I haven't played dark souls but I loved Kingdoms of Amalur. It has combat similar to the fable games except with much more depth and weapon choice. It has a relatively solid loot system with many different types of weapons and enchantments on those weapons. The quests aren't great but there are a lot of them and the world is huge. The story is meh but the game itself is great.
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Not really. A better comparison would have been: an experienced and an inexperienced runner.
But you know, thats still no excuse for the shittiest port in history because they could have learned how to code stuff for the pc before they even started the porting process. (And many inexperienced teams delivered good ports in the past aswell)
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PC gamers wanted a port, they got a port. Is it good? No, and the developers admitted it, but that still doesn't change the fact, that it's a great game. It's also not changing the fact, that most problems are easily fixed thanks to the community.
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"thanks to the community"
I'm so tired of hearing that...
Its the worst port in history. Period. The devs could have easily done the work that the community did by simply looking at other games and that begins with the abysmal keyboard/mouse control scheme (Again, the native control scheme on that platform. thats like messing up the controller in a console game), something even an idiot would probably do right by simply looking at basically every other RPG out there.
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Nowhere did I state that the port isn't bad. I just stated it's easily fixed, which it is.
And where exactly does the "fans fix the game" part not work in Dark Souls? I've played through the game without any port-related problems (or any problems, as far as I can remember).
EDIT: And it seems most people here favor Dark Souls. But maybe they're all just fanboys.
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It's far from being the worst port in history, and even with it being a bad port it still has far less bugs than any Bethesda AAA title released on the PC which the masses gobble up.
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both good,
if you're looking for a challenge and a change of pace from your everyday rpg: go 'dark souls'
if you're looking for more of the same, but done well: go 'kingdoms of amalur'
(TBH, Dark Souls is amazing to me and has ruined almost every other RPG i play, the only two exceptions being 'witcher 2' and 'divinity 2 DKS')
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Dark Souls every day and twice on Sunday...
If you would like to play them both, then by all means start with KoA; if you do the opposite and start with DS, you'll likely end up hating the shallow combat system of the EA title.
To be fair, KoA is not that bad, it's a competent action title, but it's really easy (i think ther's a mod that can help with that) and after a while feels like a drag, both combat-wise and story-wise... like someone already said, it seems a bit "MMO-ish", not in the good way.
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Brah. Do you even praise the sun?
As far as I'm concerned, there are two types of people in the world: those who play Dark Souls and those who don't. KoA is fun, but like others have stated, you quickly loose interest in it after a while. For both games I recommend a controller.
Edit: For anyone who doesn't think Dark Souls has a good story hasn't paid attention. The game is a lot like Half-Life in the sense that you have to look for the story.
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Both are good games. I have Dark Souls on PC and KOA on my PS3. But I must say, Dark Souls is the one I like more.
Also use the DSFix and DSMFix if you dont have a controller/dont want to use one! Its a life saver and it makes the game playable with KB+M.
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Which one should i get? or is it a must have both? also if kingdoms of amalur, should i get the DLC's?
EDIT: Is the story line to Dark Souls good, i heard KoA has a bad story line, but i think it's more my type of game.
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