If the game is not listed, it was probably given away for free at some point.
Culling of the Cows is one of those games, so you cannot create a giveaway for it.
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Wow, well thanks for that link, it will come in handy for sure!
Honestly, this is still quite a bummer. While I can understand that perhaps at some point this game was given away for free, it was obviously for a limited time and is no longer true as it is sold on Steam for 10,99€ now, the key is new so obviously is far from free.
You know, I think I'm just trying to say that people can't really get this particular game for free anymore, so I fail to see why should this game still be on the list of games that aren't allowed. Just my two cents, but rules are rules and I accept that decision.
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When a game is given for free, it usually leads to tons of giveaways from people who want to earn CV from it. This is why these games are not available in the list. Removing them later, when they are not available for free anymore, would open a large hole by allowing people to stock free keys for future CV profit. Of course, it is still possible to drop such key in forum, chat, comment...
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It has been a wile since the game was free, but I do not know when it will be added back , if at all.
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I love how you mention the Steam price as if you paid 10,99 for it :p
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I'm sorry, but what is really your point? Is there any way to get this particular game for free? Because I've mentioned this price as the only legal way I can see to get it at the moment. Are you trying to say that I did not get the key legally?
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I'm sorry but I find this comment as rude and offensive. First of all, Grumpy cat is just my avatar, while I do like my avatar quite a bit which is why I used it in the first place, I am obviously not a cat but a human being and I created this thread to find a friendly discussion in hope to resolve an issue and what I received instead is people accusing me of illegal activities? I don't know, should I start to fear to come into this forum when seeking for help?
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Mate, if you take everything so seriously, you should start to fear to come to the internet for anything ^^
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Well his comment was irrelevant and silly to put it very politely, maybe next time he shouldn't jump quickly into conclusions about others he doesn't even know. In fact, I did not get this game for free and even if I paid 0.01€ (the actual price was obviously higher), it still wouldn't be free and should be eligible to be given away, obviously it is not allowed so that is why I wanted to know the reason. Now that it is clarified, I understand the reason behind it and accept it. We all try to give away within our possibilities and it doesn't exactly feel nice to become a target of such mockery when someone implies that I did not pay enough for the game I was trying to give away for free here. There is an old but good saying "Never look a gift horse in the mouth"...
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I wasn't mocking you at all but most threads where people ask why they can't make a giveaway for a certain game are made by people who have never gave anything away, and as soon as they get a free game they wanna give it away and expect to get CV for it. Thats all.
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Ok, let's leave this behind mate, while it is sad that you did not catch where you wronged me and probably other members for their deeds too, I forgive you for we all make mistakes sometimes and like I said above, I was looking for a friendly clarification in the first place rather than letting it escalate into such antagonistic dispute.
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Far cheaper legal way at the moment :) http://www.dailyindiegame.com/superbundle_28.html
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There is no point, I just state it as I see it. And no I didn't imply you got the key illegally. It's been in several bundles and has been given away for free.
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It is kind of silly that games that were once free are taken off the list indefinitely. The game is obviously not available in mass quantities anymore, so why not put it back on the list? Even for 0 CV?
I put in a ticket to add DLC that I have that isn't listed, but that was 2 months ago, and it still isn't added. I don't get it.
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I wanted to create a new giveaway and previously when I created a giveaway for different games, I had no problem to look up the game in the list, now it is even easier in this new system where we just enter the name and when I was creating previous giveaways, the correct game showed up as a first search result, but not this time.
I am aware of that there used to be some limits and some games weren't allowed to be given away. Is this still true? Is there any way I can check if a particular title can be given away or not? This is just for my future reference.
The title in question is The Culling of the Cows, Steam price 10,99€
Thanks in advance.
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