How long does it usually take you to give up on a game?
It depends if a game interests me or not. If it does, I can play straight for a long time, even if it's repetitive. If not, I just play for some time, or just for story and I'm gonna finish achievements somewhere in future (but that applies to every game :s)
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I can be very into a game and play it hardcore for days (think dragon age or skyrim). Then suddenly my interest just poof disappears and I stop playing it. This happens mainly if a game is very long but I also start many games and never pick them up again after the first gaming session.
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I sort of have the same thing, I play a game for a while, but seldom finish it.
Currently on the list to continue/finish:
And a few months back I replayed Final Fantasy 7, didn't finish that one either...
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I try to play 3-5 hours, especially if it's obvious that the game's characteristic or pace can change - like Terraria's first half an hour is totally different from the 3-4th hour, and so on.
Yet it seems that I struggle with RAGE after 3 hours (3-4 missieons I guess) and while I want to finish it (as I won it, as I wanted it, and as it got awesome gunplay) but it's so soulless, so many invisible walls, so forced at various levels that I rather play Spelunky and die every 3 minute, it's still much more fun :|
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It depends on the game, I usually finish them if I start them (not just trying it a bit), but I've given up on some games just 'cause it was just too annoying to go on.
The main ones I remember:
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I always plan ahead by careful consideration before I start any game. In general I won't start a game unless I've already estimated that I have an extremely likely chance of playing it till the end (if it's a game that's somewhat linear at least, so an 'end' can be defined). This also includes possible achievements as I'm a completionist. Exceptions made for any games that have co-op or multiplayer in which case I prioritize whenever I have people to play the game with, regardless of the frequency.
I do give up on games as a last resort and knowing that I'll most likely never return to it again if it does actually get that far.
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I finish nearly all the games I started atleast in the sense that I complete the story/campaign mode and most of the time achievements as well. The only two games (atleast those that I remember) I started and did not finish were Dustforce (because I wasn't skilled enough) and Teleglitch (because it is frigging hard). There are some others but I plan to finish them in the next two months since I started them just recently.
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The first 1 or 2 hours is when I decide if I'll carry on playing, mainly smaller or "casual" games. Some games I'll play for a while and then I'll get bored and leave for months or even years. The worst thing is when you lose or don't 100% a mission because of bugs. Then I'll quit playing it for a long time. Happened to me in the brothel mission in Dishonored. Felt cheated, after a while I deinstalled it. I'll probably finish it in a year or two ;)
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I've put 150+ hours in Oblivion and 100+ hours in Dark Souls but never finished them as I was more interested in the side quests, game mechanics and the lore than really following the standard story. For Dark Souls it's even worse: I did all quests, killed all bosses (including the optional ones), killed all NPC for their weapons / rare materials... but can resign myself to kill Gwyn and jump on NG+ xD
Otherwise I usually give 1-2 hours to a game to convince me it's worth playing, both gameplay and overall atmosphere being key for me.
If I stop playing a game out of frustrations (bugs, cheap mechanics) or boredom (looking at you Diablo III) I almost never get back to it...
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Great comments everyone. Keep them coming! :-)
BTW, I added a third giveaway: Check vs Mate (aka "Battle vs Chess")
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well, you know. the lack of time is the problem.
i got 1-2 free hours. so i lay something
by the next free time, unless i really enjoyed that game, like a lot, i try another one.
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Sometimes I test the game for an hour and check if I can like it, else - I uninstall it =P
If I liked the game I will obviously play until it becomes too boring for me due to repetetive gameplay unless it's competetive (Hearthstone).
There are games that I like from the first sight and I finish them without playing any other games and it takes a lot of time because I usually do side quests. And there were cases when I finished the main line too fast and didn't complete anything more just because I didn't know that the end is coming... =\
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happened to me so many times.. still ha ve some games to finish x_x
I remember kingdom hearts on ps2, i saved before last boss, but didn't even kill it because i didn't want to finish the game so soon (there were some hidden boss wich were pain in the ass and i had to grind to beat them) yet, the game is still taking dust somewhere...
there is other game like afterfall insanity wich i liked, but a bug made me quit ... (for afterfall insanity, my "auto respawn" after a death was in a bug making me fall over and over to death for eternity... making me rage quit as i had to begin everything again >.<)
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I have finished around 35 game since i started to use steam. Which is around 9 months i guess There is %100 games like Gta V i don't own it on steam and Sleeping Dogs or a lot of playtimes like Dark Souls and Don't Starve and I usally go anywhere within my eye sight unless it's becoming a nightmare. But i dropped a few games like Brütal Legend and How to Survive. If i feel like there is nothing interesting in a game to do more or when i play it i am getting really bored i will drop it. But this rarely happens.
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I only gave up on games that I'm not having fun anymore regardless of the time I have played before, sure some times I endure for more 2~3 or even 4 hours but then I simply stop playing them if I'm not enjoying myself anymore.
BTW thanks for the GA's. :-)
I play for fun not for work! :-)
Oh and sometimes I spend more time modding some games then playing them. :-D Because I have fun doing that! :-)
It's just me or somebody else thins that SG should let us subscribe to topics?
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Depends on the game. Sometimes I quit because it got repetitive or boring. But I also tend to quit games if they are just too hard for me. I don't mind having to replay some times, but if I have to try every level over and over again, it's just not fun for me and I just give up on it. I also sometimes quit games because I got other games that I wanted to play and just forgot all about them. And it doesn't really help that I can only play about 1 - 2 hours a day (except in weekends and holidays)
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Maybe I developed short attention span, or maybe it's life's other commitments that pull me away, but I find that unless the game is short I tend to start a lot more games than I finish. I usually feel that I'll get back to the game and finish it, but that rarely happens.
Bonus question: What is the equivalent gaming term for a "page turner"?
A few of giveaways to those who never gave anything and won no more than 20 games, or those who did give something but didn't win more than 20 times the amount they gave:
Check vs Mate (aka "Battle vs Chess")The Last RemnantTurbo PugComment has been collapsed.