Edit: Problem solved.
"Please disperse. There is nothing to see here"
But I leave the thread unchanged:

Hi and greetings from Germany, so please excuse my english.

I got banned (second time now) for unknowingly giving away a gift that was “against the rules”. I was absolutely surprised, as I don’t know which of the rules was violated, because it is a long list of rules and I got no clue from the moderator. The message sounded “please don’t misunderstand the title of the game. It is against our rules.” I will not name it here again, only if mods allow it.
My description in the GA must not be the indicator, as I always use the same phrases in all my GA and other GA caused no problems.

All I did was creating some 40 GA which were all in the database of Steamgifts and that one game leaded to a ban. I fully understand that the moderators are volunteers and may react on signs from other users.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t critizice the moderator for proofing the rules, but I need to understand what was wrong as it could hit me with another GA, too and how to prevent such situations. At the moment, it is still possible to create a GA of the same game.

Why does SG not delete it from its database as it may lead to a ban for the next gift creator?

I don’t want to get banned for the 3rd time for unknowingly creating gifts which are in in SG database.

Thank you in advance for your advices and comments.

3 years ago*

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I am reasonably sure it is this one (with your first ban because of this). You need to send support a ticket when something like this happens so they can set the records straight.

3 years ago

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You can get suspended for not recieved marks? Thought it is after crossing some amount showing gifter is a scammer? 🤔 I remember guy who kept promoting group with top AAAs he never delivered and he got banned after 20 such giveaways. It was a recent thing, some people may remember. One or two red marks are nothing, looks like he broke accidentaly something else

3 years ago

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I think he got banned for sending the wrong game twice. Usually when you fail to send the game you only lose a giveaway slot.

3 years ago*

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I would say on technical side it same problem. If you don't send gift or sent wrong game, it is same not recieved mark. Mods will know you sent different game only if winner report you as he is only one who know. I think wrong game result into suspension only when you get reported by people if you running giveaway with description it is different game/sale coupon, demo or origin etc. Then admin delete giveaway and suspends you, that I saw many times.
About suspend for red mark I hear first time. I know people who has these and never were suspended, publicly ashamed or any other threat by admins.

3 years ago

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I think there is a difference between sending a wrong game by mistake, or by design. I mean, it is one thing if you misread the game title, or get the wrong key from a shop. Now, if you create a giveaway for a game and state in the description "not for this game, but for that other one", this is intentional misrepresentation, and a suspension might follow.

3 years ago

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I did not send the game. I was banned before I could not send the key. When I logged in (maybe some hours or one day after GA ended) I could not perform any action as I only got the screen of being banned.

edit: i could NOT send the key

3 years ago*

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I think the issue isn't so much that he didn't send them, it's that he's pretty active without getting back with Support. I'd argue that the standards for being active and not sending a few of the right codes is a bit stricter than being inactive and not sending a bunch of codes, which is a shame since by the looks of the games OP actually sent were better than initially advertised and the winners had no issues with them.

edit: then again there are several pending giveaways so those may be the issue.

3 years ago*

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Idd, as KoRayven says. When a key doesn't work as intended and the winner agrees to delete the GA, you still need to create a ticket asking Mods to delete the GA. But then it seems pretty harsh to immediately give bans twice, when there are 2 out of ~200 Not Received gifts, so I would still hope for some explanation from Mods.

3 years ago

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I am sure that 2 not recieved marks aren't the problem.
I seen people with 20 of them -with under 100 GA's- and, sadly, no suspension/ban.

That happen, normaly, only when high priced, and mostly fully cv, GA's get used and then not delivered + in the most cases that GA's get used for advertising something (groups, discords, sites, streams etc.).

3 years ago

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Thanks for reply, but NO. Two other games leaded to a ban.

3 years ago

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In this one, you did write the game wrong. It does happen & you provided another key.

Though I must say that it is "shitty" behavior from another user if he got a "Collector edition game" of 2nd title, to also ask for a 1st one.
But that user won sthg like 900 games, with giving out only 40-ish. So that kind behavior is expected from that kind of users. 😎

3 years ago

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The winner there agreed to cancel the giveaway. To be precise they asked for either the correct key or to remove the giveaway. (They need one of the two if they don't want a non-activated win on their account.) It's on OP that they didn't ask support to delete it.

3 years ago

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I don't assume you got no explanation which rule you broke.

Let's switch to german because it is much easier for us two.

Mit anderen Worten, im Normalfall müßte der Mod den Oberbegriff wie Inapproriate Behavior, Calling Out, Unactivated wins oder sonst was aufgelistet haben. Im Idealfall natürlich ausführlich erklärt.

Falls das nicht geschehen ist, würde ich dir empfehlen auf das entsprechende Ticket direkt zu antworten (unsuspend request?) und dort dann die Situation zu beschreiben und um genauere Erklärung zu bitten.

Vielleicht hilft das dann weiter.

Nach ein wenig nachforschen, da ich viele Leute kenne, habe ich scheinbar (keine Garantie da ich die Info nicht überprüfen kann) rausgefunden was bei dir passierte das zur suspension führte.
Angeblich hattest du ein GA gemacht aber, mit deinem Wissen, für ein anderes Spiel/andere Spielversion als das ausgewählte Spiel war.
Keine Ahnung ob z.B. ein GOG Key anstatt der erlaubten Steam Version, ein Beta Key anstatt eine Vollversion oder was genau.

Nur rein auf die Info beziehend kann ich sagen das man genau das übergeben muß das man bei der GA Auswahl angegeben hatte und keine Beta Keys oder von anderen Plattformen als Steam erlaubt sind.

Ich hoffe die Info trifft das Problem, wie gesagt ich kann es nicht überprüfen und verlasse mich gerade blind auf die Kurzinfo die ich erhalten habe daher sorry falls diese falsch sein sollte, und hilft dir weiter.

3 years ago*

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it looks like you made the giveaway for a different game, you need to make sure its the correct game
if the winner agree, you need to send a request to delete the giveaway steamgifts.com/support/tickets/new

3 years ago

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I dare to send a (censored) picture of the game, which I hade twice as I see now. The one was deleted, the other not. Maybe you can see them in my profile?


I am a bit confused.

3 years ago

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Why banned, when user must contact you 1st to settle an argument? I think they are getting to harsh, especially as you are a user with ratio Won:Givven 0:204.
Moderators should treat you as a special kind of user here, as you do keep this site going (positively). 👍

3 years ago

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Thanks for feedback. Yeah, it is a bit strange that I got banned before sending the key and before someone could proof it.
but nevermind. I don't want to blame someone for that.

3 years ago

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Also, note that Humble Bundle does not condone giving out the keys or gift links on sites as SG. Though, as we are both from EU, they can not ban our account! 👍 So this is a good thing.

Bad thing is that some of the keys end up on some sites for reselling. So keep a track to whom you have give your keys. As that way, you can actually get THAT GUY in trouble! 😎

(Yes, I do not play well with others! & 98% of the time, I win.)

3 years ago

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OK, Problem solved.

THANK YOU ALL for your time, helpful hints and explanations.

@Masafor gave the correct hints:

I submitted a key for a DLC instead of the full game. I had keys for two games and one DLC. I created two GA but one with the key of the DLC. See picture below:


3 years ago*

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Suspended for wrong key? i don't think it's possible, you only get negative feedback for what. Ask support for real reason - maybe IT IS about your GAs description(promotion on other sites).
Also you could ask support to change game in your "not received" GAs, who knows maybe they help you.

3 years ago

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+1. Would be very harsh and not in line with how the things were working till now, if an occasional wrong/invalid key was a reason for a ban.

3 years ago

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We don't change GA game if delivered key was for another game than the one in GA title. It's creator's responsibility to double check for which game they have a key.

If game is not available on GA list and someone makes GA with another title - this is suspension worthy. You don't make GA for Cyberpunk 2077 with key from Cyberpunk 3776:
1) creator will get CV they shouldn't get, as often in case like this they pick game that is not on the bundle list
2) winner will not receive what they entered for
3) winner will be prevented from entering another GA for game they wanted, unless they mark GA as not received

3 years ago

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just fyi... the key in the right screen isn't censored... i hope your winner already used the key.

3 years ago

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Oh yeah. Nevermind.
If someone grabs it... congrats!

3 years ago

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@Masafor Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Ich bin da mit den Keys durcheinander gekommen. Kann ja mal vorkommen. Dafür gleich 4 Tage zu bannen finde ich recht heftig bei einer Seite bei der man Spiele umsonst abgibt, aber gut... Wirklich umsonst ist nur der Tod - und selbst der kostet das Leben. :-)


3 years ago

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Das Problem ist, dass der Gewinner am Ende bestraft wird, wenn er dein GA als erhalten markiert (er kann gebannt werden und auch bei manchen Giveaways ausgeschlossen werden.). Ebenso bekommst du für ein GA für das falsche Hauptspiel vermutlich mehr Contributor-value und steigst schneller im Level auf. Daher kann bei Wiederholung sicherlich auch die Überlegung aufkommen, ob du dir einen Vorteil verschaffen möchtest, auch wenn du es eigentlich gut meinst...

Aber zum Glück hast du ja nachgefragt und Hilfe erhalten^^

3 years ago

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Ich hab das mit der "Contributor Value" nicht ganz verstanden, aber mir ist die ebenso herzlich egal wie mein eigener Level. Ich will nur mein Zeug loswerden :-)

3 years ago

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Wenn ein Giveaway als erhalten markiert wird, steigt dein Contributor Value: Wurde das Spiel mal kostenlos verschenkt, steigt er um 0 USD, gab es das Spiel mal in einem Bundle oder wurde extrem günstig angeboten, bekommt es den Status "bundled" und bringt noch 15% des Kaufpreises als Contributor Value, ansonsten den vollen Kaufpreis.

An diesem Wert richtet sich dann dein Level. in bestimmten Etappen steigst du dann ein Level auf und kannst bei Verlosungen für höhere Level mitmachen oder einfach dich an deinem Level erfreuen...

3 years ago

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Now that you've got an answer and the misunderstanding appears resolved, maybe you should edit the OP and the title, or just close the thread? 🤔
Otherwise you're going to confuse people and get more replies trying to help... 😅

3 years ago

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Took me some time to find the edit button not under the text but in the upper right corner.


3 years ago

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nothing from what i read seems to lead to a ban.
I still dont understand why you get baned, but for sure its something else.

3 years ago

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As I understood it is not a ban but a suspension. I was not able to perform any action on SG for 4 days, even not contact the moderator who suspended me.
Well, maybe because every suspended person would contact the mod who suspended him...

The cause was, I submitted a key for a DLC of the game and not for the key itself. That was my fault, due to carelessness or fatigue. What I don't get, I was suspended before sending the key during the runtime of the GA. So maybe key was cross-checked? But I don't mind. I hope I can give away some more games now.

3 years ago

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Giving away a lot of games and entering very few GAs not winning any games, maybe they misread "ELDERMANN GmbH", which is your in-game ID, for being a developed of the game you share with us, and seeing it as advertisement GAs have more strict policy toward you?

The thing is still a puzzle to me. Maybe it would become clearer, if you could share screenshots of the ban messages.

3 years ago

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I'm glad you created this post because i was wondering how might you have been suspended.
I don't recognize most folks name around here, but you are definitely one of the constant givers here.
I hope you will get a satisfactory result from support, but i wouldn't have high hopes that would be soon.

3 years ago

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I got banned

Bans are permanent, suspensions are temporary.

I can't really make sense of the specifics of the topic, so I can't adequately form any response for that.

Giveaway-wise, you really only run the risk for being suspended for the following:
Giveaways which seem to be intentionally fake/incorrect.
Giveaways which are for an incorrect platform [GOG, Uplay, Origin, etc].
Giveaways which provide beta or demo versions of the game.
A consecutive streak of Not Received giveaways.
A long-standing pattern of Not Received giveaways.

If none of those apply, then you really need to get staff to clarify what the exact issue was.
Edit: Seems to have been the first one.

In the past staff didn't leave any details for suspensions other than noting the suspension category; However, if they gave you an actual comment, it could help if we could read that. Beyond that, maybe ask the Germans in this thread for clarifications on any site mechanics you still feel confused on.

3 years ago*

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OK, as a German I only know the words "(temporary) ban", "break" or "pause" but suspension was new to me.

3 years ago

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Since you've brought this to the attention of the community, allow me to explain why that support member gave you a suspension.

You stated in your giveaway description that the key was for "Kuso" from the Humble Great Game Marker Games Bundle in 2019. You then stated that people entering need to be aware that "is NOT the one stated here, as it's only declared as "KUSO" and not "LOVE 2".

The suspension for the misleading giveaway description and then the next one was because you gave away DLC instead of the full game. The giveaway needs to reflect exactly what is being given away.

3 years ago*

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Haha! The OP was a little deceptive. I was thinking "What on Earth? Have the mods lost their marbles." lmao

This changes everything. :D

3 years ago

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those are two different games.

They are the same game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3 years ago

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Thank you for bring this to my attention. I was mistaken, they are the same. The misleading description is what it was about. I've fixed my comment to reflect the correct info.

3 years ago*

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You're welcome!

3 years ago

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So... he got suspended for making an unclear description despite the key turning out to be good? Or did I get that wrong? 🤔

3 years ago

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The giveaway was deleted before it ended since they stated in the giveaway description it was not for Love 2.

3 years ago

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My take on this:
-- Making a mistake when creating a giveaway is somewhat bad, but it is just a mistake. You can take a "Not Received" or ask the GA to be deleted, but, hey things happen.
-- Now, if you intentionally create a GA for a different game than the one you are giving, this is considered very bad, and I believe support might suspend you. I think this is what happened with you, no?


3 years ago

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I see you didnt read the comment before you.

3 years ago

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You are correct, I guess I repeated a lot of what Fate said there... but I really wanted to write "intentionally" somewhere. :D :D


3 years ago

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View attached image.
3 years ago

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That is EXACTLY the scene what I wanted to post but did not find. Leslie was a HERO!

3 years ago

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I've got you, buddy)
Glad you have that problem solved. Cheers!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by ELDERMANN.