How many wishlist items do you have on Steam?
I would, but Steam decided to complicate stuff with the new Wishlist system and i want to do a massive cleanup.
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My system for clearing my wishlist is buying the games when they get a good enough discount.
It's not very effective.
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Horribly ineffective in my case. Every time there's a large event here, my wishlist bulges even bigger!
Then again, the steam client has no bookmark feature (grrrrrrr!), so interesting looking games that I do not wish notifications for go on the wishlist.
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It depends how one uses his wishlist. I have 86 titles on it currently and I do not consider this amount excessive as I manage my wishlist on usual basis and never include things that are there without any purpose, I'd really start playing immediately any single title on my list, including those with very negative reviews (even if just to see how bad they are). This however doesn't mean that I'd actually buy them for their listed prices though. There is stuff (mostly upcoming releases from top) that I'll grab instantly, but everything else waits for a bundle, huge discount or happy soul to gift me one, be it through some internal group event we're hosting on usual basis or otherwise.
One person will consider 10 titles, another 100, and somebody else 500 to be excessive. In my case I'd be very happy if suddenly I found out that some game went free, because if it happened to land there, then it means something for me, even if it's just interest to try it out. Same goes for all winnings and gifts from other people - this is my rule, if I get something from my wishlist, regardless if bought or gifted, I need to start playing it instantly until I either drop it for good or finish. That rule works good enough, it keeps my wallet safe and my backlog never ends anyway. I have at least several titles more from last summer sale, and we're already near winter one.
If you asked me, your 271 items are still excessive to me, I consider 100 as the upper maximum after which I can no longer tell if something you presented me actually sits on my wishlist - but like I said, to each his own. I tend to remove positions that I consider low priority once I'm getting close to my limit, even if I could possibly want more, I'd still not grab position #113 if I have at least other 100 more important to me.
Also consider marking RimWorld your next priority, I've just started playing it and I already love it :3.
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I used to only have a few titles, games that I have played pirated before I first made my purchase (Thanks to HumbleBundle for that, I would normally refuse to play big companies big amounts, but charity part fixes that!), and stuff that I would play with my friends (Back then I had some!).
And then I found this. Oh, so many games!
I used to play RimWorld through shared library with my friend, to be honest, it's a great time of loss due to my OCD back then, I don't know how it will be now, but first gotta purchase it now though.
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I keep my steam wishlist at under 100 (I'm at 95 atm), and all of them are games I'm quite sure I would enjoy playing (read: would be happy to immediately play if gifted).
Any other game I'm less interested in / not sure I'd enjoy, but want to keep track of, gets put it in my wishlist instead.
The much bigger problem is going through my Steam library backlog. Since the start of 2018 I've tried playing through the worst rated / least interesting games in my library, and so far its resulted in me deleting 82 games and keeping about a dozen. Even after all that I still have tons of unplayed games to go through.
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Used to try to keep it at around 100.
Now it's hovering at around 250.
I feel like 300 is too many.
I try to sort it at least (although how frequently and thoroughly I do that is... not very). I group Early Access titles, and unreleased titles and DLC together. Helps let me know if a game has finally released or come out of EA. Mostly, I try to keep a top ten. After that, it's a bit of a mess.
~250 seems okay, for keeping track of games I'm truly interested in and don't want to miss on SG from the SG Wishlist link (that link is most of the reason I went past 100).
I could probably trim fifty or so off...
And I could also trim all 250 off... but... why?
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Oh, like nowhere. There's a little area of the store page they might show up in if there's been an update of some kind, but otherwise, you can just check a separate list of your followed games. It's why I only use it for those games I'm 'vaguely interested' in and don't want to forget or lose in the heaps of shovelware, just to keep my wishlist a little clearer.
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Already cleaned last month. Still have +700 but yes, I actually have interest in all
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Had a look over mine. I'm still getting them at one point or another. I'm in no hurry though so their number doesn't really matter to me. My wishlist is more like a reminder to look for them among other deals.
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I do actually, but only because of export restrictions that forbid me to buy games directly from Steam. When its another sale its so annoying to see them spam my e-mail and rubbing at my face that i cant buy wishlisted game for peanuts :( That is why i keep that list short. But its useful for me as reminder which games to look on other sites.
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I wishlist a lot and have over 1000, mostly for IsThereAnyDeal wishlist syncing so I get notifications for deals, and to keep track of upcoming games. Some of these upcoming games turn out to be terrible and I should remove them but I can't really be bothered.
It doesn't bother me too much, the ones I want the most I just put them on top and order them. The rest is just get them whenever there's a bundle or really good deal. And I find it easier to just keep everything I'm remotely interested in there than trying to remember them and find them later in the ocean of shit on the store.
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I don't really use my wishlist as a "I-want-to-play-every-game-on-it"-type of list. It's rather a tool about managing Steam Sales for me. Whenever I see a game and think "Well, that looks kinda interesting", I put it on the wishlist, so I can remember to look at it later. And when a big Steam Sale starts, I look at my list again. Browsing the Steam Store itself would mean browsing through many thousands of games. Browsing my wishlist reduces that number to 73.
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Nah, i mostly use my wishlist for tracking game deals and steam sales.
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I clean my wishlist regularly, I used to have over 200 of games I think are interesting; now I only add games I definitely want to play and will most likely get them if I can and if my backlog isn't too long. I have 170 there now, I think that's good enough.
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I only use the wishlist for tracking games that i really really want to play, sitting currently at about 40 games.
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Sometimes I feel the same, but mainly because I don't remember which games I have already (~1500 in library) and which I added to wishlist.
Sometimes I don't remember the title or what games it is, but I mainly look at the video and if it satisfy me, I add it to wishlist. But mainly it doesn't.
Some could say 361 is big number, but no. If You have 4 times more games in Your library, it's not really that big.
But I would like to have two wishlists. Titles I really really want so much, i.e. must haves and titles I don't want to forget about and It would be also cool If I get them. Cause most of my wishlist consist of such games. I don't need them that bad, but I don't want to forget about them, cause they looked cool and I would like to play them.
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But I would like to have two wishlists. Titles I really really want so much, i.e. must haves and titles I don't want to forget about and It would be also cool If I get them.
You spoke my mind! I have some AAA titles and other indie games that I would play to finish right away, and then there's also my secondary priority list. Perhaps I should switch secondaries to followed, hmm.
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The thing is, that I want to be informed about deals from IsThereAnyDeal and also have them marked on Steamgifts via addon. That's why I have them on wishlist, cause I want to play either those prioritized and secondary wishlisted games. But for order purposes, I would like to know, If I was to buy some games, what games I wanted so badly. Cause it's obvious that I want to buy those prioritized games first, however still want to play those secondary... And more secondary games make the wishlist so chaotic.
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I've come to terms with the idea that my wishlist is more of a bookmark system, than a "I want to own and play this game" list. Which I appreciate is not what it was intended for.
I use it purely to tag any game I think is interesting, for whatever reason. Maybe because I want to play it, maybe because I want to show it to someone else, or maybe I just liked the art in the description box!
But I do defo need a clear out!
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I was sitting at 456 games wishlisted before starting to clean them. I've started wishlisting and purchasing games in Steam around 4-5 years ago, if you wonder how that list got so big! What lead me to do this was, seeing unfamiliar titles when checking giveaways for wishlisted games, some things I noticed were:
Wow, that took some time! And the final count is, 271 wishlist items! Those are still games I would play, I suppose. If you similarly have a long list of wishlist items, do give this a try yourself!
Update: Sad choo-choo.
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