But it doesn't mean you won't be made fun of.
Dude, how much does your friend owe? Did you/him say to this gang that you will pay it off? I doubt they are gonna kill you. Unless you really pissed them off and owe them tons of cash.
Edit* Never associate yourself with so-called friends that are drug addicts. They got themselves into the mess, and I would never let someone drag me down into it with them like this.
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Go to the cops, and tell that friend of yours to go fly a kite. Doesn't matter how best of buds you were before, he had no right dragging you into something like that.
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You are really not joking?
I have an old friend like you and his father knows some "mafia".One summer he(my friend) sold some drugs for 1-2 days but he is not that type of guy so he quit.Fortunately I haven't done anything like that :P.
About your problem,maybe wait another day(if it's not to serous) to see how are thing and than tell your parents or the police.If I haven't read to well,I don't think that you have done something wrong besides not telling anyone that your friend takes drugs.But your friend will have some problems anyway...
This^ or ask on Omegle.
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Thank you, finally a decent answers. I will look around and try to write down what I experienced for a couple of days. I won't talk to my friend for a couple of days. Although, I hope he will be okay. He received a threat message yesterday, that he needed to give back the money.
Anyway, thanks for your answer.
...and I am not joking. I wouldn't be posting a ''joke'' here.
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I suppose, you meant why am I being friends with a drug addict? Well, I am not coming from a rich life and those where the people I grew up with. I don't have much friends and this one is one of closest, even though, he has got a serious addiction. I just don't want to loose anyone.
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So if you are really serious(sorry but too many trolls) i think that waiting another day or two if it's not to serious should help you understand it better.Also isn't there another way you can speak with your friend(asuming you can trust him) and ask him some questions?
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Call the cops to solve your problem and call the rehab to solve your friend's problem.
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i will finish reading it later, just one thing that came to my mind, if you are giving him money to pay drugs, you are not helping him
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Most probably he betrayed you and sold out to the gang
That's why you don't be friends with such people
Also when you walk and see them, don't run like a noob, walk confidently - they might just want to have a chat
P.S: next time check and write down the license numbers
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If only there were some poeple whose job involved dealing with criminals, and assisting people who believed they might be targetted by criminals! Truly that would be incredible. They could even wear uniforms, maybe hang out at some sort of station, and you could tell them about this instead of posting "OMG IM GONNA DIE" on the internet. What an amazing world that would be.
I guess you could try asking Batman.
PS: It's probably just your imagination. Killing people tends to be a lot of work, don't see why they would bother with you. Maybe smash up a kneecap or something.
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Basically, I have a feeling I am being gang stalked. And I have a reason for that. I wrote this on yahoo -
And no, the title isn't a joke. Let me tell you a bit more about this. Last night, I got a call of an old friend I know. He is a drug addict and he borrowed money from a gang, he buys drugs. He tolled me, that it is no joke, that they are guys in their 30's and they do sell drugs and guns, as well. I didn't believe it, until one day he showed me. Basically, what that call was about, was that I should help him get me money. He asked me, if I could do it for a favor and now I am collecting a bit money to help him out, since he has helped out a lot when we were younger.
After the call, I became extremely paranoid. It just happened. When I stopped talking to him, I suddenly became paranoid, even though, when we were talking I didn't feel a thing of paranoia or that I am scared. Now, it has a good explanation. Today, when I was driving in a bus from school, I saw that there was a black Rolls Royce near our bus, driving along with us. When I came out of the bus, on the other side of street, was a same looking Rolls Royce. I went home really fast and when I was almost home, I saw a black Rolls Royce as well on the other side of street. Normally, I wouldn't care, but last night, I noticed that he said ''No, they aren't little kids who just call them self ''Mafia''. They are old guys and they do drive Rolls Royce. If they wouldn't be wealthy, they wouldn't drive with them, now would they?''. And then I got scared. Because, I have this idea, that they might of found me, that I know about them, because I talked to my old friend on the phone a lot. And they know my friend's name, age, where he lives etc. And he had to give back the money yesterday and he received a threat call from them.
Now please, you must understand, that this is no joke. I am serious and I have a feeling I might get hurt or even die soon. I am even too scared to even call the friend and tell him about the money. Please, tell me your experience or any tips would be great...
Sorry, for any grammar issues, I was really stressed out when I wrote it. I don't think, this just ''happened''. I think, it has an explanation for all of this. Please post your thoughts and maybe your experience if you have one.
Thank you.
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