Requires a Chinese IP

China Current time

Time zone converter just add your city

Remember by the increased traffic from few IP address (VPN and proxies) will be busy, may be slow and maybe labeled as suspicious activity by Ubisoft

Game Availability (all starts and ends at 17:00 CST) Giveaway Link
Trials Fusion (Base Game) 29/Jan/18 to 5/Feb/18 Here
Assassin's Creed II 5/Feb/18 to 12/Feb/18 Here Chinese language only, English version Jack2Shepard Workaround
Might & Magic® Heroes® VII 12/Feb/18 to 19/Feb/18 Here English version there, thanks DaveFerret Step by step Thanks Azsassinz Other languages check thread

giveaway site

Spring Festival FAQ (In chinese, use a translator -if needed-)

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6 years ago*

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no avaible in my region. Thanks anyway.

6 years ago

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dude, you need to change your ip to a ip from china.

6 years ago

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VPN does not help.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

6 years ago

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Try Geoproxy I used it on chrome

6 years ago

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I do not know why the "not available in your country" is showing always in my language even with VPN and on all browsers.

Edit: Anyway ... it seems that Geoproxy "worked" but now it does not load ... maybe too many people trying. VPN does not help here.

6 years ago*

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Try incognito mode maybe?

6 years ago

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I got it through by trying 4 different proxies and the last one worked all the way through.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Got it, thanks! (I use Softether Client with VPN Gate Addon)

6 years ago*

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Added info thanks

6 years ago

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Thanks, works good, I'll keep this tool for future use =)

6 years ago

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thanks, worked with geoproxy

6 years ago

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thank you! ^_^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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which country did we need in vpn ?

Really want this Game ! I loved Trials of the Blood Dragon <3

6 years ago

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Answer on the video up there

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Worked using GeoProxy

After several times trying with different proxies for Chine I finally got it :D


6 years ago

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Can't pass the login page. I receive "You are blocked from logging in due to repeated failed attempts. Please come back later."
I'm entering the correct information, so I guess a lot of people trying to login caused the problem. Gonna try later.
BTW, I tried with geoproxy and softhether

6 years ago

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Same /:

6 years ago

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Try a different proxy. I had the same thing happen.

6 years ago

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I had that issue but was able to login on my second attempt immediately afterwards.

6 years ago

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I finally did it! It took several attempts.

6 years ago

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Next time try logging in first as the post suggests and you may be able to bypass the issue.

6 years ago

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Getting error on my home country log in page - with correct info. Server must be getting mo'hammered

6 years ago

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Thanks, I finally got it to work!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks, works for me from Mexico, using Geoproxy...!

6 years ago

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jesus christ how slow is chinese internet

6 years ago

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I used geoproxy to get to the login screen, disabled proxy in order to login, and re-enabled it at the confirm login screen and it worked. Thanks!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks, once the site finally loaded this worked for me.

6 years ago

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Worked like a charm, nice.

6 years ago

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I used it myself, but I didn't have to disable it at all, I got lucky and chose a good ip that seemed to have a somewhat fast connection and was able to login my account and get trials fusion.

It was the if that can help.

6 years ago

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GeoProxy didnt helped & my ubi acc was blocked :\ ...used others-same result

6 years ago

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@MeeMesmo Thank you so much !!! I got it with this method

Here is a small tutorial

OpenVPN Site

Direct Link to Instaler

Server Link

Simply download Chinese Server links, copy the links in the config folder C->User->YourName->OpenVPN->config,
after that click the tray icon "Picture1" and connect with the downloaded Chinese , once you copied in the config folder.
Close all browsers ! If it's connected you see this "Picture2"
after that you have to login in your regular Ubisoft Account and voilà it works ! The Game is now added in your Uplay-Library

I hope this helps :)
Cheers Quad

HeroesVII works too :)

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View attached image.
6 years ago*

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Added, thanks!

6 years ago

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Cool :)

View attached image.
6 years ago

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where is the links for the chinese serverlinks?

6 years ago

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The connection may take one to two minutes. but it works then <3 Have fun

6 years ago

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It was the only method that worked at first try. Thanks a lot.

I didn't understand where to download the Chinese Serverlinks, so, I opened the VPN Client Manager, opened VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers, refreshed (once) until a chinese IP was listed, it loaded and it was done.

6 years ago

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Yeah it's a little bit confusing at the first time, but I'm happy that it works for you :)
sry for my bad English :P

6 years ago

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A simple thank you man:)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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After a few tries i finally managed to get it with Geoproxy, thanks for the heads-up!

6 years ago

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Thank you very much Mee. (Valeu cara)

6 years ago

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Nice MeeMesmo! Your method worked FLAWLESSLY. Thanks!
(Took a while because VPN connections here are way too slow...)

6 years ago

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yes, but it's worth it

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I play this Game 100% because I'm done with "Trials of the Blood Dragon"
which is also a very cool game imho ! and this one has more thinks to do
And 8 DLC's WTF

Greetings Quad

6 years ago*

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I played 100% of Urban Trials Freestyle... Wasn't that good. I hope this one is better!

6 years ago

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I didn't play Urban Trials Freestyle but it look same.
What did you not like about it?


I see the Reviews are pretty good..vever heard about that game,
put it on my wishlist now :P

6 years ago*

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It is fun... but, somehow, it gets too repetitive. I really can't explain why... :(

6 years ago

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One of the few times I actually don't need a VPN to get something, living in Beijing. Thank you for this news!

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Doesn't work for me even using hong kong vpn with open vpn software :/

6 years ago

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don't use HongKong ! use China !! HongKong does not work

6 years ago

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hongkong is china, well can u send me link for conf file u used pls

6 years ago

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Yeah I know, but it does not work.

use this list :
search for the china flag (I click ctrl+f write: china to make the search easier), click on the VPN-File, then a new site pos up with the download links.

But here are the direct links:

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4

check this out, one of these must work

6 years ago*

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Got it tyvm ^^

6 years ago

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very nice ! HF

6 years ago

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I do not find China, and these links doesnt download anything for me :(

6 years ago

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the links allways refresh !

Search here I bet you find it ;)
I'm out now, have to go to work.........Cya

6 years ago

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I see only hongkong, nothing else, refreshing for 30 minutes now..

P.S. I manage to do it with GeoProxy..

6 years ago*

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HK and mainland China are separate markets, and even though HK is a territory of China, it is not China.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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No good China server on SE VPN
4 of the down already

6 years ago

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site doesn't seem to be loading for me. Thanks though, I will keep trying

6 years ago

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Worked fine here (with geoproxy) :)
Thanks MeeMesmo :)

1st make sure you are logged on to without using any vpn.

After you get to the giveaway link page, you will have a button saying: Register PC

Click it and it will prompt if you want to register this page on "your name" account. (you do not have to login!! DONT LOGIN if says to login)

Then click ok or yes(cant remember) and it went fine

If it asks for a login after using vpn, dont login. Start again with no vpn and login..

6 years ago*

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Done and got it. This is the best method that worked for me.
Smooth and easy.

6 years ago

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It took a couple tries with different addresses but it worked in the end!
Nice tool that GeoProxy, thank you very much.

6 years ago

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Thank you. Got it with those instructions.

6 years ago

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Thanks for your detail instruction!!!
I couldn't get it without it!!!! 😂👍🤘

By the way, wouldn't it be a problem using VPN for adding games to UBISOFT game library like Steam?

6 years ago

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I believe there isnt much of a risk , going by what i read here

On steam however i believe its forbidden(at the risk of getting account banned) to use a VPN.

Edit: also found this by googling

So with this in mind, i'm guessing not really risky.

6 years ago*

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Wow... The first link you provided is helpful!!!
I hope the "Mr. Ubi-Cain" is a real deal! 😁

Thank you!!! I 💖 racing game with great physics!!! 🤘

6 years ago

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He appears to be the real deal judging by his past reddit comments

6 years ago

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Added this guide

6 years ago

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Its actually your guide , but i just figured the pictures would help a bunch :)

6 years ago

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Thank you KornKage. Your method worked for me as well :)

6 years ago

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Thanks for the instructions, it worked fine :)

6 years ago

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I don't get this guide, when do you turn the vpn on and off?

6 years ago

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When you get to the login screen, attempt to login, it will give you an error. Disconnect the VPN/Proxy and attempt to login again. It will work without an error this time. Then Re-Connect the VPN/Proxy for the last step of attaching the game to your account. It has worked for me with GeoProxy for the first two games. Not all proxy servers seem to work all the time, but eventually one will work.

6 years ago*

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Thanks, I will try it.

6 years ago

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Worked like a charm, thanks!

6 years ago

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Worked! Thanks! :)

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by MeeMesmo.