a free game.
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The small screen hides every awful detail, from the 15 fps to 480p resolutions and super ultra low textures and draw distance (and everything else).
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Who honestly asked for this? I don't think Switch owners who play on Switch would - when Denuvo kind of DRM hits performance and the Switch needs every bit of juice it can get as a hybrid console. Neither do those who buy Switch games and then emulate their purchased games - it would also hit performance on the emulator. And its not as if pirates are going to suddenly change their behaviour because of this.
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Do (casual) console players even know about the existence of such a thing as DRM? And considering Nintendo is the king of casual players, there would be a lot of people out there scratching their heads about why their pretty little console is struggling more than usual (those who can notice this sort of stuff, anyway).
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If they're only just playing on Switch, probably not. If they prefer playing on Switch due to enjoying hybrid/handheld play (assuming no Steam Deck), but opt for other platforms when it's just not stable for them (e.g. Switch version not hitting stable 30fps - I think that would be a fair expectation for Switch), then yes.
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Who asked for this?
The shareholders, who else?
That is, the guys who eat up most of the revenue companies earn by selling you their stuff (and, credits given where it's due, without whom most of the aforementioned stuff wouldn't even exist in the first place).
DRM exists solely to try to protect their already fat wallets from getting ever slightly thinner, nothing more, nothing less.
Performance hits? Not their problem as long as they get paid.
Hopefully this specific piece of software will be a bit less intrusive than main Denuvo (which requires periodic re-authentication), since it just needs to prevent emulation (you don't hear much about VMProtect, a DRM software with a similar function), but I'm not sure how much we can trust the guys who revealed to the world how anti-consumer DRM can be (remember SecuROM? same guys, lots of games that would've turned digital doorstoppers when the servers went the way of the dodo, if it wasn't for... pirates).
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Hah, can you imagine popping in a Switch game while on the go and getting a "you need to be online to authenticate this game before playing" message (because Denuvo)? That would really be something.
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OK, so I at least understand the concept of DRM when it comes to PC games so you can't just copy a game directly onto a floppy disk and play it for yourself but if someone's already gone as far as modding their switch or purchasing special hardware to copy Switch games (not sure how they do it honestly) do they really think adding some DRM is going to change anything? Plus when it comes to digital downloads on an unmodded switch they already check to make sure your account has access to play it, so they effectively have their own DRM already for legitimate systems. Truly baffling.
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do they really think adding some DRM is going to change anything?
Well, as we all know, DRM has a massive history of success, which is why companies are still making and using them. I mean, if it had never worked or did something silly like only hurting legitimate customers instead of pirates, they'd stop using DRM, right? Obviously.
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The console is the easy part. But the games? Yeah, good luck with that.
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And Konami is proof you don't need the rest of the world to make money. Hell, you don't even need to make games. Just make a casino and toss in your biggest franchises' names in there (which is something Nintendo could do arguably even better than Konami, considering the franchises they hold hostage own).
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You're exactly right. The casino we (my wife and I) frequent is full of Konami BS. I'm surprised Nintendon't hasn't capitalized yet. I'm positive that I'll see Mario/Luigi gracing a gambling cabinet before too long. Fanbase doesn't mean anything. Whatever makes more monies is all that matters.
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Oh yeah, because they suffered so greatly from the emulation, I've heard they almost went broke. But thankfully Denuvo is here to save the day, again.
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good the Nintendo snobs can now have their beloved Pikachu in 5 frames a second - if Nintendo wasn't so against the PC market it wouldn't have this problem
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It's not like the DRM can't be cracked, the people at Nintendo are obviously idiots who think that emulation is why less people are buying their under-powered console. They NEED to release a new Switch with more power or maybe even a Switch 2 instead of creating a problem that will make performance on the existing hardware even worse than it already is.
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Wait i could have sworn it was august, and not april 1st.
You know what Nintendo there are over 6500 switch games already out on the internet.. For emulation and people with a modded switch, a little too late.. And they will crack the rest too.
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Didn't Nintendo sue some fan pages that had Nintendo-related content (not games)? And a few other examples. Even barring human rights abuses, there is so much dumb shit in the industry I don't think it wins. Definitely up there, though
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Well, they've been doing stupid stuff for years.
Nintendo, The Industry, And The Attack On Emulators (The Jimquisition)
Copyright Deadlock (The Jimquisition)
Why It's Morally Okay To Pirate All Of Nintendo's Games (The Jimquisition)
YouTube Needs To Face The Music (The Jimquisition)
Why Emulating Nintendo Games Is Good, Probably (The Jimquisition)
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This is the dumbest, most hilarious thing I've ever seen in this cursed industry. Really, Nintendo? You're gonna put DRM on your console games to avoid emulation on PC? And the very unpopular Denuvo, of all things. Yeah, because the first thing the Switch needs is something else hindering the games' performances (other than the mediocre, outdated hardware).
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