Which one is the most overrated bands of all time.
What LZ and RS are doing in this poll?)
Why Nirvana is leading? What is wrong with you?)
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Exactly mate. It is a different thing to say "I don't like this" and "I think it's overrated".
It would require a different post just to measure the influence of Radiohead into the modern music.
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Our friend TrevorGoodchild found a very useful link about it
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Nirvana. I'm saying that as a person grown up listening to grunge music... all except Nirvana. With all due respect, their music was much inferior to Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots etc, and if not for Kurt's charisma and personality, they would've never gotten this far.
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even so I prefer Pearl Jam,m Soundgarden and Smashing Pumpkins more, I couldn't call Nirvana overrated... they deserved the fame they got, to be fair they got superior lyrics
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The lyrics question is a tricky one. It's all about your perception and how you relate to them. Personally I can't relate to Nirvana's lyrics, while PJ's lyrics mostly hit the spot for me. Songs like Indifference or Given to Fly were like, my personal motto for a long time. And Pumpkins' Billy Corgan is perhaps my favorite lyricist among the musicians I know, despite his often ambiguous symbolism.
And music is generally more honest and less subjective than lyrics. If I had to choose between a band that plays godly but sings about dirty socks, and a band that sings about something really meaningful but can't put three chords together without screwing some notes up, I'll pick the former hands down. That's an exagerration of course, and I by no means want to implicate Nirvana was that bad in terms of music. No, they weren't bad at all, but still not good enough to be praised for their music. For something else - maybe.
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okay... you started it))
Perception of music as whole thing is subjective, not only lyrics, most people do not understand music... they like the band cause they kissed for the first time when some song were played. So that's it.
But I'm kinda musician myself and on top of that art critic, it doesn't mean I'm free of subjectivity at all, but when I'm telling that some lyrics are better I talking about poetry. Cobain's poetry are good, not as good as Morrison's or Mann's, but still. I cannot relate with most of it also btw. And you right music-wise they are kinda weak, but they got crazy talent and energy.
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Somehow i' m not surprised to find nirvana in this poll. Good match.
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Remove all those choices and just put Nickelback as only option. They have made 1 song and then remade that song on all albums. The choices there are now and prob. to be found on most ppl's top 10 list of all time it's just silly(trollish even).
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how about stuff like Katie Parry or Justin Bebber?
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Radiohead - lol, didn't expect this when I was entering here ^^ RH is one of my favourite bands if one's really into making music they should listen to RH carefully and see hear how complex is their music even when you think the song is simple. There are lots of well-known and respected artists I'm not in fond of but I always appreciate their music and I see how inspirational they are ;)
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Was wondering the same. But they used to be good, until the 90's when it just went downhill for them. Same actually for Megadeth (I do still like Megadeth though, even their modern stuff). But that seems to be the case for a lot of the older bands (but also a lot of bands that are still amazing).
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Just yesterday i listened all their albums on a long walk (flac) and while drinking at home ( Vinyls mind you). All i can say is i always repeated those 2 sentences "This song is utter crap, I am going to quit lstening to that band" and "Wow. What a song. How can be that potential wasted." First one is %75 of fall. Just listen to the lyrics carefully. All the same lyrics over and over again with agreat pomposity. "I am gonna quit you,you done me wrong, etc etc." Kindergarden lyrics.
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so you just don't like it, it doesn't mean that they are overrated
I would agree their lyrics are kinda meh sometimes, it's standard blues routine ... but their music broke lots of limits and they are never been praised for their lyrics, so ...
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I actually never heard any of their albums, but I always thought they were overrated.
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so how could you even have an opinion on that? people...
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Well most people talk about them like they're some kind of God - same thing most people do with Beyoncé. Doesn't take much to figure out that they're overrated.
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dude, really what are you 12? comparing beyonce and Beatles (and I'm not a big fan of them), and your logic is priceless btw, DaVinci, Alexander Macedonian are overrated too))
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Insulting a person's opinion isn't very mature of you at all, ironically. And I wasn't comparing The Beatles and Beyoncé, learn how to interpret.
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Again, like I've said thousands of times already, I'm not denying these guys' influence. I simply think they are overrated.
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It makes sense. Thinking something is overrated is more an opinion on the ratings than the subject itself. In this case, the Beatles is one of the most heavily-praised bands in history. Not being familiar with their music, revil can still think that the praise is unrealistic and doubt that they live up to it.
I still ought to give them a listen, of course.
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to make any conclusion you need at least to compare their music to their reputation, then you can have an opinion
to have an respectable opinion you need to be some kind of art/music expert on top of that
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Yes. But an opinion needn't be a conclusion. Or respectable, for that matter. This one is purely conjecture, and clearly indicates that it's conjecture.
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I would recommend to keep this kind of opinion to yourself, cause there is a big risk of looking like a fool.
Look at Trump, he got "all sort of opinions"
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No, thanks. I have the freedom to have whatever opinion I want and I couldn't care less about looking like a fool. Other people in this thread have addressed that The Beatles are overrated, so I'm far from looking like a fool here.
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I would recommend to keep this kind of opinion to yourself
I'll assume that isn't directed toward me personally, as I quite like the Beatles
Look at Trump
No thanks ;)
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Wow I really got to you, didn't I? Taking screenshots of my posts and cutting them to look all pretty... ^^ I don't wanna make you look like a fool, but that "Permalink" link directs to the comment. :) Here you go: http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/rcBgkfi Oh and you also embedded the image wrong, poor thing. :3 You're supposed to use this link: http://i.imgur.com/X1e0Oqx.jpg Just wanna save you some trouble for the next time, but I feel truly honored. Thanks. :P And I don't wanna make you look like a fool again, but if you can't figure out whether that comment is a joke or not, well... you look good. xD
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looks like vice versa to me, I just found funny coincidence, and said that it might be a jk. I really doubt that someone would vote Trump, it's not enough for this to be stupid, you need to be out of your mind.
And please don't worry, you won't be able to make me look like a fool, it's not in your capacity.
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and still you keep replying and trying to win argument with gifs while I'm clearly ended my convo with you.
I get it, you are upset, that I asked if you are 12, but it was a decent assumption considering your desire to share opinion based on nothing, the fact that you've never heard Beatles songs and whole communication style. Well, maybe you spent last 40 years in the caves, but I found this idea less likely. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing bad in being 12yo. Have a nice day.
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I understand your position cos I thought the same until I've actually started to listen to them and maaan, they are good. Not to mention what they did for music but it is similar as in the game industry, that some games were ahead of time when they were released but now it is so common you don't even pay attention to that. But always remember who was the influence for the whole progress ^^
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Read my reply to Filipousis. I don't think you necessarily have to listen to someone's music to know they're overrated.
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Of course you do, without listening to them, you're unable to gauge their talent and make an educated decision on whether they're overrated or not.
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That's my opinion, of course. When an artist is extremely praised, they are going to be somewhat overrated.
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overrrate: have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.
So you have an opinion on music you've never heard.
Just as an aside, The Beatles brought English rock music to North America (and eventually to the world). Even if you've never heard their music, the English rock movement was a pretty big deal. ;)
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I don't have an opinion on their music. I simply thought they were overrated because they are highly praised.
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I'm guessing you have the same opinion of Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly then. Even if you listened to their music and decided you didn't like it, it wouldn't be fair because you would be comparing it to modern music. They are highly praised because they towered above other musicians of their era and basically brought rock and roll into the mainstream. Even if you didn't like their music, their influence is undeniable and their praise is well deserved.
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No idea who Buddy Holly is, but I do think Elvis Presley is overrated - never heard his music either. And I'm not denying any of these guys' influence. I simply think they are overrated.
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No idea who Buddy Holly is
this gave me a sad :(
never heard his music either. And I'm not denying any of these guys' influence. I simply think they are overrated.
I'm not sure how you're applying the term overrated then :s
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Also, who in the right mind would put Pink Floyd in the poll >_<
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I would call PF most overrated prog-rock group.... but they not just that
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Well this is an odd poll. To be fair, I think all of these bands deserve the fame they earned. They are really good but if I had to choose one, it would have been U2.
And I really don't understand why Nirvana is leading the poll. That is just sad. I loved them and practically grew up listening to them.
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I think he is trolling... kyuss is obviously underrated, I bet less than 1% of sg heard of them
well, just read msgs under mine, I glad I was right, ))
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This was a joke as seen by the reply, but just because something is obscure doesn't mean it can't be overrated. For example there is a small restaurant you go with your friends that is mostly unknown by anyone else and your friends think it's the best food they've ever eaten and you think the food was just ok, you would say that the restaurant is being overrated by your friends.
I don't really understand many of the complaints in this thread, you might even like something and still think it might be overrated and just because something was influential doesn't exclude it from being considered overrated. Might be that many are thinking that overrated means bad, but that's not what it means.
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Lets just say any band that has Josh Homme in it is going to be shitty.... its usually because of him that their music will suck. Josh Homme is one of the most over-hyped personas to appear in the last 30 years of music and now he's doing something with Iggy Pop???? IGGY POP? Why is Iggy working with that pretty-boy douchebag??? I mean...c'mon....
And Kyuss minus Josh Homme = a better sounding band known now as VISTA CHINO which I think sounds great without that homo lame-ass Josh Homme. Here>>> check them out, they really sound a lot better. https://open.spotify.com/album/1lFcd7Vj1pjK4WSgXdkczy
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My vote is for Radiohead.
Note : Temporary, transient bands of a particular era not included.
Can i edit the poll according to your wishes?
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