I 'm looking for a reputable seller to trade Street Fighter 5 for tf2/cs:go.keys and want to know if it can be done safely. I am looking for someone to get a key from a third party seller(e.g. g2a and kinguin) and I will trade tf2/cs:go keys for it. The game would most likely be a key and the trade would happen outside of the Steam trade system. I have bought keys from these sites before and haven't had any problems, but adding a trader into the mix seems complicated. What would happen if I were to do this trade and someone files a charge back down the road? Would the game be revoked and, if so, would the buyer protection on these sites help me get a legit key?

8 years ago

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"and the trade would happen outside of the Steam trade system"

Zero safety.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Would the game be revoked


would the buyer protection on these sites help me get a legit key?

No, as you don't buy directly from them or directly from a seller on their sites, they have no responsibility to do so.

8 years ago

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self if you found a trader who take the risk, youre keys are with all the fees like 8 euro to short to buy the game and there is no risk fees in it for the trader. So to be honest no serious Trader would want work with you

8 years ago*

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I wouldn't try to do this trade until I have more keys. I figure I will have enough after trading some of the monthly bundle games.

8 years ago

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double risk. you will need to trust your trader and also the person who sold that key to him.

8 years ago

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Don't do that :C

8 years ago

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I have bought keys from these sites before and haven't had any problems, but adding a trader into the mix seems complicated.

Why overcomplicate things and not buy it again yourself? Seems like a lot less hassle.

8 years ago

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Yeah I'll probably end up buying it myself. I was just wondering if this could be done safely since I'm close to having enough keys.

8 years ago

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Use this website they charge a commission but its guaranteed middle man.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the link, but would dispenser.tf help if a grey market key is revoked? The person I trade with could have no intentions of scamming me and the key could still be revoked because the third party seller sold a key that was bought with a stolen credit card.

8 years ago

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Honestly I dont know, I misunderstood your question, I thought you were asking for a safe way to trade keys for a game outside of steam.

8 years ago

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Use money to buy SFV. This is the safest way.

8 years ago

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