Even if I live in Poland, closest major city for me is Berlin ;p or if you count semi-big cities then mine, Wroclaw, is biggest in the region ;p
I've met 6 SG users IRL. 3 of them were members of now dead polish group I was part of, with 2 of them we live in the same city as me - we went to parties and visited each other a few times, 1 of them was once visiting our town so we met and went drinking together in a pub, 1 person is from other city but we attended the same convention and we met there and one person I met becuse he won GA of mine then we chatted a lot over years and we became maybe not really friends but pals, in the meantime we met twice when he visited my city, then we were going to the same Iron Maiden gig that was happening in my city and as it was ending late and he didn't want to travel home overnight he slept in my apt this time ;)
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I've met people through World of Warcraft in a similar way. I spent a few nights with my wife in one fellow guildy's apartment in Florence, Italy, when we were travelling through the country. That's where I got engaged with her. In Florence that is, not the guy's apartment. :) It was quite planned on my part and I had asked our friend for a good spot in the city to do it. And following his advice I picked the Michelangelo piazza just after we had watch the sunset over the city.
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Victoria on Vancouver Island, Canada. And if that doesn't count, then just Vancouver :)
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The largest major city I live closest to would probably be St. Louis.
The Greater Metropolitan Area has a Combined total of 2.9 million people.
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What should be considered a major city? 500.000 people? A million? Ten millions?
Anyway, I'm equally far from Novi Sad in Serbia and Szeged in Hungary, a bit further away from Belgrade (Serbia). I've met some people who use this website, but it's mostly because I've invited them here after knowing them already, lol.
Never met any of the famous SG users like MegaGiga or ZemunBre, but I've talked to them and they seem like nice people.
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Well I live in a ~50.000 people town, maybe 100.000 with neighboring villages and farm settlements. For me it's a quiet small town, for some people visiting it's a "nice town", for someone living in 500.000 people town it's a small place, and for someone from NYC it would be... like... "where's the rest of it? the other block?"
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I already live in the biggest city in my country. :P
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Live about a 30 minute drive away from Beirut. Don't think there are any SGers there, and if there are, I would not be interested in meeting them.
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Near Helsinki. Dream date with another female user only would be to visit theatre, opera (in nice dresses..) or cinema, then probably to drink some tasty hot chocolate and not to talk almost at all <3 Yes, and snow. A lot of snow, so that chocolate would be even more heart-warming <3
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Me too! Assuming Bournemouth isn't big enough to count.
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I'm near a lot of the bigger cities in the lower peninsula of Michigan. I'm an hour and a half away (at most) from: Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, Flint, Grand Rapids, etc.
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It's a busy and historical town and property prices are very high there.
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I have a dual Belgian\Israeli nationality but I live in Belgium.
Going there and not sampling the Belgian beers would have been not done. ;-)
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I live something like 4km away from Lille, and not that far from Paris (something like one hour by train).
Barely know any French SG users, never met any, and have no clue if any of them live in north of France.
Would love to meet someone from SG but that would imply crossing Europe, and then the "dream date" would be coffee and watch those beautiful northern lights! Also tartelettes, scandinavian countries need tartelettes!
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Tartelettes, that brings me bad memories. I ate in a small restaurant with only French menus and there was something named Beouf de tartar (or something similar). I figured Tartar sounds like pie, so I thought it was a meat pie of some sort. Turns out it's raw ground beef with a raw egg on top. :P The taste wasn't bad, it was practically tasteless. But the texture and feeling of chewing on it. Bleurgh!
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Oh, sorry to hear that, you must have stumble on a not-so-good one, it shouldn't be tasteless - but then I can see why raw meat can be not that appealing when you're not used to it... What we call "steak tartare" is raw meat with an egg on top and some spices and stuff like capers, served with fries. It's quite popular here, it's almost on every menus!
Pie is "tarte", that was close :)
I guess France is not the best country when you're in a restaurant and unsure about what's on the menu, could have been worse though, could have ended with a brain or a tongue on your plate (yes, I'm dead serious - can't put pictures here, it would ruin my tartelettes!)
Here have some real tartelettes!
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Hey, if it's on the menu, I guess it's edible. As long as it's not mushrooms (which I'm allergic to), I'll at least try it if I manage to order it ^^ Worst case is I hate it and go to a bakery and get myself a traditional baguette! At least I managed to finish it, even if it was hard. The hot dogs on Eurodisney however upset my stomach the day after. :P
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Well, you definitely should go to a bakery and buy everything! That's where you'll find the best things you can eat in France! We have so many different types of bread, viennoiseries and all those little cakes (I have no idea how to say that in english)
And don't listen to that guy tartelettes are awesome, so many different little cute things - that with a huge cup of coffee!
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Los Angeles. Second biggest city in the country by population, but because we're on a sprawl it doesn't seem dense.
How close?
I can technically walk across the street to the city limit. A five minute drive and I'll end up at either the main entrance of Griffith Park or the LA Zoo/Autry Museum. Except for Palmdale and Lancaster, all of LA county (over 10 million) plus OC and San Bernardino feels like one big ass city with various communities and districts..
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I saw the statue when i was a kid(cause my relatives live in Nottingham so my family would visit and see the sights), but currently i just stick to a very small radius of Nottingham since Lidls is all i need to survive
on a side note i liked the BBC show but found the movie meh
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i'll be sure to bookmark it, currently shifting through MyAnimeList since the beginning of time making sure to bookmark any old gems so i don't miss them, it's got a pretty nice intro and that's a must have for any anime(decides whether i'm gonna get pumped up or feel like its a chore to watch)
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Me too, but with this opening :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVdXxxXMcxY
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Hm, I live in the middle of nowhere, but it is nice here. :-)
Lake Constance, in the triangle of Munich, Stuttgart and Zürich. (all 2 hours away^^)
And what would I do with a "date". Probably teaching some local history lessons or simply drinking some good german beer^^
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Just wondering, what major cities do you live closest to, and how far is it? Do you know if other SG:ers live nearby and have you ever met any of them? If not, would you like to if given the opportunity, and what would be your "dream date" if so?
For me, Stockholm is the closest major city. I live about 1 hour north of it. Only know of Fnord that lives there, and never met him. I think he's a fellow board game geek. So if I ever met him, it would probably be to do a gaming session. :)
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