This happened to me in a multiple copies giveaway (could only send one of three copies). You have to get permission from the winner or winners to remove the giveaway, and they have to post a message stating that it's OK to do so in it. ONce that's done you can ask support to delete the giveaway.
Here is a link to my giveaway so you can see how it went:
You can also ask to reroll, but then you may be unable to give the game to the new winner also, so...
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Taking into account what NoSenses said (they corrected me in my assumption that it was mandatory to gift only to users of the same region, because it actually isn't mandatory), I understand that if you buy a game through Steam to gift it to another user, the price that the other user would pay as if to buy the game to themselves shouldn't be more than 10% higher than the price you will pay. You can check the prices of a game for each country in
For example, for this one: You could buy that game for users in the countries between Argentina and Vietnam but not in the countries after Vietnam, not even Mexico, Uruguay, Chile or Peru, which region is the same.
And the punishment would be ultimately to have a "Not received" feedback in the giveaway which will be visible when inspecting your "Gifts Sent" number and diminish the number of giveaways you can create (I'm not completely sure but I think it is -3 giveaways to create for each "Not received"). Unless the winner agrees to have that giveaway deleted of course.
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You mean you received the game directly as a gift, right?
Not like, that they sent you the money to buy it yourself?
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You got gifts from those countries because the games cost more in those regions than they do in Latin America. You could never gift to them because games are cheaper in our region, unless publisher didn't use regional price and they cost around the same.
Brazil can gift to Argentina because games cost more in Brazil but Argentina generally can't gift to Brazil.
Anyone from any region can gift a game only if it cost more in their region than it does in the region of that person they are gifting it to.
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"Anyone from any region can gift a game only if it cost more in their region than it does in the region of that person they are gifting it to."
This statement is not entirely correct. I think the rule of the price always apply, but also while certain regions (E.g. EU - USA) are able to send Steam gifts pretty much to every other country in the world, there are also other regions (E.g. LATAM - SEA) that don't have this advantage. I'm in Colombia and it doesn't matter if some game is more expensive in my country, I can only send gifts to countries in the South American region. Testing in progress
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so if the prices are similar between regions, it won't be a problem to send a steam gift between regions? I'm planning on making some GAs that don't have keys, which i've never done before, so wanna know all the details i can to avoid problems
EDIT: here's a good thread about cross regions gifting, I've just stumbled upon it, link
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Yeah, this is right, seems like there is no problem sending between regions at the moment.
I did some brief testing: LATAM to EU / SEA to LATAM / SEA to EU worked just fine. (Thanks C and D for your help)
It depends on where you are. (See my comment above) <wrong
If there is a restriction you should see a notification while making the purchase.
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A single ''lost'' key won't get you into trouble, these things happen. If you constantly post GA's without winners receiving keys that might draw moderators attention and land you in some trouble, but not a single one by itself.
In this case there is no point in talking to moderators yet, they will not grant a GA deletion unless the winner has agreed to it first. So if you want to delete, you will need to get permission from the winner and then link/show that to moderators when you make your request for deletion. I suggest for now that you close the request to delete until you get that permission from winner.
And do remember; The winner does not have to agree to deletion, all you can do is ask and accept their answer.
Or, you could send the winner Steam wallet money, so winner can buy the game for themselves. This costs a bit more as you can usually only send fixed amounts through Steam and will then have to be more than the game costs. It also comes with risks, as winner may use the Steam wallet for something else and you are still left with an unfulfilled win.
Or, you could go to any of a million more or less shady key-reseller sites, buy a key, and send that. Can't give you any pointers here on where you might be best of to go - against the rules, but a quick googling should sort you on that account. Again, a certain amount of risk, as certain keysellers will add fees, hide recurring fees, etc, or outright give you a bad key. And you know, no support for creators at all.
Or, you simply take this as a learning experience, apologize to the winner, accept the ''Not Received'', and move on.
It's all up to you how you want to proceed really.
Good luck!
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Some countries in latin america do not have the steam store in their local currency (they probably pay in dollars, which is more expensive) >
This is the list of latin american countries that you won't be able to buy as a gift (according to steamdb):
Bahamas (BS)
Belize (BZ)
Bolivia (BO)
Ecuador (EC)
El Salvador (SV)
Guatemala (GT)
Guyana (GY)
Honduras (HN)
Nicaragua (NI)
Panama (PA)
Paraguay (PY)
Suriname (SR)
Venezuela (VE)
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So, I created a region locked giveaway and when I tried to buy the game to winner, Steam said I couldn't buy it due to price differences. I asked support to delete the giveaway because I obviously won't be able to send the gift. If it takes too long for the support to answer (2 days and waiting), there will be some kind of punishment for not sending the game?
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