Thinks I value. My Family and friends, My health, The health of my family and friends. My pets. Punk rock. Video Games.
Society is far too cleocentric in my opinion.
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This is the last place to have a serious disscussion bout anything OP.
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1,098 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Jendy
32 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
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43 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Yamaraus
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218 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by gameboy9725
14 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Fluffster
But seriously, i have an important and interesting question to ask. What do you value in your life? Many people have noticed a great change in personal values of people all over the world and increased rate of haterd and violence as well. I don't want this to sound like boring moralising crap, but i'd really be interested to find out what exactly is it, that makes people so hateful, selfish or outright vicious towards other people.
It is very common, more over the internet though, for people to get very worked up over the smallest of things and start insulting people and in the worse cases start shifting blame for their own personal problems on some sort of an "enemy" which is usually someone or some group, that is different in some way, either a different ethnic group, people of different sexual orientation and so on. Is it really necessary to stir things up and resort to hate, racism, xenophobia and such? It doesn't help anyone and it doesn't create anything better in any way.
This can also be linked to all sorts of larger scale problems between ethnics, countries and various groups. These are usually wrapped up in various complicated explanations and prognoses and whatnot with a bow on top of that but what exactly is so difficult for people to start working together on smaller common goals? Religion, sexuality or ethnicity doesn't prevent people to work with someone else to build something useful for both parties. And likewise what's so hard about stopping for a little while and giving it a little thought before communicating with others over the internet, because it really is not necessary to boost hate. It doesn't achieve anything and it actually makes the author of the post look very stupid that he didn't even realize how many gay people, jews or whatever kind of people are walking past him on the street looking perfectly ordinary, the same "different" groups that the hateful person wages "war" against over the internet (not to mention dudes freaking out over homosexuals and watching lesbian porn every day).
And as for the values. In some countries, those that were on the "wrong" side of the iron curtain back in the day, it's getting very common to "disavow" your own parents and family and make one's life centered solely around themselves. It seems very weird and unproductive because from some point of view life is much more effective when you build and create on top of the achievements of your predecessors who help you achieve more. Trying to cut oneself from their parents as soon as they reach the glorious "adult" age is a very immature way of thinking, because yeah every other adolescent is very certain that their parents are stupid and they're getting out when they're like 18 or so, but this way of thinking shouldn't endure within themselves when they actually reach the adult age, because it is not productive as was said before. And when you get in trouble or you get a streak of bad luck there's always your family to turn to and cutting off of them, making your family relationships go bad, isn't exactly the right thing considering there might come a time when you need their help.
In my opinion it is connected in some way or another to the other weird shift of values that's mainly about money. People get sour with their family over money, people fight over money and so on. It seems very likely, that some people see money as their goal, not the means to achieve the goal or they simply think there's vaulue in money and not the objects of actual value. From time to time there's a person lacking intellect and education who wins a lot of money in lottery and a year later they go completely broke and lonely. How does that happen? Or there's a banking advertising campaign that goes like "borrow money from us, it's so profitable, that being indebted is actually making you money!" and some time later people realize they're in debts up to their neck and there's no way out of it and the reason they went into debt in some cases wasn't even something that was absolutely crucial for their life. They borrowed money to buy a new tv not because it wasn't working right, but because their neighbors bought a new tv as well, or they feel the need to go to an expensive vacation not because they want to explore new things and experiences, but they want to lie around drinking beer and sending a photo of themselves lying around drinking beer on a beach the same way they lie around drinking beer around their own house every other day.
To make it short-ish envy, hate and weird values are making people less appreciative of education, which is very important to show things from different perspectives and to make people think about stuff more, and creative works because it's not the thing you destroy that remains there as a memento of your achievements and your life, it's the thing you create that's going to last and help and inspire others. And the best way to create is to share and work together with others, because hatered based isolationism isn't helping anyone. The same goes for greed and envy doesn't achieve anything, it actually makes things worse usually for the greedy and envious person (like going into debt because you envy your neighbors car or whatever). So i thank you for reading this and i hope you agree with it, at least to some degree, because the more people think about stuff and about what's actually important, what's a good value in life, the more likely will they benefit from focusing on creating rather than destroying.
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