even though you should be getting more its a 2d platformer, 55fps is perfectly acceptable to play
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Go play a game at 60 FPS, and then play a game at 120 FPS you will see the difference. It looks MUCH smoother.
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Your monitor isn't even displaying above 60Hz, 75hz tops if you have the newest and configured it to do that.
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120Hz monitors are becoming somewhat common, although that's usually for doing 60Hz stereoscopic rather than straight 120Hz.
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Your eye does not capture frames. 60fps is perfectly adequate most of the time (although CRT monitors designed for higher frequencies were almost unusable below 80 Hz due to strobing) but you can certainly see a difference in animation going from 85fps to 72fps, for example. The difference between 60fps and 72fps is even more obvious. Due to diminishing returns the higher you go the less improvement you notice so I doubt most would tell the difference between 100fps and 120fps, for example, but there isn't any hard cut-off point.
The limiting factor is actually your monitor, not your eyes. If it displays at 60Hz then you won't see more than 60fps no matter how fast you're rendering. When someone says his game's running at 150fps it usually means the game is displaying 60 frame a second, but each frame can be rendered with 10 milliseconds to spare (this is a good thing - switch vsync on and you have a nice safety margin for when the game has a busy moment that would otherwise push you down to something horrible like 30fps).
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7000fps ? I bet it is very big sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow motiion :D 7000FPS TEST
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I was figuring the user above (Hardzik) was suggesting that you could create slow motion replays where time dilation was very large (i.e., in the region of 280x) from such a framerate while still making them appear continuous rather than blocky, which is really good, hence the comment/video.
Of course, replays work rather differently in games, so the number of FPS in a standard sequence doesn't really matter when replaying in slow-mo with the game's engine because you can just have it recalculate the path using set points from the trajectory and slow down as much as you wish, although it may become relevant if you want to slow down a shot taken using a third-party screen capture software. But that's another discussion.
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Hm perhaps your card is downclocking? Try to manually set it so for Trine 2, in your nvidia control panel, you prefer maximum performance, rather than the default setting Adaptive. Sometimes it's helped rectify some FPS issue on select games on my 670.
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I think i get similar fps than that with my 460 gtx, 8gb ram. actually i think i get about 70 fps. I can't imagine what it could be, although sometimes the newest drivers arent the best for a given situation imo. So might want to try some other drivers. There are some people who make custom drivers too, if you're lucky enough to find them. But to be honest, I dont see what the big deal is, 55 is fine i mean 90 is nicer, but not by all that much. 55 fps is fine. i guess if i had that hardware id want more too but its really no big whoop.
I'm guessing you're running at max everything? as nice as a 680 is, it may not be able to handle MAX everything. look for the most outrageous setting- something like, for example, some games offer 32x sampling, but there is quite literally no difference in graphical quality as its not really designed for it (and ive heard this from some devs themselves,) as opposed to 16x sampling. So lower a couple of settings that seem unnecessary. you really dont need like 16x MSAA and ultra everything, thats probably where you are having problems. anyway good luck
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Drop that AA setting from Extreme to Very high. Id imagine youre running a >1080 resolution, if so, you wouldnt even be able to notice that AA difference. As resolution gets higher the need for more and more AA goes down. to be honest i doubt you even need Very High. And its probably the single biggest resource hog.
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Actually just checked and in 1680/1050 (using my small monitor during summer) on Very high AA setting, Very high graphics detail, no vsync, getting 50 fps, but dips to 40 when stuff going on, and probably even lower when lots of goblins or whatever on screen. just as a point of reference.
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i run it completely maxed out and it plays really smooth, i have no idea how many fps i get and dont really give a shit either coz im not a geeky twat who cares about things like that. i will say thanks to you though coz i love reading posts like yours, i can just imagine you spending hours feverishly downloading new drivers and fucking about with the settings instead of just enjoying the game you bought so you can get a few more fps that you wont even notice anyway.
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After I read the title I thought this was going to be about how Trine 2 was 2D and not an FPS.
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+1. People whore a lot about fps when they have very good PCs. I think they just like to brag.
OMG! I only can get 999 FPS in Crysis. I don't care 90% of people can't even play it, I want the developers to focus all their forces to fix the counter so I can brag about having 1002 FPS!
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It's all about fps:
(Irrelevant for causal games)
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I see uh I assume you use the word theater, but isn't cinema also correct? In my country theaters have scenario and are used for performance and cinemas no, only a screen. Completely different use. So "theater" it's a word that don't come to my mind :D
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Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was picking on your use of the word. I just put it in quotes since using it to describe a display method or device was kind of vague :) Especially since there's most likely a decent amount of different projector technologies used in cinemas.
Let's just hope if not all, that most cinemas are ready for The Hobbit which has been filmed in 48fps :)
I'm excited to see if it has that documentary or soap opera feel to it because of the higher framerate...
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Hm I'm tempted to download the Trine 2 demo and try it and let you know my results. I have the same CPU, but at 4.4, not like it'll be any different, and a 670 FTW at near 680 speeds. Maybe this game isn't well optimized. I'll report back with my results of the demo. Settings all maxed right?
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Alright here's my settings and here's a sshot of what I thought to be the most "graphically demanding" part of the demo. Right hea The lowest FPS I had gotten was 54 fps. It was usually 60-75'ish fps. Is your max fps 55? I'm not sure if what I'm seeing in the demo is less demanding than where you're at.
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Not a problem. I actually played the demo again and all the way thru this time, and there were times when it dropped to high 40s, and my avg was pretty much around the very low 60's. So like I said before, I'm not sure how the demo compares to where you are in the full game, but it seems like your performance is normal.
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i have a big e-penis as well.. now lets move on shall we?
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FPS in movies and FPS in games are NOT perceived the same.
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For all those hating comments:
I have earnt every single dollar (ILS actualy) by ripping my ass off at this stupid job in order to buy this computer.
Now, when I apparently not getting what im paying for, I wanna check this out with some people who know what they are talking about and wanna help (like few people in this thread)
Im not bragging of my new computer, trust me- im not the type. so PLEASE stop posting those comments, you really make me feel bad.
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136 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by akfas
I'm having around 50-55 fps in trine 2. without vsync
My specs:
3570K 4.5 OC
GTX 680
are you kidding me? lol.
all drivers are updated.
Thanks for your help.
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