why do we need 3 different L4D in such a short period of time while Half Life 3 is being awaited for much longer.
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+infinity plus one
I'm still holding out for Episode 3, however if that gameplay is rolled into HL3 that will work. Srs tho... it seems so late in the year to make an announcement of it coming out this year, please make add some crowbar lovin' to my 2014 Q1/Q2. Just imagine all the TF2 hats the pre-order will offer!
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Pretty much this. I'm getting pretty sick of Valve. It's like they listen very closely to their consumers, and then do the exact opposite of what people want the most. This is trading cards all over again. It made them a lot of money, but did anyone even want them in the first place? They're going with L4D3 because it's easy and they can crap it out with no effort and still have it be the number one best seller for months.
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They ARE a business. Heck, if they ONLY worked on HL3 ever since HL2:E2 came out and cliff-hanger'd the series, then they probably wouldn't be in the best shape.
Oh, wait, they would because of their hat-simulator.
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And that's pretty much my point. They have more than enough money to do whatever the hell they want at this point, but they're being lazy and trying to coast. It's just like Pixar with their mediocre sequels. Pixar seems like they're done with innovation and are content just coasting and releasing average movies instead of fantastic, groundbreaking ones that got them famous in the first place.
Do you honestly think that if L4D was the first game Valve released that they'd be anywhere close to as popular as they are now? It's a fine game and all, but it's easily the weakest of Valves IPs.
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Oh, no of course not! L4D isn't even their strongest resource right now. It's Half Life. Half Life, from the day it came out, has been talked about as this amazing game, and there's a reason for that. Valve knows this too, so they ARE going to spend their time on the game. There's no doubt about that. In the mean-time, though, they will probably release lesser copies for more money that they won't use.
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I don't know about Pixar. I mean, (this is how I feel-) Cars 2 was their first mediocre movie. Toy Story 3 waan't as great as Toy Story 2, sure, but it wasn't nearly as low quality as Cars 2. Plus, Cars didn't get as much acclaim as most Pixar movies do anyways, so Cars 2 seemed like a Cop Out. Now, if Finding Dory will be like Cars 2, then I'll lose hope in Pixar. Toy Story 3 was KIND OF a Cop Out, but it was a good cop out. So if Finding Dory is a cop out, then hope will be lost. The greatest movie studio ever (I say this because, let's be honest- The first of their movies you could consider "bad" is Cars 2, which is 30 years after Pixar was created (Yes, I know they didn't do movies right away.)) starting to make these cop out movies would be terrible. Also, I love your comparison. L4D3 is a Cop Out that Valve is doing just to get more money.
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The fact that it won't exist? I really don't want another one.
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Make it both and put a cherry on top! :P ... or is a cherry too much?
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Moar stages!
Except don't include the L4D2/L4D1 stages with it.
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This is why I'm hoping Capcom will publish "Dead Rising 3" for PC after its Xbox One exclusivity period (speaking of which, Remedy's "Quantum Break" is an Xbox One exclusive for now but I love "Alan Wake" on the PC so I hope it will get the same treatment even if it's a year or two later).
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Clearly the best of the World of Darkness games. I don't care about a Vampire sequel, I'm still waiting for a Mummy video game...
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Yes it is, it's a generic zombie shooter that only has a good reputation because L4D got famous when zombies weren't fucking EVERYWHERE, and it had the Valve logo slapped onto it. But zombies were tired out years ago, so let's not make a stupid zombie game, and focus on an innovative puzzle game, or the last chapter to one of the most iconic and long-waited-for video game series of all time
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Well, here's one user generated list I just looked up in five seconds. The highlights: HL3 is number 1 most wanted according to Valve community forums. Neither Portal 3 nor L4D3 are even on the list of nearly 100 games.
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I'm hoping for a larger variety of melee weapons, although I think L4D2 handled that quite well on its own. I'd also like a more likable female option; I know a lot of people found Zoey to be somewhat relatable, but I found her to be whiny. Rochelle was a definite improvement and a much stronger character overall, but still not as good as she could've been.
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A casual/competitive versus mode, and some sort of system to deal with vote kick abusers.
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unfortunately xcom has shown me that zombies work WITH aliens to kill us humans :<
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More special zombie types, more weapon types.
I would add something about the multiplayer but my time with left for dead is a single week with the first one on an xbox that didnt have live gold so couldnt play online.
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