I see what you did, I remember that thread, good stuff.
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Oh, not sure how long ago, was a thread with a guy arguing that all the mods were banning only people not from the U.S.
I am not surprised, people love to do that, this forums no exception I suppose.
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"Totally useless fact of the day!"
Nationality is where you came from. You can be black and be American or English or Kenyan or French or Haitian or whatever.
People have both a race and a nationality.
So for race, it's racist. For age, it's agist. So for nationality, it should be nationalist or nationalism. However, this is pro rather than negative against the nation over other nations.
Such as how America pities themselve over other nations, when they themselves are more the terrorist - don't watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU3E67MVdCM
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They probably don't have the needed licenses to sell digital software outside of the us
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Companies have commercial agreements with the game publishers and region restrictions are common practice.
Take GMG for instance, some deals or the EA titles are not available worldwide.
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Also, EA forced GMG to use £ instead of $ whaaat.
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newsflash: they already know, and they knew it for a long time. They dont really give a fuck about it.
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If Amazon apply the same store for EU zone (exemple), they probably fuck us with the traditional 1$=1€.
So it's highly preferable to bought a game on Amazon.com, our banks take some fees for the conversion USD > EU, but it's still better than bought directly in Euro.
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They do have EU site.
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your right, their so racist, there a really bad compani and they're games, witch are also horrible, are as ugly as a which, you're post is vary gud
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I'm sorry but the fuck are you on about? Amazon have said themselves they're not suspending people's accounts if you purchase games from different regions. There was a post on the forum about some guy who actually said to them "My bad Amazon, I purchased a game from a different country and it turns out it's region restricted, can I have a refund?" and they let him have it.
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We're working to fix that, but a bunch of white conservatives are cock-blocking everything presented because it's being presented while Obama is in office. They said the day he was elected that they would do this, and they've been doing it for just over four years now.
No organization should be permitted to hold a country hostage for political gain.
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Wrong, according to the real GDP, its actually rising.
Our economy is doing better, as of right now.
Also it is true that Europes econonmy is failing, during the Great Depression (yes it affected more than the US) we chose to do more government spending and cut taxes (Keynesian economics). While Europe chose to go by the Austrian economics. Both got out of the depression, but now the choices are coming clear as to which one was better according to current economic statuses.
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It's not like they don't sell outside America, but not from Amazon.com.
Different deals and games of course. For example German store has Skyrim, while it's not available from Amazon.com
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Amazon is working on non-US versions of their Digital Download service. Sooner or later we'll be able to buy (legally) these deals or similar deals. If you are German, for example, you can already buy some games as PC Download.
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It isn't Amazon. They have to obey the desires of the software distributors. Amazon is only selling the product. If they're not permitted to sell product X outside of the USA, they must obey.
Some of these region restrictions are due to licensing fees. Some countries require that a game gets reviewed and rated for an age group before being permitted to be sold, then putting a stamp of approval on each unit, with a per-unit cost. This cost is passed down to customers in that region, and importing games bypasses this added cost.
Australia has a big problem with their government flat-out refusing to review any games that may be unfriendly toward Catholic sensibilities much of the time, rendering these unrated games illegal to purchase or possess. This can be another influence.
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Are they racist ? They have best offers.
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