Thought I could check out TF2, since I haven't played it in years. Got a case as soon as I opened the game. It's 1€ on the market.

Thought I should let everyone know since I don't recall reading about it anywhere!


EDIT: It's not 35 cents.

7 years ago*

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I tried with ASF on my alts and got a bunch of xmas themed stuff but none of them seem to be sellable or even tradeable.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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I didn't open anything, I didn't even start the game, I just told ASF to idle TF2 on my alts for a few seconds and stuff just appeared on the inventories.
But the only one that's a case also says that I can't trade or sell it. I guess I'll try on my main later to see if the result is different.

7 years ago

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You need premium TF2 account to be able to sell it.

7 years ago

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Oh, that explains it. I guess they foresaw people like me trying to exploit it :P
Thanks for the explanaition. I never played TF2, only used its items on the market, so I had no clue of how it works.

7 years ago

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Basicaly you can upgrade your account for free now (if you have 85 cents on your account). Maybe you will profit few cents, but for the future it is good thing as they are doing this with all new cosmetic cases few times a year...

7 years ago

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How? Do I need to install the game? I'm kinda out of space on the steam partition.

7 years ago

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Buying any item from the Mann Co Store will upgrade you to premium

7 years ago

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Never bought on it or played it, and got some items to sell, maybe because I got it with the orange box.

Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case

7 years ago*

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Comments seem to be saying you can get the drop without a premium account you just can't trade/market it. M PRETTY SURE Orange box did at one point count as premium though I'm not sure if that's still the case.

7 years ago

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Orange box did at one point count as premium

it does indeed

7 years ago

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Bought one for my bot but seems it doesn't

7 years ago

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Strange, maybe only in key form or before it went f2p?

7 years ago

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or free license must be removed?

7 years ago

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Just checked the bot acc, now it can sell and trade TF2 items, orange box grants you "premium"

7 years ago

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Remember, must be something bought in-game, not on market.

You'd get this cap after purchase.

7 years ago

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never bought anything or played and still got it

7 years ago

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For free? Don't we need to buy an item on the Mann Co. Store?

7 years ago

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Yes, you have to buy something. But you can buy it for 85 cents (color or backpack or something like that), then sell winter 2017 cosmetic case for ~95 cents (atm) and then sell that color or backpack or whatever you bought for more 50-60 cents... so profit about 60 cents and premium for future cases.

7 years ago

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Ah yes good idea. Is it more profitable than buying a case key?

7 years ago

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Imo it is about same loss value. For traders keys are more valuable because backpack/color you will most probably just burn in market to get some cash back.

7 years ago

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can u give a specific item to buy that upgrades my account to premium!?

7 years ago

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Tour of Duty tickets sounds like a safe option.

Cheap-y, so you won't lose too much on SteamTax when you sell it on market.

7 years ago

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now it doesnt say that i own TF2 in my library. so if i buy the Tour of Duty ticket, will the game be added to my library? or should i buy The Orange Box instead!!?

7 years ago

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You'd need to download TF2 (it is F2P) and then buy ticket from in-game store (NOT FROM MARKET!!! IMPORTANT BIT).

Buying Orange Box will probably cost you more, but if you want to play HL2, then it is an idea too.

Edit: TF2 used to have option to buy items through browser, but no idea if it still works and what link you'd need to buy anything, sorry :(

7 years ago*

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in the orange box bundle it shows that i dont own tf2, if i buy the ticket from ingame store will the game be added to my library?

7 years ago

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That's how it worked in previous years.

I think buying Orange Box should give you different hat, but it's not like they are tradable so you'd really care that much?

7 years ago

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not really. i'll buy the Tour of Duty ticket then

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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wow youve missed out....

7 years ago

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On the game you mean or in this particular chance for profit?

7 years ago

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Game obviously, used to be so good! Now its bad and dead & dying for quite some time, wont find good times there anymore if you ever think of jumping in.

7 years ago

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Well I'm not much into competitive shooters and I was even less interested back when TF2 was relevant, actually the first competitive game I really got into is Rocket League and that was recent.

7 years ago

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TF2 was never a competetive shooter, it was always a casual shooter game, and it got butt fucking ruined when valve tried to make it competetive with the Meet your Match update, ruining casual, crippling server browsing, killing off fun weapons with huge nerfs and implementing a heavily flawed unrewarding piece of shit ranked matchmaking system, along with a pointless level up system for whatever remains of casual, competetivness killed TF2 and ruined PUBG and is ruining Fortnite Battle Royale, fuck competetivness, TF2 was always anything BUT a competetive shooter, it was casual at its heart and at its core, you were saddly mistaken thinking it was competetive before the meet your match update, thats the reason the game is dead and dying and unfun. Everyone and their grandmas play Rocket League, i know, i know, i know.

7 years ago

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Oh, sad to hear. The first time I heard about TF2 was 4 or 5 years ago from a friend and it sounded pretty competitive to me back then, at the time I only played single player games except for one summer like a decade ago that I played Gunbound for a few weeks.
What I meant is that I only got into online multiplayer games in general in recent years, to me anything team based still feels pretty competitive even today due to my single player background; I'm used to play against the CPU, not real people (being raised as an only son and kind of an introvert and stuff).

7 years ago

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The game was free to play, you could have found out by yourself instead of taking your friends word granted without proof, and just cause it was a class based team vs team cartoon shooter, doesnt mean its competetive, have you never seen the meet the team videos? Those alone varrant the game is casual to the core and competetive not at all, competetiveness is cancer and a killer of video games, how would you not know this seeing as TF2 has thrived by the thousands for years...till now... this game was built with fun in mind, to have fun, competetivness was never an idea, anything that wasnt fun based but competition based, has ruined the game, nerfs, downgrades, connectivity issues, inferior browsing, inbalances, etc. i played single and multiplayer whenever possible. The only other casual game i know of or comes to mind is Fortnite Battle Royale. I too only, and or majority wise played only single games, but the world has become modern, online gaming is everywhere, popular, good, and with all these events in them, and life related issues, just cant spare time for single player games anymore, if there are any that you even actualy want to play or havent lost interest in them since you couldnt and what not.... Gunbound, never heard of it. Only in recent years you got into online multiplayer games...shame, huge shame, you missed out butt tonns of greatness out there that have either died off or become a shell of their former self. Thats a horrible mindset, thinking anything team based is competetive. Youre a team in Left 4 Dead, youre a team in Vermintide, youre a team in Dead Island, non competetive games for example, you have to play the game to know if its competetive or not, youre not thinking right about that part or feeling true. Nyeah, cpus are trash, well, by todays standarts atleast, nothing but doiwngrades as far as the eye can see, real people are fun and exhilirating one point.... i wasnt raised as the only son but i am a introvert, i dont think that makes sense to avoid multiplayer, and you shouldnt mix real life with games.

7 years ago

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Too long to amswer to everything but bassically it's a matter of taste, I grew up playing games by myself during the 90's and early 00's, then went away from mainstream gaming during most of the rest of the 00's except for emulation (of 90's games). So I might as well have been living under a rock while the online gaming scene was blooming, when I came back to giving a f*ck about current gaming around 2011 I went straight into indie games and old-ish games that I missed but my backlog soon got out of hand and it'll probably take 2 decades more to get through everything I'm planning to play (to that add whatever comes out during that time).
Also I mix real life with gaming because it constantly gets in the middle and it also shapes my tastes and determines to what type of games I have access (I didn't knew enough english to be mantaining this conversation ~6 years ago)... and there's the fact that I went to a technic school so I had almost no free time for hobbies when I was a teenager.

7 years ago

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Works, thanks!

7 years ago

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!addlicense 440
!play 440

7 years ago

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Could this trigger VAC?

7 years ago

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VAC actually applies to servers not games. If you aren't playing on a VAC secured server there's very little change of anything going wrong. Plus ASF is designed to prevent you playing/idling at the same time to avoid these issues unlike other idling applications.

7 years ago

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Nope, that's only a request to Steam network, with no actual communication with any sort of GC (game coordinator) server. VAC doesn't work on this layer.

7 years ago

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I learn sonething new toda y, thanks still owe you a gift card

7 years ago

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How do you activate that? I mean add those licenses. I have read that I need another acccount for that, but I got only this one.

7 years ago

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Haha! Cool.

Presumably you would need to transfer the TF2 item to your main account manually, though, as ASF only transfers Steam trading cards?

7 years ago

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Hey, where in ASF should i input these commands? I cant seem to find it...

7 years ago

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Read the FAQ or get a GUI.

7 years ago

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many thanks

7 years ago

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Darn, you're a life savior! Thanks a lot!

7 years ago

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Sweet, thanks for the 1€. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up!

7 years ago

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Works, thanks! 😃

7 years ago

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Maybe I need a premium account doesn't hurt to have a little extra steam change to buy games with.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Strange, I didn't got that cosmetic case...

7 years ago

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Thanks for the tip. I don't need the money, but a free bonus is nice. )

7 years ago

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Happy cake day!

7 years ago

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Happy cake day!

7 years ago

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I love how I don't even need to launch the game manually, !addlicense ASF 440 and !play ASF 440 works awesome.

Thanks for info, free money :3

7 years ago

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hi, do I need to use a second account to use that command ? I've read the wiki and tried multiple time in group chat but it always says : "Couldn't find any bot named ASF!"

7 years ago

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And are you using the latest version and added yourself as SteamOwnerID or master of appropriate bots in SteamUserPermissions?

7 years ago

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I'm using , "SteamOwnerID" in ASF.json set to my SteamID64
When I type !addlicense ASF 440 it just said "Couldn't find any bot named ASF!"

7 years ago

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Works for me. If you want further help then provide complete log, screenshot of ASF output as well as your main and bot configs in ASF thread on SG.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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I have ASF downloaded but im not sure where do i input these commands....

7 years ago

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so I also got a stuffed stocking, which, when opened, gave me a couple of paints (nontradable). Is there anything I can do to with these paints so I can sell something on the market?

(paints are Muskelmannbraun and Smissmas Sweater Paint)

7 years ago

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Not really non-tradable items are basically useless unless you want to use them for yourself.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up. I never mind an extra buck in my wallet, especially during a sale :)

7 years ago

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thanks, still idling with my 750 alts.

7 years ago

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The alt got the cosmetic but says, Not Marketable. Rip.

7 years ago

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TF2 premium is needed for it to be marketable. I think cheapest way is ~50 cents nowdays, up from 5 cents few years ago :(

7 years ago

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Valve knows we have the technology to mass farm these gifts so they used their technology to make em non tradeable and non marketable

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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No need to download anything with ASF.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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You can use Item Manager for that.

7 years ago

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Acts like it's loading the actual game, huh?
I guess I'd still need to download the game to make a purchase to upgrade to premium beforehand, though..

How does loot work in the game, cross- and seasonal promotions aside? Is all the rest from play, or can you idle item manager for some as well?

Gotta motivate myself to be bothered to put time into it all, 'cause I for sure am never trying to play that game (of which I have a very low opinion) again. :P

7 years ago

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You can make a purchase from the web. Purchasable items have a buy link on the Wiki.

I don't think you can et any loot from idling with item manager. You can't even get any from the game itself if it doesn't detect interaction from the player anymore. (I have never played the game much myself, only idled it for a while when it was easy as typing a single command and letting it do it's thing in the background)

7 years ago

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They sell now much lower but I have other things which I can sell now having premium :)

7 years ago

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Thanks! Never played the game but it gave me notice I got 39 new items and was able to sell almost all of them for close to $7.00! Definitely worth the time.

7 years ago

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Well that's a nice surprise :D Pretty sure there must have been some cross promotions with other games you own in there because AFAIK if you never played before you wouldn't get loot from previous events.

7 years ago

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it added several halloween items and what looks like cross promotion stuff like you said. I had whole outfits that had octodad name and look, some alien stuff, and presidential stuff...

7 years ago

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Cool :) I did a quick Bing search earlier because I was curious what you got and was suprised how many cross game promotions TF2 had over the years. Some even involving achievements in those other games.

7 years ago

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Wow! Very nice! :) Glad I helped you with my post.

7 years ago

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never played....? damn youve missed out...

7 years ago

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Thank you for making this thread! Never knew you could upgrade your account just with an ingame purchase.

7 years ago

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You're very welcome!

7 years ago

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Is it a random drop as well, or do you only ever get one?

7 years ago

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Happy cakeday :o)

7 years ago

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1 per ~day.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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For some reason mine is non marketable .-.

7 years ago

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your account is not premium tf2 account

7 years ago

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Ahhh that makes sense, I only played it once, for like 30mins or something

7 years ago

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No, u must get something from TF2 in game store to be upgraded to Premium. You can play 1000 hours, but without purchasing, it is still f2p account

7 years ago

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