Its great, have just today finisched the game. :-)
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I redownloaded the first game cuz I never finished the last campaign.... yeah i loved the first game
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Something you may not know: Dishonored 2 follow the events of both Dishonored 1 and its DLC. (The story takes place years after)
I really enjoyed Dishonored 2. I preferred the maps of this second episode. Some of the levels are incredibly beautiful, some really clever and unique. The gameplay didn't change a lot but there is a choice at beginning which allow you to chose from 2 different characters (=different abilities). The story is good but I'd say it is the same kind than the story of the first Dishonored.
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Couldn't get into it even though I absolutely loved Dishonored. I'm not sure why. I think the maps are too large and have too much too discover - It sidetracks me from the objective and takes up lot of time I could spend actually playing the game instead of endlessly looking for collectibles etc.
It's a problem with newer games - I really like to explore everything, but the games nowadays are too big to explore everything in a timely manner, and instead of feeling a sense of accomplishment when completing an area, I just feel exhausted from spending so much time running around.
Or at least, I think that's why I couldn't get into the game. I'm honestly not really sure why.
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I can relate to that need to explore everything. But that aside, how is it?
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Hard to say, it's been a while and I think I only played the first or first and second area. I think it was fine other than what I mentioned ("exhausting" play sessions making me drop it). I do remember another factor in me dropping the game was an achievement I should have gotten that glitched. There was one NPC you had the option to save, but when I did, the game didn't react (and I've looked gameplay to confirm my game had glitched). I'm not an achievement hunter but I do like to get immersed in a game and actually be able to make a "difference" if I'm given a choice. Somehow, that really ticked me off and just added a reason why this playthrough was tedious.
Now, with that said, I don't recall the game having any notable negative elements compared to the first game (aside from huge, overly time-consuming maps, but that's personal opinion) so I think that I'm just a special case - If you liked the first game you should like the second one as well.
You did remind me about this game though, and I might give it another try to see if it's better.
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I really like to explore everything, but the games nowadays are too big to explore everything in a timely manner, and instead of feeling a sense of accomplishment when completing an area, I just feel exhausted from spending so much time running around.
Very much agreed! I haven't played Dishonored 2 so I don't know about that, but that's how I feel about most newer (and some older) games too. They are making the game worlds unnecessarily huge in my opinion and rather than feeling a satisfaction from exploring and finding stuff, I feel annoyed by all the time I spent with very little progress made.
Not to mention that developers love to implement open world elements even into games that would actually benefit from having smaller, more linear levels :/
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Not to mention that developers love to implement open world elements even into games that would actually benefit from having smaller, more linear levels :/
Exactly, it's a shame how often so much time, work and fund is put towards creating a "huge, impressive open-world" but the rest of the game's elements are weak. Mafia III is a good example of "huge world, boring game". I tried to enjoy it, but there was too much senseless "clear X area" or "collect X collectible", "complete copy-pasted objective #21", etc. Mafia II was simple - there was no distraction from the main storyline, and I regard it as one of the best games out there.
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i (still!!) didn't play D2 yet but my sister played D1 and D2 and she liked both a lot.
however you don't sound too thrilled. maybe there are games you'd prefer at the moment?
i just bought the thingy bundle with narcosis in it. i guess i will play that next. IF i can get myself to start playing something. since the start of the year i'm really not in the mood to play something new.
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I'm impressed you caught my weariness. I actually rarely buy games and if I do, usually not more than 5€...
But lately the games in my library is getting boring and I need something new. I remember immersing myself in dishonored hence why I had my eye on this game. Yet I'm not sure I'll get the same immersion I had... Lately most of the games I play feels bland. I boot up a game, do something for 5 mins then quit. It just doesnt feel right. So I dont want to waste my money if I cant get myself immersed in this.
I was tempted to get that bundle, but they all seem like the games i already have in my library.. the ones i boot up and close 5 mins afterwards :/
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maps are huge
"Bigger" isn't always "better", though ;) Not saying that the game's bad or that you are wrong, just that "huge maps with lots of stuff" don't make a game (especially a stealth game) any better.
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it made the game better for me. i love huge maps/areas so i can explore, especially when they are filled with stuff to interact. unlike other AAA games like witcher 3, which have 3/4 empty places in some regions (like northern skellige or white orchard).
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I haven't played much of Dishonored 2 yet, but so far I like it. It's like more Dishonored 1. There are a few more options for stealth than D1 (at least as Emily) which I appreciate.
I played the intro mission and a little of mission 1, and I have to say I liked the atmosphere in the first one more. I liked the bleakness of the Rat Plague more. This one isn't bad though.
Btw it doesn't run as smoothly as Prey (fps wise) at least in my system
The story was never the first game's strong point tbh (or this one's for me so far), but the atmosphere is superb..
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Also you should play Dishonored 1 DLC The knife of Dunwall and Brigmore witches, if you can get them in a sale.
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Since you're only letting game owners vote, your poll will be strongly biased (particularly since Steam let people refund games they don't like quite permissively).
But if you liked Dishonored 1, I guess the 2 is about as nice (except for the part where how they picked the protagonists for the sake of political correctness)
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Better than the 1st, with two of the levels being exceptional, imo. Performance is not great though (in comparison to the standalone expansion anyway), even after a lot of patches, it still tends to stutter and in some places it drops frames pretty hard. Story is still meh, just like the 1st game, but the gameplay is improved and having the option to choose your character adds some additional value (it's mostly cosmetic though).
It's one of my best purchases, since I got both the 2nd game and the expansion for free, thanks to a price mistake during a sale.
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Steam has a demo available. It's the first few levels, so that should help you decide.
Overall I liked it. One annoyance I had from the first game is how few of Corvo's powers were useful if you were trying to take the non-lethal route. Corvo still has that problem in Dishonored 2, but Emily doesn't.
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Definitely, yes. 10€ is the price I bought the game one year ago, on the place I posted in one of my threads(maybe the same as yours now). In the next month, I'll probably finish the game 100% but I'm busy now atm. Look at the extended reviews on D2, that may help you. Add me if you have any doubt about the game, I'll do my best.
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I can also recommend to try the demo, which I loved, and i got the game from a while ago for 3,99 € I think. I haven't played the game yet, but the demo is quite big.
System requirements: they might look about similar, but Dishonored 2 has practically higher requirements than Prey, based on my experience with both demos.
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I'm currently playing it and its decent so far (playing on Hard, low chaos as Emily and just completed mission 6). I think the overall encounter design is a bit weak given the magnitude of options you have to solve them .Things like peaking through keyholes and leaning around corners, something that really made the games first level stand out, is completely lost once you get access to your abilities. With the very low mana consumption and the rare need to ever combine or even use abilities in quick succession I simply don't run out of mana ever. Using the environment, like setting alarms to lure enemies into a shocktrap is something that I would love to do more often but there is just no need to do so. The sandbox of this game is amazing, but its elements are just poorly balanced (at least so far).
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Well in my opinion, Dishonored 2 isn't better than first game. I love Dishonored and finished it a while ago. But when I bought Dishonored 2 that was not what I expected. D1 was something new in games world, it had new mechanics, fresh ideas. D2 is a great copy of D1 with new graphics and story, nothing more. (Sorry, my english maybe bad)
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Not got to it yet, need to finish Death of the Outsider first.....and the rest of my backlog....
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Hi SGers,
I'm thinking of buying Dishonored 2 for 10.50 euros but should I hold on to my wallet for better sales? I was about to pay when I imagined dishonored 2 on humble monthly next month... (unlikely but possible). . So what do you guys think?
Ps: I also use my laptop. It could run Prey which has similar spec requirements, but I'm not sure my pc has 60GB on it unless I start cleaning it....
So... yay or nay?
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